One surprising finding was that items raising potential social desirability concerns yielded more reliable answers than items that did not raise such concerns. The respondent-level models and cross-classified models indicated that five adult respondent characteristics were associated with giving the same answer in both interviews-education, the Big Five trait of conscientiousness, tobacco use, sex, and income. Hispanic youths and non-Hispanic black youths were less likely to give the same answer in both interviews. The cross-classified model also found that more words were associated with less reliable answers. The results are mostly consistent with earlier findings but are nonetheless important because they are much less model-dependent than the earlier work. In addition, this study is the first to incorporate such personality traits as needed for cognition and the Big Five personality factors and to examine the relationships among reliability, item nonresponse, and response latency.Personal income and assets are sensitive topics to discuss. This phenomenon is reflected in high rates of nonresponse to financial questions in surveys. In face-to-face surveys, item nonresponse is influenced by interviewers. Although interviewers are trained to conduct standardized interviews, some obtain a higher number of item nonresponses than others. This study examines interviewer effects on nonresponse to questions about household income, bank balances, and interest and dividend income in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). It first investigates the extent to which interviewers affect nonresponse to income and asset questions and second whether interviewers' prior expectations regarding respondents' likelihood to provide information about their income predict actual nonresponse rates. Results of multilevel modeling show that interviewer influence on nonresponse to the income and asset questions was significant at the five percent level. In addition, interviewer expectations were significantly correlated with "don't know" responses and "refusals." These results indicate that interviewer expectations matter in the context of income and asset questions and that survey practitioners should take this into account when designing interviewer training.Variability in crop response and nutrient use efficiencies to fertilizer application is quite common under varying soil and climatic conditions. Understanding such variability is vital to develop farm- and area- specific soil nutrient management and fertilizer recommendations. Hence the objectives of this study were to assess maize grain yield response to nutrient applications for identifying yield-limiting nutrients and to understand the magnitude of nutrient use efficiencies under varying soil and rainfall conditions. A total of 150 on-farm nutrient omission trials (NOTs) were conducted on farmers' field in high rainfall and moisture stress areas. The treatments were control, PK, NK, NP, NPK and NPK+ secondary and micronutrients. Maize grain yield, nutrient uptake, agronomic and recovery efficiencies of N and P differed between fertilizer treatments and between the contrasting agro-ecologies. The AEN ranged from 24.8 to 32.5 kg grain kg-1 N in Jimma area and from 1.0 kg grain kg-1 N (NK treatment) to 10.2 kg grain kg-1 N (NPK treatment) at Adami Tullu and from 0.1 kg grain kg-1 N (NK treatment) to 8.3 kg grain kg-1 N (NPK treatment) at Bulbula. The differing parameters between the agro-ecologies were related to difference in rainfall amount and not to soil factors. Grain yield response to N application and agronomic efficiencies of N and P were higher in the high rainfall area than in the moisture stress areas. Grain yield responded the most to nitrogen (N) application than to any other nutrients at most of the experimental sites. Owing to the magnificent yield response to N fertilizer in the current study, proper management of nitrogen is very essential for intensification of maize productivity in most maize growing areas of Ethiopia.Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, inflammatory, and autoimmune disorder. The pathogenesis of IBD is not yet clear. Studies have shown that the imbalance between T helper 17 (Th17) and regulatory T (Treg) cells, which differentiate from CD4+ T cells, contributes to IBD. Th17 cells promote tissue inflammation, and Treg cells suppress autoimmunity in IBD. Therefore, Th17/Treg cell balance is crucial. Some regulatory factors affecting the production and maintenance of these cells are also important for the proper regulation of the Th17/Treg balance; these factors include T cell receptor (TCR) signaling, costimulatory signals, cytokine signaling, bile acid metabolites, and the intestinal microbiota. This article focuses on our understanding of the function and role of the balance between Th17/Treg cells in IBD and these regulatory factors and their clinical significance in IBD.Obesity could increase the risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and affect its growth and progression, but the mechanical links are unclear. The objective of the study was to explore the impact of obesity on ESCC growth and progression utilizing in vivo trials and cell experiments in vitro. Diet-induced obese and lean nude mice were inoculated with TE-1 cells, then studied for 4 weeks. Serum glucose, insulin, leptin, and visfatin levels were assayed. Sera of nude mice were obtained and then utilized to culture TE-1. MTT, migration and invasion assays, RT-PCR, and Western blotting were used to analyze endocrine effect of obesity on cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and related genes expression of TE-1. Obese nude mice bore larger tumor xenografts than lean animals, and were hyperglycemic and hyperinsulinemic with an elevated level of leptin and visfatin in sera, and also were accompanied by a fatty liver. As for the subcutaneous tumor xenograft model, tumors were more aggressive in obese nuex effects including the endocrine effect. Interleukin-27 (IL-27) has been reported to inhibit type 2 T helper cell (Th2) response in allergic rhinitis (AR). However, its effects on group II innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) in AR are not fully understood. Nineteen patients with AR and nineteen controls were enrolled in this study. The effects of IL-27 on ILC2 differentiation and function as well as the regulation of the IL-27 receptor (IL-27R) were analyzed by tritiated thymidine incorporation, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. AR mice were used to confirm the role of IL-27 . The serum IL-27 protein expression in AR patients was significantly lower compared with controls. IL-27 decreased the ILC2 proliferation and type II cytokine secretion through the interaction with IL-27R. IL-27 also inhibited systemic and nasal ILC2 response of AR mice. IL-27 inhibited the proliferation and function of ILC2 in AR, implying that IL-27 may be used as new treatment target in AR. IL-27 inhibited the proliferation and function of ILC2 in AR, implying that IL-27 may be used as new treatment target in AR.