As such, they should be aware of the modifications that need to be made to the practice to prevent transmission of the disease. It is evident that COVID-19 has a negative impact on the oral health and at the same time a significant transmission risk to the dental personnel and patients who visit the clinic. If the recommendations issued by the regulatory authorities are meticulously followed, the risk of disease transmission can be lessened.  This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, and infection control measures related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak among Jordanian health care students. Besides, their social behavior and stress level regarding COVID-19 infection were assessed.  An online questionnaire was distributed to medical, dental, pharmacy, nursing, and applied health science students in Jordan during the COVID-19 outbreak quarantine in March 2020. The questionnaire comprised 38 questions assessing demographic data, knowledge, attitude, risk perception, and stress level toward COVID-19. Questions regarding infection control measures and social behavior after the quarantine were also included.  Independent samples -test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and chi-square at a significance level of 5% were used for data analysis.  A total number of 935 responses were collected. The knowledge score of 55.72% of participants was satisfactory and it was higher for the clinical years' students compuses.Infertility is described as unexplained when pregnancy does not occur despite ovulation, patent Fallopian tubes, and normal semen parameters. Oocyte developmental competence (or quality) is rate-limiting for pregnancy success as oocytes provide virtually all the cellular building blocks including mitochondria required during embryogenesis. However, available tests estimate oocyte numbers (anti-Müllerian hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and antral follicle count) and ovulation (luteal phase serum progesterone) but not the third, and most pivotal, oocyte-specific parameter, quality. Severe depletion of the follicular reserve manifests as premature ovarian insufficiency and is an obvious cause of anovulation with overt symptoms and clear diagnostic criteria. In contrast, there are no biomarkers of poor oocyte quality other than through in vitro fertilization when readouts of oocyte quality such as preimplantation embryo development can be assessed. The most common cause of poor oocyte quality is natural aging, which is strongly tied to reduced oocyte mitochondrial efficiency and increased oxidative stress. In younger women, quality may also be impaired due to accelerated aging or sporadic genetic mutations which cause severe defects during oocyte and embryo development. Thus, poor oocyte quality often provides an explanation for infertility, but because it cannot be measured using conventional tests, many cases of infertility are often incorrectly labeled "unexplained." Since female age remains the best predictor of oocyte quality, age over 37 years should be considered an independent diagnostic criterion.Imaging of endometriosis and in particular deep endometriosis (DE) is crucial in the clinical management of women facing this debilitating condition. Transvaginal sonography (TVS) is the first-line imaging method and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may provide supplemental information. However, the delay in diagnosis of up to 10 years and more is of concern. This problem might be overcome by simple steps using imaging with emphasis on TVS and referral to tertiary care. Finally, TVS is crucial in mapping extent and location of disease in planning surgical therapy and counseling women regarding various therapeutic options. This review presents the available data on imaging of endometriosis with a focus on TVS and MRI for DE, adenomyosis, and ovarian endometriomas including endometriomas in pregnancy as well as the use of "soft markers." The review presents an approach that is in accordance with the International Deep Endometriosis Analysis (IDEA) group consensus statement.  The aim of this study was to describe a novel minimally invasive surgical approach for the treatment of shoulder osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) in dogs and to retrospectively review our clinical cases treated with this approach.  The study describes a modification of Cheli surgical approach (1985), developed to reduce the degree of invasiveness as well as the incidence of postoperative complications observed in other surgical approaches to the shoulder joint. Medical records of dogs that underwent our minimally invasive approach to the scapulohumeral joint for treatment of OCD from May 2001 to May 2019 were retrospectively reviewed for intraoperative findings and complications. Clinical outcome and complications were also evaluated in the operated dogs with a minimum of a 2-month-follow-up evaluation.  A total of 164 shoulders in 141 dogs (23 bilateral), 103 males and 38 females, were examined and treated with our modified craniolateral approach for the treatment of OCD of the humeral head. In all cases, the modified craniolateral approach allowed visibility and adequate exposure of the caudal humeral head surface. Radiographic and clinical follow-up evaluations were available in 123/164 (75%) cases. The clinical outcome was consistent with other reports using different surgical approaches for OCD lesions of the humeral head in dogs.  This technique provided a reliable approach for surgical treatment of canine shoulder OCD and can be considered a valid alternative to other surgical approaches including arthroscopy.  This technique provided a reliable approach for surgical treatment of canine shoulder OCD and can be considered a valid alternative to other surgical approaches including arthroscopy.This article on the history of psychiatry provides an introductory overview of the development of psychiatric Hilfsvereine in Germany and for the first time describes the history of the Hilfsverein in the former kingdom of Württemberg - from its foundation until 1975, exploring various archival sources including this society's own archives. Since its foundation, the Hilfsverein had played a central role in the post-discharge care and support of mentally ill people in Württemberg. Until the years of National Socialism, the focus was on individual cases and family support, with a sharp ideological cut in this era. With the expansion of the social-psychiatric care structures, beginning in the late 1960 s, the focus of the society's work clearly shifted towards the support of projects for out-patients. The history of the Hilfsverein shows evidence of various breaks, as well as adjustments to political change and changes due to the development of the psychiatric care system.