We present a framework for performing input-output system identification near a Hopf bifurcation using data from only the fixed-point branch, prior to the Hopf point itself. The framework models the system with a van der Pol-type equation perturbed by additive noise, and identifies the system parameters via the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation. We demonstrate the framework on a prototypical thermoacoustic oscillator (a flame-driven Rijke tube) undergoing a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. We find that the framework can accurately predict the properties of the Hopf bifurcation and the limit cycle beyond it. This study constitutes an experimental demonstration of system identification on a reacting flow using only prebifurcation data, opening up pathways to the development of early warning indicators for nonlinear dynamical systems near a Hopf bifurcation.We study the annealing and rejuvenation behavior of a two-dimensional amorphous solid model under oscillatory shear. We show that, depending on the cooling protocol used to create the initial configuration, the mean potential energy can either decrease or increase under subyield oscillatory shear. For post-yield oscillatory shear, the mean potential energy increases and is independent on the initial conditions. We explain this behavior by modeling the dynamics using a simple model of forced dynamics on a random energy landscape and show that the model reproduces the qualitative behavior of the mean potential energy and mean-square displacement observed in the particle based simulations. This suggests that some important aspects of the dynamics of amorphous solids can be understood by studying the properties of random energy landscapes and without explicitly taking into account the complex real-space interactions which are involved in plastic deformation.We analyze the stationary current of bosonic carriers in the Bose-Hubbard chain of length L where the first and the last sites of the chain are attached to reservoirs of Bose particles acting as a particle source and sink, respectively. The analysis is carried out by using the pseudoclassical approach which reduces the original quantum problem to the classical problem for L coupled nonlinear oscillators. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/kpt-8602.html It is shown that an increase of oscillator nonlinearity (which is determined by the strength of interparticle interactions) results in a transition from the ballistic transport regime, where the stationary current is independent of the chain length, to the diffusive regime, where the current is inversely proportional to L.Spontaneous formation of transverse patterns is ubiquitous in nonlinear dynamical systems of all kinds. An aspect of particular interest is the active control of such patterns. In nonlinear optical systems this can be used for all-optical switching with transistorlike performance, for example, realized with polaritons in a planar quantum-well semiconductor microcavity. Here we focus on a specific configuration which takes advantage of the intricate polarization dependencies in the interacting optically driven polariton system. Besides detailed numerical simulations of the coupled light-field exciton dynamics, in the present paper we focus on the derivation of a simplified population competition model giving detailed insight into the underlying mechanisms from a nonlinear dynamical systems perspective. We show that such a model takes the form of a generalized Lotka-Volterra system for two competing populations explicitly including a source term that enables external control. We present a comprehensive analysis of both the existence and stability of stationary states in the parameter space spanned by spatial anisotropy and external control strength. We also construct phase boundaries in nontrivial regions and characterize emerging bifurcations. The population competition model reproduces all key features of the switching observed in full numerical simulations of the rather complex semiconductor system and at the same time is simple enough for a fully analytical understanding.We construct a multifidelity framework for the kinematic parameter optimization of flapping airfoil. We employ multifidelity Gaussian process regression and Bayesian optimization to effectively synthesize the aerodynamic performance of the flapping airfoil with the kinematic parameters under multiresolution numerical simulations. The objective of this work is to demonstrate that the multifidelity framework can efficiently discover the optimal kinematic parameters of the flapping airfoil with specific aerodynamic performance using a limited number of expensive high-fidelity simulations combined with a larger number of inexpensive low-fidelity simulations. We efficiently identify the optimal kinematic parameters of an asymmetrically flapping airfoil with various target aerodynamic forces in the design space of heaving amplitude, flapping frequency, angle of attack amplitude, and stroke angle. Notably, it is found that the angle of attack can significantly affect the magnitude of aerodynamic forces by facilitating the generation of the leading-edge vortex. In the meanwhile, its combination effect with the stroke angle can determine the attitude and trajectory of the flapping airfoil, thus further affect the direction of the aerodynamic forces. With the influence of the streamwise in-line motion, the asymmetrical vortex structures emerge in the wake fields because the streamwise velocities of shedding vortices are different in the upstroke and downstroke. Furthermore, we conduct the kinematic parameter optimization for a three-dimensional asymmetrically flapping wing. Compared to the two-dimensional simulations, we further investigate the flow induced by the vortex ring and its unsteady effects on the vortex structure and aerodynamic performance.Centrality, which quantifies the importance of individual nodes, is among the most essential concepts in modern network theory. As there are many ways in which a node can be important, many different centrality measures are in use. Here, we concentrate on versions of the common betweenness and closeness centralities. The former measures the fraction of paths between pairs of nodes that go through a given node, while the latter measures an average inverse distance between a particular node and all other nodes. Both centralities only consider shortest paths (i.e., geodesics) between pairs of nodes. Here we develop a method, based on absorbing Markov chains, that enables us to continuously interpolate both of these centrality measures away from the geodesic limit and toward a limit where no restriction is placed on the length of the paths the walkers can explore. At this second limit, the interpolated betweenness and closeness centralities reduce, respectively, to the well-known current-betweenness and resistance-closeness (information) centralities.