Viruses have evolved mechanisms to manipulate microtubules (MTs) for the efficient realization of their replication programs. Studying the mechanisms of replication of mouse polyomavirus (MPyV), we observed previously that in the late phase of infection, a considerable amount of the main structural protein, VP1, remains in the cytoplasm associated with hyperacetylated microtubules. VP1-microtubule interactions resulted in blocking the cell cycle in the G2/M phase. We are interested in the mechanism leading to microtubule hyperacetylation and stabilization and the roles of tubulin acetyltransferase 1 (αTAT1) and deacetylase histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) and VP1 in this mechanism. Therefore, HDAC6 inhibition assays, αTAT1 knock out cell infections, in situ cell fractionation, and confocal and TIRF microscopy were used. The experiments revealed that the direct interaction of isolated microtubules and VP1 results in MT stabilization and a restriction of their dynamics. VP1 leads to an increase in polymerized tubulin in cells, thus favoring αTAT1 activity. The acetylation status of MTs did not affect MPyV infection. However, the stabilization of MTs by VP1 in the late phase of infection may compensate for the previously described cytoskeleton destabilization by MPyV early gene products and is important for the observed inhibition of the G2→M transition of infected cells to prolong the S phase.Aim of this blinded, prospective, randomized clinical study was to compare three different lubricant eye drops (LED) in healthy adult dogs undergoing general anaesthesia (GA) for non-ophthalmic surgery. Tear production rate was monitored by means of Schirmer tear test-1 (STT-1), and incidence of post-operative corneal abrasions/ulcerations was detected by corneal staining. A complete ophthalmic examination was performed before premedication, at extubation time and 24 h after GA in twenty-five non-brachycephalic dogs (fifty eyes) undergoing elective orthopaedic or spinal surgery procedures. Dogs were randomly allocated to one of three groups receiving as prophylactic LED either carmellose sodium (GC), or 1% hyaluronic acid (GH), or 0.25% hyaluronic acid (GL). In each eye STT-1 was repeated every hour during GA, before instilling one drop of the assigned LED. In all groups STT-1 values drastically decreased during GA, while 24 h later nine eyes (18%) had STT-1 values lower than 15 mm/minute. All of the three formulations tested were fully effective in preventing corneal ulceration (0% in all groups), while 10% of eyes reported superficial de-epithelialization. Fluorescein staining demonstrated that hourly prophylactic LED application prevented exposure keratopathy during general anesthesia in 90% of the eyes in non-brachycephalic dogs.The expression of HIGD2A is dependent on oxygen levels, glucose concentration, and cell cycle progression. This gene encodes for protein HIG2A, found in mitochondria and the nucleus, promoting cell survival in hypoxic conditions. The genomic location of HIGD2A is in chromosome 5q35.2, where several chromosomal abnormalities are related to numerous cancers. The analysis of high definition expression profiles of HIGD2A suggests a role for HIG2A in cancer biology. Accordingly, the research objective was to perform a molecular biosystem analysis of HIGD2A aiming to discover HIG2A implications in cancer biology. For this purpose, public databases such as SWISS-MODEL protein structure homology-modelling server, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), MethHC a database of DNA methylation and gene expression in human cancer, and microRNA-target interactions database (miRTarBase) were accessed. We also evaluated, by using Real-Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerasely involved in the change of cellular energetics happening in cancer. As a result, it is worth continuing to explore the role of HIGD2A in cancer biology. Multiple drug resistant fungi pose a serious threat to human health, therefore the development of completely new antimycotics is of paramount importance. The in vitro antifungal activity of the original, 1-amino-5-isocyanonaphthalenes (ICANs) was evaluated against reference strains of clinically important Candida species. Structure-activity studies revealed that the naphthalene core and the isocyano- together with the amino moieties are all necessary to exert antifungal activity. 1,1-N-dimethylamino-5-isocyanonaphthalene (DIMICAN), the most promising candidate, was tested further in vitro against clinical isolates of Candida species, yielding a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.04-1.25 µg/mL. DIMICAN was found to be effective against intrinsically fluconazole resistant Candida krusei isolates, too. In vivo experiments were performed in a severly neutropenic murine model inoculated with a clinical strain of Candida albicans. Daily administration of 5 mg/kg DIMICAN intraperitoneally resulted in 80% survival even at day 13, whereas 100% of the control group died within six days. Based on these results, ICANs may become an effective clinical lead compound family against fungal pathogens.Bone marrow edema (BME) is a descriptive term for a common finding in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although pain is the major symptom, BME differs in terms of its causal mechanisms, underlying disease, as well as treatment and prognosis. This complexity together with the lack of evidence-based guidelines, frequently makes the identification of underlying conditions and its management a major challenge. Unnecessary multiple consultations and delays in diagnosis as well as therapy indicate a need for interdisciplinary clinical recommendations. Therefore, an interdisciplinary task force was set up within our large osteology center consisting of specialists from internal medicine, endocrinology/diabetology, hematology/oncology, orthopedics, pediatrics, physical medicine, radiology, rheumatology, and trauma surgery to develop a consenus paper. After review of literature, review of practical experiences (expert opinion), and determination of consensus findings, an overview and an algorithm were developed with concise summaries of relevant aspects of the respective underlying disease including diagnostic measures, clinical features, differential diagnosis and treatment of BME.