The charge transfer excitation and d-d transitions hindered the π-π* transition of the sp2 clusters, leading to a quenching effect. On the other hand, Li+, Na+, and K+ ions did not alter the π-π* transition of the sp2 clusters, resulting in a negligible quenching effect. In summary, the oxidation level and electronic structure of CDs derived from bitter tea residue could be tailored, and the CDs were shown to be a facile, sustainable, and eco-friendly material for metal sensing.Rates of preterm birth and low birthweight continue to rise in the United States and pose a significant public health problem. Although a variety of environmental exposures are known to contribute to these and other adverse birth outcomes, there has been a limited success in developing policies to prevent these outcomes. A better characterization of the complexities between multiple exposures and their biological responses can provide the evidence needed to inform public health policy and strengthen preventative population-level interventions. In order to achieve this, we encourage the establishment of an interdisciplinary data science framework that integrates epidemiology, toxicology and bioinformatics with biomarker-based research to better define how population-level exposures contribute to these adverse birth outcomes. The proposed interdisciplinary research framework would 1) facilitate data-driven analyses using existing data from health registries and environmental monitoring programs; 2) develop novel algorithms with the ability to predict which exposures are driving, in this case, adverse birth outcomes in the context of simultaneous exposures; and 3) refine biomarker-based research, ultimately leading to new policies and interventions to reduce the incidence of adverse birth outcomes.Antibiotic pollutants have posed a huge threat to the ecological environment and human health. In this work, α-Bi2O3/g-C3N4 composite was prepared and coupled with H2O2 for the rapid and efficient degradation of doxycycline (DOX) in water under visible light irradiation. The composite exhibited enhanced photocatalytic activity and 80.5% of DOX could be degraded in 120 min. The addition of H2O2 significantly improved the degradation efficiency of DOX under visible light, resulting in 79.0% of it degraded within 30 min, and the degradation rate constant of DOX was 3.6 times than that without H2O2. On the one hand, the Z-scheme heterojunction of α-Bi2O3/g-C3N4 promoted the separation rate of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, thereby enhancing the photocatalytic activity of the composite. On the other hand, the improvement of photocatalytic efficiency also benefited from the extra hydroxyl radicals generated by the reaction of photogenerated electrons with H2O2 in the photocatalytic system. Free radicals trapping experiments and electron spin resonance tests proved that played prominent role in the degradation process. After adding H2O2, OH also became important active species. Cyclic degradation experiments demonstrated the recyclability of the composite photocatalyst in DOX elimination applications. This work provides an efficient, clean, and recyclable purification strategy for removing antibiotic contaminants from water. A vast amount of research has focused on the effects of physical fitness (PF) on mortality, with little research evaluating the effects of PF on future expected health related quality of life (HRQoL). To evaluate how current PF influences future HRQoL measured in a prospective 8-year study in older adults. A total of 617 (157 males) older adults (>65y) participated in the study. PF was assessed with the EXERNET battery in 2008-2009 (baseline) and 2016-2017 (follow-up). HRQoL was assessed using the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire in both evaluations. PF tertiles were developed from baseline PF variables FIT (highest PF values), REGULAR and UNFIT (lowest PF values) taking into account age and sex. Follow-up HRQoL values were compared to sex and age-specific expected values. Logistic regressions were performed to test differences between PF tertiles regarding future expected quality of life. Linear regressions were developed to test whether baseline PF could predict future HRQoL scores. The FIT group showed higher probabilities of an improved HRQoL when compared to the UNFIT group. All PF variables seemed to be important at some point of the study except upper extremities flexibility. Aerobic endurance was the variable that showed to be significant for most of the HRQoL predictions. PF influences future HRQoL in older adults who accordingly should try to remain fit to maintain an increased age-adjusted HRQoL. PF influences future HRQoL in older adults who accordingly should try to remain fit to maintain an increased age-adjusted HRQoL.Vaccination has milestone significance for the prophylactic and complete elimination of infectious diseases. However, combating malignant infectious diseases, such as Ebola or HIV, remains a challenge. It is necessary to explore novel technologies to facilitate the immune profile of vaccines. Particles exhibit a remarkable ability to modulate sophisticated immunity because of their intrinsic adjuvanticity or codelivery with immunostimulatory molecules. Recently, particles have been broadly investigated as carriers for vaccine delivery. Their physicochemical parameters (e.g., size, shape, and surface chemistry) significantly influence their in vivo fate and subsequent immunization effect. Herein, we highlight several types of particulate carrier used in the delivery of vaccines. We also examine how to engineer the physical and chemical characteristics of particulate adjuvants to make them robust candidates for a versatile vaccine delivery platform.Solute carrier (SLC) transporters are primarily known for their function in the transportation of various exogenous/endogenous substances via influx/efflux mechanisms. In addition to their diverse role in several tumor-modulating functions, such as proliferation, migration, angiogenesis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), epigenetic modification, chemoresistance, immunoregulation, and oncometabolism, influx/efflux-independent contributions of SLCs in the activation of various signaling network cascades that might drive metastatic tumor formation have also been uncovered. Disappointingly, even after two decades and the discovery of >450 SLCs, many of their members remain orphans in terms of cancer pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the tumor-modulating functions, mechanisms, and complexity of SLCs, as well as their potential as targets for cancer therapy.