Thin-film lithium niobate (LN) has been proved to be an excellent platform for building compact active and nonlinear photonic components on a chip. The coupling of a sub-micron sized LN waveguide and a single-mode fiber remains as one challenging issue. An efficient grating coupler made of Au stripes on an LN ridge waveguide is demonstrated here. The fabrication of the grating is convenient, using just a standard lift-off process of metal films. The peak coupling efficiency of an optimized structure reaches 50.4%, i.e., -3 dB coupling loss, at 1.55 µm wavelength for the fundamental transverse-electrical mode, where the 1-dB coupling bandwidth is 58 nm. Experimentally, fabricated devices, with buried oxide layer thicknesses slightly off the optimal values, exhibit coupling efficiencies of 43.8% and 33.7% for 400 nm and 600 nm thick LN layers.This paper reports an experimental demonstration of moiré metalens which shows wide focal length tunability from negative to positive by mutual angle rotation at the wavelength of 900 nm. The moiré metalens was developed using high index contrast transmitarray meta-atoms made of amorphous silicon octagonal pillars, which is designed to have polarization insensitivity and full 2π phase coverage. The fabricated moiré metalens showed focal length tunability at the ranges between ±1.73 - ±5 mm, which corresponds to the optical power ranges between ±578 - ±200 m-1 at the mutual rotation between ±90 degrees.A method to realize pulse laser phase locking and homodyne detection is proposed, which can be used in lidar and continuous variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) systems. Theoretical analysis shows that homodyne detection of pulse laser has a sensitivity advantage of more than 4 dB over heterodyne detection. An experimental verification setup was constructed to realize phase-locking and homodyne detection of pulse lasers at repetition rates from 50 kHz to 2.4 MHz. For 320 ns signa