Cysteine could reverse the inhibitory effects of PMAS on mycelial morphogenesis and biochemical constituents, except thiol production. In the pot-culture experiment, PMAS showed a good protective effect, with the control efficacy being greater than 91% on sclerotinia stem rot. CONCLUSION PMAS appears to be an effective fungicide for SSR management. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.There are few published reports of canine rhabdomyosarcomas. In human pediatrics, rhabdomyosarcomas account for 5-10% of all tumors and > 50% of soft tissue sarcomas. They have an aggressive biologic behavior; most patients develop diffuse metastatic disease. Ezrin, a cytoskeleton linker protein, has been correlated with metastasis in a number of tumors, including rhabdomyosarcomas. The goal of this study was to describe dogs with non-urinary rhabdomyosarcomas including clinical findings, ezrin expression, and outcome. Twenty-five dogs with rhabdomyosarcomas were identified from two institutions' databases. Signalment, primary tumor location, cytologic and histologic findings, metastatic sites, treatments, survival time, and necropsy results were recorded. Immunohistochemical staining for ezrin expression was performed on archived samples; cellular localization of ezrin was characterized. The mean and median age of all patients was 4.3 and 2 years, respectively. Subcutaneous and retrobulbar/orbital were the most common primary tumor locations. Sixteen dogs had metastatic disease at diagnosis. Three dogs presented with diffuse disease where a primary tumor could not be identified. A round cell tumor was the initial diagnosis in 32% of cases, and 76% of cases required immunohistochemistry to establish the diagnosis. The median survival was 10 days. Twenty-one cases had archived samples available for ezrin staining; all but one were positive and exhibited both membranous and cytoplasmic localization. Rhabdomyosarcomas occur in young dogs, may have a round cell appearance, and exhibit aggressive biologic behavior. Given ezrin's defined role in metastasis, its observed expression in the tumors in this study suggest its possible role in canine rhabdomyosarcoma's aggressive biologic behavior. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Key advances in our understanding of immunobiology and the immunosuppressive mechanisms of the tumor microenvironment have led to significant breakthroughs in manipulating the immune system to successfully treat cancer. Remarkable therapeutic responses have occurred with tumors that carry a high mutational burden. In these cases, pre-existing tumor-specific T cells can be rejuvenated via checkpoint inhibition to eliminate tumor. Furthermore, durable remissions have been achieved in hematological malignancies following adoptive transfer of T cells that specifically target cell surface proteins where expression is restricted to the malignancy's cell of origin. Soft tissue sarcomas and bone sarcomas have a paucity of non-synonymous somatic mutations and do not commonly express known, targetable, tumor-specific antigens. Historically, soft tissue sarcomas have been considered immunologically "cold" and as such, unlikely candidates for immune therapy. Here, we review the immune landscape of canine and feline sarcomas and the immunotherapeutic strategies that have been employed in veterinary clinical trials to improve patient outcome. We also provide insight into immunotherapeutic approaches being used to treat human sarcomas. Together, current data indicates that, rather than a barren immunological wasteland, sarcomas represent a field of opportunities for immunotherapies. Furthermore, we and others would suggest that strategic combinations of immunotherapeutic approaches may hold promise for more effective treatments for high grade soft tissue sarcomas and bone sarcomas. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory skin disorder, with a prevalence of 2-3% worldwide. Psoriatic lesions affecting scalp, nails, palms, and soles are considered difficult-to-treat and require specific management. When psoriasis involves these areas, it may be considered more severe even if the lesions are not extensive. Adalimumab (Humira®) is a fully human monoclonal antibody against tumor necrosis factor (TNF), administered via subcutaneous injection. It has already been used in the treatment of adults and children with moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis. In literature, few studies investigated its efficacy in difficult-to-treat areas, hence we conducted an observational prospective study of 24 weeks to assess its role in patients with difficult to treat psoriasis. We found out a significant improvement in nail and scalp psoriasis, whilst palmoplantar and genital psoriasis showed an improvement though not statistically significant. Therefore, adalimumab can be used in difficult-to-treat areas with great results, also allowing an improvement in the quality of life of affected patients, both adults and children. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Size mismatch between donor and recipient in solid organ transplantation can add significant morbidity and mortality to the recipient (1). However due to the scarcity of both deceased donors, as well as suitable living donors, discrepancies between the size and weight of the donor, compared with the recipient are often a necessity, if solid organ transplantation is to proceed in a particular individual. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND To date, there are few studies that describe pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy of posaconazole delayed-release tablet (DRT) formulation in the paediatric population. OBJECTIVES We evaluated retrospectively posaconazole plasma concentrations and safety of posaconazole DRT in paediatric haematology-oncology patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS Posaconazole DRT was assessed in 28 haematological paediatric patients with a median age 15 of years (range 5-18) and a median body weight of 50 kg (range 22-83 kg). Twenty-one patients received posaconazole DRT as prophylaxis and 7 patients as therapy. RESULTS As prophylaxis, the median daily dose was 5.5 mg/kg/day (range 2.2-22.2) with posaconazole trough level ≥ 0.7 μg/mL in 80% by first week, 62.5% by second week and 87.5% by fourth week. As therapy, the median daily dose was 4 mg/kg/day (range 3.3-4.5) with trough level ≥ 1 μg/mL 100% by first week, 80% by second week and 33.4% by fourth week. CONCLUSIONS Posaconazole DRT is feasible in paediatric patients capable to swallow tablets.