Mediated by these impacts on the forage fish community, an unprecedented disruption of the normal pelagic food web was signaled by higher trophic level disruptions during 2015-2016, when seabirds, marine mammals, and groundfish experienced shifts in distribution, mass mortalities, and reproductive failures. Unlike decadal-scale variability underlying ecosystem regime shifts, the heatwave appeared to temporarily overwhelm the ability of the forage fish community to buffer against changes imposed by warm water anomalies, thereby eliminating any ecological advantages that may have accrued from having a suite of coexisting forage species with differing life-history compensations.The ability to predict malignant transformation in oral potentially malignant disorders would inform targeted treatment, provide prognostic information and allow secondary prevention. DNA ploidy and loss of heterozygosity assays are already in clinical use, and loss of heterozygosity has been used in prospective clinical trials. This review appraises published evidence of predictive ability and explores interpretation of heterogeneous studies, with different diagnostic methods, criteria and intention. Both methods have a sound biological foundation and have predictive value independent of dysplasia grading and clinical parameters. The application of these two techniques cannot be directly compared because of differences in expression of results and application to populations of different risk. Predicting malignant transformation accurately on an individual patient basis is not yet possible with either technique. However, they are valuable applications to stratify patients for inclusion in trials, identify the lowest risk patients and exclude risk when biopsy results are indeterminate for dysplasia.Host plant defence mechanisms (resistance and tolerance) and plant nutrition are two of the most widely proposed components for the control of hemiparasitic weeds of the genus Striga in tropical cereal production systems. Neither of the two components alone is effective enough to prevent parasitism and concomitant crop losses. This review explores the potential of improved plant nutrition, being the chemical constituent of soil fertility, to fortify the expression of plant inherent resistance and tolerance against Striga. Beyond reviewing advances in parasitic plant research, we assess relevant insights from phytopathology and plant physiology in the broader sense to identify opportunities and knowledge gaps and to develop the way forward regarding research and development of combining genetics and plant nutrition for the durable control of Striga. As part of the process of de-institutionalization in the Swedish mental healthcare system, a reform was implemented in 1995, moving the responsibility for services and social support for people with severe mental illness (SMI) from the regional level to the municipalities. In many ways, older people with SMI were neglected in this changing landscape of psychiatric care. The aim of this study is to investigate functional levels, living conditions, need of support in daily life, and how these aspects changed over time for older people with SMI. In this study we used data from surveys collected in 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2011 and data from national registers. A group of older adults with severe persistent mental illness (SMI-OP) was identified and divided into those who experienced shorter stays (less than 3 years) in a mental hospital (N=118) and longer stays (N=117). After correcting for longitudinal changes with age, the longer-stay group was more likely than the shorter-stay group to experience functional difficulties and as a result, were more likely to have experienced 're-institutionalization' to another care setting, as opposed to living independently. The length of mental illness hospitalization has significant effects on the living conditions of older people with SMI and their ability to participate in social life. The length of mental illness hospitalization has significant effects on the living conditions of older people with SMI and their ability to participate in social life.During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, an outbreak of children with yellow-to-brown pigmentation on the skin was observed. Because of the restrictions on movements promulgated during the lockdown, most consultancies were performed using teledermatology. Data concerning personal care products and topical substances application were collected revealing the use of the same brand of wipes in all the patients. A liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was performed to compare the components of the wipes before and after the observation of the pigmentation, in order to detect the responsible substance revealing a level about ten fold higher of ascorbic acid and its oxidation products (dehydroascorbic acid and L-threonic acid) in the wipes associated with the pigmentation. The "coloring wipes" represented a peculiar but harmless phenomenon that highlights the importance of a careful collection of personal care products used by patients.Ultrabright fluorescent nanoparticles (NPs) hold great promise for demanding bioimaging applications. Recently, extremely bright molecular crystals of cationic fluorophores were obtained by hierarchical coassembly with cyanostar anion-receptor complexes. These small-molecule ionic isolation lattices (SMILES) ensure spatial and electronic isolation to prohibit aggregation quenching of dyes. We report a simple, one-step supramolecular approach to formulate SMILES materials into NPs. Rhodamine-based SMILES NPs stabilized by glycol amphiphiles show high fluorescence quantum yield (30 %) and brightness per volume (5000 M-1  cm-1 /nm3 ) with 400 dye molecules packed into 16-nm particles, corresponding to a particle absorption coefficient of 4×107  M-1  cm-1 . UV excitation of the cyanostar component leads to higher brightness (>6000 M-1  cm-1 / nm3 ) by energy transfer to rhodamine emitters. Coated NPs stain cells and are thus promising for bioimaging.Resilience quantifies the ability of a system to remain in or return to its current state following disturbance. Due to inconsistent terminology and usage of resilience frameworks, quantitative resilience studies are challenging, and resilience is often treated as an abstract concept rather than a measurable system characteristic. We used a novel, spatially explicit stakeholder engagement process to quantify social-ecological resilience to fire, in light of modeled social-ecological fire risk, across the non-fire-adapted Sonoran Desert Ecosystem in Arizona, USA. Depending on its severity and the characteristics of the ecosystem, fire as a disturbance has the potential to drive ecological state change. As a result, fire regime change is of increasing concern as global change and management legacies alter the distribution and flammability of fuels. Because management and use decisions impact resources and ecological processes, social and ecological factors must be evaluated together to predict resilience to fire.