Trophic niche and diet comparisons among closely sympatric marine species are important to understand complex food webs, particularly in regions most affected by climate change. Using stable isotope analyses, all ontogenetic stages of three sympatric species of Arctic cephalopods (genus Rossia) were studied to assess inter- and intraspecific competition with niche and diet overlap and partitioning in West Greenland and the Barents Sea. Seven traits related to resource and habitat utilization were identified in Rossia no trait was shared by all three species. High boreal R. megaptera and Arctic endemic R. moelleri shared three traits with each other, while both R. megaptera and R. moelleri shared only two unique traits each with widespread boreal-Arctic R. palpebrosa. Thus all traits formed fully uncrossing pattern with each species having unique strategy of resource and habitat utilization. Predicted climate changes in the Arctic would have an impact on competition among Rossia with one potential 'winner' (R. megaptera in the Barents Sea) but no potential 'losers'.Implementing the principles of tissue engineering within the clinical management of non-vital immature permanent teeth is of clinical interest. However, the ideal scaffold remains elusive. The aim of this work was to assess the feasibility of decellularising rat dental pulp tissue and evaluate the ability of such scaffold to support stem cell repopulation. Rat dental pulps were retrieved and divided into control and decellularised groups. The decellularisation protocol incorporated a low detergent concentration and hypotonic buffers. After decellularisation, the scaffolds were characterised histologically, immunohistochemistry and the residual DNA content quantified. Surface topography was also viewed under scanning electron microscopy. Biocompatibility was evaluated using cytotoxicity assays utilising L-929 cell line. Decellularised scaffolds were recellularised with human dental pulp stem cells up to 14 days in vitro. Cellular viability was assessed using LIVE/DEAD stain kit and the recellularised scaffolds were further assessed histologically and immunolabelled using makers for odontoblastic differentiation, cytoskeleton components and growth factors. Analysis of the decellularised scaffolds revealed an acellular matrix with histological preservation of structural components. Decellularised scaffolds were biocompatible and able to support stem cell survival following recellularisation. Immunolabelling of the recellularised scaffolds demonstrated positive cellular expression against the tested markers in culture. This study has demonstrated the feasibility of developing a biocompatible decellularised dental pulp scaffold, which is able to support dental pulp stem cell repopulation. Clinically, decellularised pulp tissue could possibly be a suitable scaffold for use within regenerative (reparative) endodontic techniques.Firearm-related violence is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality and is at the center of a major public health and policy debate in the United States. Despite the critical role of data in informing this debate, accurate and comprehensive data on firearm sales and ownership is not readily available. In this study, we evaluate the potential of using firearm-related internet search queries as a complementary, freely available, and near-real-time data source for tracking firearm sales and ownership that enables analysis at finer geographic and temporal scales. (Here, we examine data by state and by month to compare with other data sources, but search engine volume can be analyzed by city and by the week or by day). We validate search query volume against available data on background checks in all 50 US states, and find that they are highly correlated over time (Pearson's r = 0.96, Spearman's ρ = 0.94) and space (Pearson's r = 0.78, Spearman's ρ = 0.76). We find that stratifying this analysis by gun type (long-gun vs. handgun) increases this correlation dramatically, across both time and space. We also find a positive association between firearm-related search query volume and firearm-related mortality (Pearson's r = 0.87, Spearman's ρ = 0.90), and a negative association with the strength of state-level firearm control policies (Pearson's r = -0.82, Spearman's ρ = -0.83). Based on these findings, we propose a framework for prospective surveillance that incorporates firearm-related internet search volume as a useful complementary data source to inform the public health policy debate on this issue.Contact tracing and lockdown are health policies being used worldwide to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19). The UK National Health Service (NHS) Track and Trace Service has plans for a nationwide app that notifies the need for self-isolation to those in contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19. To be successful, such an app will require high uptake, the determinants and willingness for which are unclear but essential to understand for effective public health benefit. The objective of this study was to measure the determinants of willingness to participate in an NHS app-based contact-tracing programme using a questionnaire within the Care Information Exchange (CIE)-the largest patient-facing electronic health record in the NHS. Among 47,708 registered NHS users of the CIE, 27% completed a questionnaire asking about willingness to participate in app-based contact tracing, understanding of government advice, mental and physical wellbeing and their healthcare utilisation-related or not to COVID-19. Dess a tool to suppress an epidemic.The objective of this study was to investigate the expression and clinical role of ATP-binding cassette transporter 13 (ABCA13) gene previously shown to be associated with schizophrenia (SZ) through Genome-wide association studies studies. Thirty-two first-episode drug-naive SZ patients and forty-eight age and gender-matched healthy controls were enrolled in this study. We measured ABCA13 mRNA expression levels using quantitative real-time PCR at baseline and 12 weeks after antipsychotic therapy. Moreover, clinical symptoms were measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) at baseline and 12-week follow-up. We found that ABCA13 mRNA levels were significantly lower in SZ patients compared with healthy controls at baseline. SZ patients' symptoms were decreased, but ABCA13 mRNA levels were increased after 12 weeks antipsychotic therapy. In addition, there was a significant difference in ABCA13 mRNA levels among SZ patients at baseline and 12-week follow-up. The ABCA13 mRNA levels were not associated with age, BMI, years of education.