The diagnostic significance of coagulation parameters in periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is currently attracting increasing attention. We assessed the diagnostic accuracy of thromboelastography (TEG) for PJI and compared the values of various coagulation indicators for PJI diagnosis and reimplantation timing. We enrolled 250 patients undergoing revision for aseptic failure (Group A), revision for PJI (Group B), or reimplantation (Group C) during 2013-2020. C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), representative coagulation-related indicators (reaction time [R], clotting time [K], angle and maximum amplitude [MA]) of TEG and routine coagulation indicators, including fibrinogen, D-dimer, fibrin degradation product (FDP), platelets count (PC), mean platelet volume (MPV), distribution width (PDW) and plateletcrit (PCT) as well as PC/MPV ratio(PVR)were measured preoperatively. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to evaluate the utility of all tested indicators faccuracy for PJI and effectively guided the timing of reimplantation. TEG was closely related to PJI and could serve as a valuable technique for identifying residual infection before reimplantation. Fibrinogen showed high diagnostic accuracy for PJI and effectively guided the timing of reimplantation. Acetabular fractures represent a complex surgical challenge. Given the heterogenous fracture pattern, the patient characteristics and spectrum of complications demand individual solutions. Surgical site infections (SSI) threaten osteosynthesis, and early detection of them and treatment remain crucial. What is the value of postoperative C-reactive protein (CRP) in this group of patients as well as its normal course? 115 patients with isolated fractures of the acetabulum were retrospectively evaluated. CRP, white blood cell count (WBC) and fracture patterns as well as patient characteristics were assessed for 20days following operative fixation of the acetabular fracture (n=71) and in fractures that were managed conservatively (n=44). Twelve patients suffered an infectious complication. With a one-phase decay, 70.55% of the variance of postoperative CRP kinetics was predicted. To anticipate maximum CRP as well as an infection, the preoperative CRP represented the best prognostic parameter. To predict an infection, the single variable "peak CRP value above 100mg/l" resulted in a sensitivity and specificity of 91.67% and 36.21%, respectively. Combining a second peak of CRP with maximum CRP and day 5 CRP value for receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis resulted in 83.3% and 88.1%, respectively. Predicting surgical site infections after an acetabular fracture is most predictive when analyzing the maximum overall CRP, the second peak and the CRP after day 5. With a combination of these parameters, a sensitivity and specificity of 83.3% and 88.1% to detect an infection was achieved. Predicting surgical site infections after an acetabular fracture is most predictive when analyzing the maximum overall CRP, the second peak and the CRP after day 5. With a combination of these parameters, a sensitivity and specificity of 83.3% and 88.1% to detect an infection was achieved. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is measured routinely as part of Chronic Kidney Disease Bone and Mineral Disorders (CKD-MBD) assessment. Multiple PTH assays exist with known differences resulting in CKD-MBD guidelines recommending treatment based on assay-specific thresholds. The study objectives are to assess between manufacturer and within manufacturer variability of PTH assays and the impact of assay variability on the assessment of CKD-BMD using both vendor defined and empirically derived thresholds. Data were collected from Ontario, Canada's Proficiency Testing Program (24 challenge vials, 115-133 laboratories all using secondary generation PTH assays. Mean PTH and precision by the coefficient of analytical variation (CV were calculated. For each vial, whether the manufacturer's mean value exceeded the vendor-defined and empirically-derived upper limit of normal (ULN) was recorded and the concordance between assays was determined. Across all laboratories, the mean PTH range was 12.0±3.9pmol/L and the mean CV was 30%. The percent of vials with a mean PTH exceeding manufacturer's specific ULN varied substantially between manufacturers. Only 58% of vials had complete concordance as to whether mean PTH was above assay-specific ULNs. This increased to 83% using the empirically derived ULN. CKD-BMD assessment and management will depend on the PTH assay. The between-assay variability is reduced but not eliminated when empirically derived reference intervals are used. Improvements in PTH measurement are required in order to ensure consistent patient care. CKD-BMD assessment and management will depend on the PTH assay. The between-assay variability is reduced but not eliminated when empirically derived reference intervals are used. Improvements in PTH measurement are required in order to ensure consistent patient care.Over time, the knowledge on the role of histones has significantly changed. Initially, histones were only known as DNA packaging proteins but later, it was discovered that they act extracellularly as powerful antimicrobial agents and also as potentially self-detrimental agents. Indeed, histones were found to be the most abundant proteins within neutrophil extracellular traps what ultimately highlighted their microbicidal function. In addition, extracellular histones proved to be involved in triggering exacerbated inflammatory and coagulation responses, depending on the cell type affected. Consequently, several investigations were conducted towards studying the potential of histones and their derivatives as either biomarkers or therapeutic target candidates in different diseases in which inflammation and thrombosis have a key pathophysiological role, such as sepsis, thrombosis and different types of cancer. The main objective of this review is to summarize and discuss the current state of the art with regard to both beneficial and harmful roles of histones and also their possible use as biomarkers and therapeutic targets.