Au is an ideal noble metal as an electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation reaction owing to its high performance-to-cost ratio. The catalyst usually exists as nanoparticles (NPs) for high surface area to volume ratio. In the present paper, a non-traditional physical approach has been developed to fabricate ultra-small and homogeneous single crystalline Au NPs by ion bombardment in a PIPS system. TEM characterizations show that the Au NPs produced with 5 keV Ar+ are highly strained to form twinned crystals, which accumulate large amount of surface energy, and this was found to be an underlying reason causing strong catalysis. Electrochemistry tests reveal that in alkaline medium, C1 pathway occurs much more preferentially with the strained Au NPs than the normal Au NPs. Surface area to volume ratio is no longer the only factor that affects the performance; instead, surface energy might play a more important role in enhancing the catalytic activities.Potassium channels play an important physiological role in glioma cells. In particular, voltage- and Ca2+-activated large-conductance BK channels (gBK in gliomas) are involved in the intensive growth and extensive migrating behavior of the mentioned tumor cells; thus, they may be considered as a drug target for the therapeutic treatment of glioblastoma. To enable appropriate drug design, molecular mechanisms of gBK channel activation by diverse stimuli should be unraveled as well as the way that the specific conformational states of the channel relate to its functional properties (conducting/nonconducting). There is an open debate about the actual mechanism of BK channel gating, including the question of how the channel proteins undergo a range of conformational transitions when they flicker between nonconducting (functionally closed) and conducting (open) states. The details of channel conformational diffusion ought to have its representation in the properties of the