The working conditions of hospital care workers should be improved. Hospital care workers need improved status, increased rewards, and channels for further training and opportunities for continued career advancement. The working conditions of hospital care workers should be improved. Hospital care workers need improved status, increased rewards, and channels for further training and opportunities for continued career advancement.The standard medical practice for cancer diagnosis requires histopathology, which is an invasive and time-consuming procedure. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an alternative that is relatively fast, noninvasive, and able to capture three-dimensional structures of epithelial tissue. Unlike most previous OCT systems, which cannot capture crucial cellular-level information for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) diagnosis, the full-field OCT (FF-OCT) technology used in this paper is able to produce images at sub-micron resolution and thereby facilitates the development of a deep learning algorithm for SCC detection. Experimental results show that the SCC detection algorithm can achieve a classification accuracy of 80% for mouse skin. Using the sub-micron FF-OCT imaging system, the proposed SCC detection algorithm has the potential for in-vivo applications.Vascular disrupting agents disrupt tumor vessels, blocking the nutritional and oxygen supply tumors need to thrive. This is achieved by damaging the endothelium lining of blood vessels, resulting in red blood cells (RBCs) entering the tumor parenchyma. RBCs present in the extracellular matrix are exposed to external stressors resulting in biochemical and physiological changes. The detection of these changes can be used to monitor the efficacy of cancer treatments. Spectroscopic photoacoustic (PA) imaging is an ideal candidate for probing RBCs due to their high optical absorption relative to surrounding tissue. The goal of this work is to u