In this review, we comprehensively describe the role of various miRNAs in tumor cell migration, invasion, and metastasis.Active design is an emerging concept to incorporate physical activity into daily life through thoughtful design, and is often implemented in new building designs. It is, however, not known what evidence base there is to support the claims. Through this systematic review, the current evidence for active design was investigated. Seven databases were searched. A range of search terms relating to active design, physical activity, sitting, performance and wellbeing were used. After title and abstract screening of 1174 papers and full-text screening, 17 were selected for inclusion. The papers provided promising evidence of active design aiding a reduction in sitting and increase in standing time. Limited evidence was found for physical activity; a few studies reported an increase in step counts. Musculoskeletal effects were investigated in few studies, but there is some evidence of benefits to lower back pain. There was consistent evidence for better light and air quality, but no evidence for other features of the workplace environment. No conclusive evidence was found on associations between active design features and work performance. There is hence some evidence to support the benefit of active design on physical health; however, the dearth and heterogeneity of the study designs, measures and findings warrant further research.The use of 3D sensors combined with appropriate data processing and analysis has provided tools to optimise agricultural management through the application of precision agriculture. The recent development of low-cost RGB-Depth cameras has presented an opportunity to introduce 3D sensors into the agricultural community. However, due to the sensitivity of these sensors to highly illuminated environments, it is necessary to know under which conditions RGB-D sensors are capable of operating. This work presents a methodology to evaluate the performance of RGB-D sensors under different lighting and distance conditions, considering both geometrical and spectral (colour and NIR) features. The methodology was applied to evaluate the performance of the Microsoft Kinect v2 sensor in an apple orchard. The results show that sensor resolution and precision decreased significantly under middle to high ambient illuminance (>2000 lx). However, this effect was minimised when measurements were conducted closer to the target. In contrast, illuminance levels below 50 lx affected the quality of colour data and may require the use of artificial lighting. The methodology was useful for characterizing sensor performance throughout the full range of ambient conditions in commercial orchards. Although Kinect v2 was originally developed for indoor conditions, it performed well under a range of outdoor conditions.The FBG (Fiber Bragg grating) sensor is an optical fiber type strain sensor. When a person breathes, strain occurs in the lungs and diaphragm. This was verified using an FBG sensor to which part of the living body this respiratory strain propagates. When measured in the abdomen, the signal waveforms were significantly different between breathing and apnea. The respiratory cycle measured by the temperature sensor attached to the mask and the strain cycle measured by the FBG sensor almost matched. Respiratory strain was measured in the abdomen, chest, and shoulder, and the signal amplitude decreased with distance from the abdomen. In addition, the respiratory rate could be calculated from the measured strain signal. On the other hand, respiratory strain did not propagate to the elbows and wrists, which were off the trunk, and the respiratory time, based on the signal period, could not be calculated at these parts. Therefore, it was shown that respiratory strain propagated in the trunk from the abdomen to the shoulder, but not in the peripheral parts of the elbow and wrist.In recent years, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and disordered domains have attracted great attention. Many of them contain linear motifs that mediate interactions with other factors during formation of multicomponent protein complexes. NMR spectrometry is a valuable tool for characterizing this type of interactions on both amino acid (aa) and atomic levels. Alphaviruses encode a nonstructural protein nsP3, which drives viral replication complex assembly. nsP3 proteins contain over 200-aa-long hypervariable domains (HVDs), which exhibits no homology between different alphavirus species, are predicted to be intrinsically disordered and appear to be critical for alphavirus adaptation to different cells. Previously, we have shown that nsP3 HVD of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is completely disordered with low tendency to form secondary structures in free form. In this new study, we used novel NMR approaches to assign the spectra for the nsP3 HVD of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV). The HVDs of CHIKV and VEEV have no homology but are both involved in replication complex assembly and function. We have found that VEEV nsP3 HVD is also mostly disordered but contains a short stable α-helix in its C-terminal fragment, which mediates interaction with the members of cellular Fragile X syndrome protein family. Our NMR data also suggest that VEEV HVD has several regions with tendency to form secondary structures.Nearly 100 years after the first report of tick-borne tularemia, questions remain about the tick vector(s) that pose the greatest risk for transmitting Francisella tularensis (Ft), the causative agent of tularemia. Additionally, few studies have identified genes/proteins required for Ft to infect, persist, and replicate in ticks. To answer questions about vector competence and Ft transmission by ticks, we infected Dermacentor variabilis (Dv),Amblyomma americanum (Aa), and Haemaphysalis longicornis (Hl; invasive species from Asia) ticks with Ft, finding that although Aa ticks initially become infected with 1 order of magnitude higher Ft, Ft replicated more robustly in Dv ticks, and did not persist in Hl ticks. In transmission studies, both Dv and Aa ticks efficiently transmitted Ft to naïve mice, causing disease in 57% and 46% of mice, respectively. Of four putative Ft chitinases, FTL1793 is the most conserved among Francisella sp. We generated a ΔFTL1793 mutant and found that ΔFTL1793 was deficient for infection, persistence, and replication in ticks.