PATIENT SUMMARY We compared the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome in patients receiving immunotherapy for renal cell carcinoma. We found that higher microbial diversity is associated with better treatment outcomes. Treatment response is characterized by changes in microbial species over the course of treatment. College students use their voices at excessively loud intensities and long durations during college fests. The accumulative effect of vocally abusive behaviors in the presence of high ambient noise, poor vocal hygiene, and other environmental factors contribute significantly towards reducing vocal effectiveness in college students. The present study aimed to study the effect of a vocally demanding situation (college Fest) on perceptual and objective voice features of college students. In this study, a total number of 27 undergraduate female students participated in the age range of 18-27 years. Pre-test-post-test research design was applied. Data analysis consisted of video stroboscopic examination, acoustic analysis using the Multi-dimensional voice program (MDVP), and perceptual evaluation with the GRBAS scale. The data obtained were processed using descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests to determine the difference in each measured parameter pre- and postfest. Incomplete glottis closure, as period of vocal rest.Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral disease first described in Wuhan, China, which has quickly emerged as a global pandemic with a myriad of manifestations including dermatologic (Li My et al., n.d.; Gottlieb and Long, 2020 [1,2]). A variety of cutaneous symptoms have presented throughout various stages of the disease (Marzano, 2020; Recalcati, n.d.; Henry et al., n.d.; Fernandez-Nieto et al., n.d.; Quintana-Castanedo et al., n.d. [3-5,7,8]). We describe a case of a female patient who presented with an Erythema Nodosum-like exanthema likely secondary to COVID-19. The patient described tested positive for COVID-19 three days prior to presentation for the rash with minimal other symptoms of COVID-19. Given the high infectivity rate as well as multisystem presentation, it is important to continue to report on novel presentations of the virus for early identification and treatment of complications.Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital defect. Infants with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) require complex medical care, and their caregivers need extensive training before being discharged home to safely care for their child. The rooming-in process provides caregivers with an opportunity to learn, practice, and manage the skills required for discharge to home during hospitalization. Although the literature reflects positive implications for the use of the rooming-in process in other populations (e.g., neonatal abstinence syndrome), literature about the rooming-in process in a pediatric cardiac care setting is limited. There remains a gap in the literature pertaining to the viewpoints of nurses, specifically as it relates to implementing a rooming-in process. Therefore, a qualitative study design was chosen to explore the nurses' perceptions of the rooming-in process using focus groups. The purpose of this study was to gain insight from nurses as to strategies to enhance the rooming-in process for caregivers of infants with CCHD. Additionally, we explored potential education and interventions to improve outcomes for infants with CCHD preparing to be discharged home. Motion sickness (MS) is a familiar condition to scuba divers. The purpose of this study was to compare otolith organ function of scuba divers who have MS to those without MS. Video-oculography (VOG) goggles were used to measure video ocular counter-roll (vOCR) in 50 healthy scuba divers with no vestibular pathology. Divers with MS (n=30) had Graybiel motion sickness (GMS) scores of ≥1 point, and divers without MS (n=20) had GMS scores of 0. Divers with MS also completed the Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire short form (MSSQs). For all divers, otolith-ocular function of both ears was tested separately via vOCR testing, which was performed during 30° head tilt. An R-L side asymmetry ratio for vOCR values (%OCRA) was compared to divers' static OCR. MSSQs and %OCRA scores differed significantly (p<0.01and p<0.001, respectively) between divers with MS and divers without MS. Their %OCRA scores and severity of MS were significantly correlated. Female divers were more susceptible to MS. ROC anave factors beyond those related to otolith organ function in scuba divers with MS. The aim of this study is to establish a unilateral tongue atrophy model by cutting the hypoglossal nerve and to evaluate the safety and feasibility of a fat injection of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) to restore swallowing function. A total of 12 rabbits were randomized to three groups; the ADSCs+fat group (n=4), the fat group (n=4) and the control group (n=4). All rabbits were treated with denervation of the left hypoglossal nerve and their conditions including body weight and food intake were checked during follow-up periods (8 weeks). At 4 weeks after the transection of the nerve, rabbits received the injection therapy into the denervated side of the tongue with 1.0mL fat tissue premixed with 0.5mL ADSCs in the ADSCs+fat group, 1.0mL fat tissue premixed with 0.5mL PBS in the fat group and 1.5mL PBS in the control group. Rabbits were euthanized 8 weeks post-treatment and resected tongues were collected, formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded. To evaluate the change of the intrinsic muscles of the tongt of muscle change after nerve transection. Fat injection therapy with ADSCs demonstrated great potential to prevent the muscle atrophy after denervation and to promote the muscle regeneration around the injection area. The rabbit tongue atrophy model was found suitable for the assessment of muscle change after nerve transection. Fat injection therapy with ADSCs demonstrated great potential to prevent the muscle atrophy after denervation and to promote the muscle regeneration around the injection area. Nasal transcriptomics can provide an accessible window into asthma pathobiology. Our goal was to move beyond gene signatures of asthma to identify master regulator genes that causally regulate genes associated with asthma phenotypes. We recruited 156 children with severe persistent asthma and controls for nasal transcriptome profiling and applied network-based and probabilistic causal methods to identify severe asthma genes and their master regulators. We then took the same approach in an independent cohort of 190 adults with mild/moderate asthma and controls to identify mild/moderate asthma genes and their master regulators. Comparative analysis of the master regulator genes followed by validation testing in independent children with severe asthma (n= 21) and mild/moderate asthma (n= 154) was then performed. Nasal gene signatures for severe persistent asthma and for mild/moderate persistent asthma were identified; both were found to be enriched in coexpression network modules for ciliary function and inflammatory response.