The world of work is facing an ongoing pandemic and an economic downturn with severe effects worldwide. Workers trapped in precarious employment (PE), both formal and informal, are among those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here we call attention to at least 5 critical ways that the consequences of the crisis among workers in PE will be felt globally (a) PE will increase, (b) workers in PE will become more precarious, (c) workers in PE will face unemployment without being officially laid off, (d) workers in PE will be exposed to serious stressors and dramatic life changes that may lead to a rise in diseases of despair, and (e) PE might be a factor in deterring the control of or in generating new COVID-19 outbreaks. We conclude that what we really need is a new social contract, where the work of all workers is recognized and protected with adequate job contracts, employment security, and social protection in a new economy, both during and after the COVID-19 crisis.This study aims to evaluate factors associated with health care utilization (HCU) and to assess vertical and horizontal equity in utilization among Nepali older adults. Data are from an existing cross-sectional study involving systematic random sampling of 260 older adults in Far-Western (Sudurpaschim) Province of Nepal. Andersen's theoretical framework was used to assess predisposing, enabling, and need factors that have the potential to influence health care utilization. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine potential correlates of HCU. Horizontal and vertical equity were assessed using concentration curve and index. More than one-third of participants had not visited a health facility in the prior 12 months. Nine in 10 participants did not know about the government's free health service for older adults. Joint/extended family type, Ayurvedic/Homeopathic health care preference, higher-income tertile, and pr