This paper studies instance-dependent Positive and Unlabeled (PU) classification, where whether a positive example will be labeled (indicated by s) is not only related to the class label y, but also depends on the observation x. Therefore, the labeling probability on positive examples is not uniform as previous works assumed, but is biased to some simple or critical data points. To depict the above dependency relationship, a graphical model is built in this paper which further leads to a maximization problem on the induced likelihood function regarding P(s,y|x). By utilizing the well-known EM and Adam optimization techniques, the labeling probability of any positive example P(s=1|y=1,x) as well as the classifier induced by P(y|x) can be acquired. Theoretically, we prove that the critical solution always exists, and is locally unique for linear model if some sufficient conditions are met. Moreover, we upper bound the generalization error for both linear logistic and non-linear network instantiations of our algorithm. Empirically, we compare our method with state-of-the-art instance-independent and instance-dependent PU algorithms on a wide range of synthetic, benchmark and real-world datasets, and the experimental results firmly demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method over the existing PU approaches.Existing face hallucination methods based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved impressive performance on low-resolution (LR) faces in a normal illumination condition. However, their performance degrades dramatically when LR faces are captured in non-uniform illumination conditions. This paper proposes a Recursive Copy and Paste Generative Adversarial Network (Re-CPGAN) to recover authentic high-resolution (HR) face images while compensating for non-uniform illumination. To this end, we develop two key components in our Re-CPGAN internal and recursive external Copy and Paste networks (CPnets). Our internal CPnet exploits facial self-similarity information residing in the input image to enhance facial details; while our recursive external CPnet leverages an external guided face for illumination compensation. Specifically, our recursive external CPnet stacks multiple external Copy and Paste (EX-CP) units in a compact model to learn normal illumination and enhance facial details recursively. By doing so, our method offsets illumination and upsamples facial details progressively in a coarse-to-fine fashion, thus alleviating the ambiguity of correspondences between LR inputs and external guided inputs. Furthermore, a new illumination compensation loss is developed to capture illumination from the external guided face image effectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves authentic HR images in a uniform illumination condition with a 16x magnification factor and outperforms state-of-the-art methods qualitatively and quantitatively.Domain Adaptation aims at adapting the knowledge learned from a domain (source-domain) to another (target-domain). Existing approaches typically require a portion of task-relevant target-domain data a priori. We propose an approach, zero-shot deep domain adaptation (ZDDA), which uses paired dual-domain task-irrelevant data to eliminate the need for task-relevant target-domain training data. ZDDA learns to generate common representations for source and target domains data. Then, either domain representation is used later to train a system that works on both domains or having the ability to eliminate the need to either domain in sensor fusion settings. Two variants of ZDDA have been developed ZDDA for classification task (ZDDA-C) and ZDDA for metric learning task (ZDDA-ML). Another limitation in Existing approaches is that most of them are designed for the closed-set classification task, i.e., the sets of classes in both the source and target domains are "known." However, ZDDA-C is also applicable to the open-set classification task where not all classes are "known" during training. Moreover, the effectiveness of ZDDA-ML shows ZDDA's applicability is not limited to classification tasks. ZDDA-C and ZDDA-ML are tested on classification and metric-learning tasks, respectively. Under most experimental conditions, ZDDA outperforms the baseline without using task-relevant target-domain-training data.Graph node embedding aims at learning a vector representation for all nodes given a graph. It is a central problem in many machine learning tasks (e.g., node classification, recommendation, community detection). The key problem in graph node embedding lies in how to define the dependence to neighbors. Existing approaches specify (either explicitly or implicitly) certain dependencies on neighbors, which may lead to loss of subtle but important structural information within the graph and other dependencies among neighbors. This intrigues us to ask the question can we design a model to give the adaptive flexibility of dependencies to each node's neighborhood. In this paper, we propose a novel graph node embedding method (named PINE) via a novel notion of partial permutation invariant set function, to capture any possible dependence. Our method 1) can learn an arbitrary form of the representation function from the neighborhood, without losing any potential dependence structures, and 2) is applicable to both homogeneous and heterogeneous graph embedding, the latter of which is challenged by the diversity of node types. Furthermore, we provide theoretical guarantee for the representation capability of our method for general homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs. Empirical evaluation results on benchmark data sets show that our proposed PINE method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on producing node vectors for various learning tasks of both homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs.Natural Language Video Localization (NLVL) aims to locate a target moment from an untrimmed video that semantically corresponds to a text query. Existing approaches mainly solve the NLVL problem from the perspective of computer vision by formulating it as ranking, anchor, or regression tasks. These methods suffer from large performance degradation when localizing on long videos. In this work, we address the NLVL from a new perspective, \ie span-based question answering (QA), by treating the input video as a text passage. We propose a video span localizing network (VSLNet), on top of the standard span-based QA framework (named VSLBase), to address NLVL. VSLNet tackles the differences between NLVL and span-based QA through a simple yet effective query-guided highlighting (QGH) strategy. QGH guides VSLNet to search for the matching video span within a highlighted region. To address the performance degradation on long videos, we further extend VSLNet to VSLNet-L by applying a multi-scale split-and-concatenation strategy to locate the target moment accurately.