Gadolinium-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents can provide information regarding neuronal function, provided that these agents can cross the neuronal cell membrane. Such contrast agents are normally restricted to extracellular domains, however, by attaching cationic fluorescent dyes, they can be made cell-permeable and allow for both optical and magnetic resonance detection. To reach neurons, these agents also need to cross the blood-brain barrier. Focused ultrasound combined with microbubbles has been shown to enhance the permeability of this barrier, allowing molecules into the brain non-invasively, locally and transiently. The goal of this study was to investigate whether combining fluorescent rhodamine with a gadolinium complex would form a dual-modal contrast agent that could label neurons in vivo when delivered to the mouse brain with focused ultrasound and microbubbles. Methods Gadolinium complexes were combined with a fluorescent, cationic rhodamine unit to form probes with fluorescence aurons. This result indicates that our probe labels neurons without microglial involvement and in addition the probe was found to be detectable via both ex vivo MRI and fluorescence. Labeling neurons with such dual-modal agents could facilitate the study of neuronal morphology and physiology using the advantages of both imaging modalities. © The author(s).Rationale CD38 is a target for the therapy of multiple myeloma (MM) with monoclonal antibodies such as daratumumab and isatuximab. Since MM patients exhibit a high rate of relapse, the development of new biologics targeting alternative CD38 epitopes is desirable. The discovery of single-domain antibodies (nanobodies) has opened the way for a new generation of antitumor therapeutics. We report the generation of nanobody-based humanized IgG1 heavy chain antibodies (hcAbs) with a high specificity and affinity that recognize three different and non-overlapping epitope