Using the 1400W-loaded Fe@MSN and RF-triggered release, in vivo studies indicated that the treatment disrupted the BTIC population in hypoxic niches, suppressed tumor growth and significantly increased survival in BTIC-derived GBM xenografts.The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a flurry of online activity on social media sites. As such, analysis of social media data during the COVID-19 pandemic can produce unique insights into discussion topics and how those topics evolve over the course of the pandemic. In this study, we propose analyzing discussion topics on Twitter by clustering hashtags. In order to obtain high-quality clusters of the Twitter hashtags, we also propose a novel multi-view clustering technique that incorporates multiple different data types that can be used to describe how users interact with hashtags. The results of our multi-view clustering show that there are distinct temporal and topical trends present within COVID-19 twitter discussion. In particular, we find that some topical clusters of hashtags shift over the course of the pandemic, while others are persistent throughout, and that there are distinct temporal trends in hashtag usage. This study is the first to use multi-view clustering to analyze hashtags and the first analysis of the greater trends of discussion occurring online during the COVID-19 pandemic.The Erasmus Program (EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students), the most important student exchange program in the world, financed by the European Union and started in 1987, is characterized by a strong gender bias. Female students participate to the program more than male students. This work quantifies the gender bias in the Erasmus program between 2008 and 2013, using novel data at the university level. It describes the structure of the program in great detail, carrying out the analysis across fields of study, and identifies key universities as senders and receivers. In addition, it tests the difference in the degree distribution of the Erasmus network along time and between genders, giving evidence of a greater density in the female Erasmus network with respect to the one of the male Erasmus network.The objective of this article was the evaluation of selected properties of meat quality including the characteristics of longissimus lumborum (LL) muscle microstructure of Pulawska breed pigs and fatteners of the DanBred and Naima hybrids which are used in national meat production. Three genetic groups of fatteners were studied in the experiment group I - DanBred hybrid; group II - Naima hybrid; and group III - the Pulawska breed. Pig fattening took place under the same environmental conditions from the starting weight of 30 kg  ±  2 kg to 103-105 kg. For the analysis of muscle fibre characteristics and meat quality from each group, 30 animals were selected (  1 1  ). Physico-chemical properties and ultrastructure were evaluated in samples collected from the LL muscle. A statistically significant impact ( P less then 0.01 ) of a genetic group on pH 45 , content of water, protein and ash, as well as on the colour of meat, the number of STOs (slow-twitch oxidatives) and the diameter of FTG (fast-twitch glycolytic) muscle fibres, was found. Meat of the Pulawska breed, compared to DanBred and Naima, showed a statistically significant ( P less then 0.01 ) higher (by 2.05 % and 2.49 %, respectively) nutritional value expressed as protein content and mineral components. Overall, these results imply better biological properties of Pulawska meat than DanBred and Naima hybrids. The higher STO and lower FTG found in muscles from Pulawska pigs might partially explain meat quality differences found between the breeds in the present study. The data of the current study indicated that meat quality characteristics and muscle microstructure of fatteners showed differences, and these differences may be used for alternative pork meat production for the consumer.The nutritional requirements can be met, and carcass quality can be achieved by using concentrate supplementation in the diets of grazing lambs. This study evaluated the effects of different concentrate supplementation rates (0 %, 1.5 %, and 3 % of body weight) and tropical pastures (Panicum maximum cv. `Aruana' and Brachiaria brizantha cv. `Marandu') on lamb carcass traits. Thirty-six male Suffolk lambs, with an initial body weight of 22.54  ±  2.72  kg , were evaluated in a 3  ×  2 factorial experimental design. The concentrate used consisted of milled soybean, maize, and oat grains. The pasture species affected empty body weight and commercial cuts. The use of concentrate supplementation affected carcass weight, yield, indexes, and commercial cuts. Also, the use of concentrate supplementation improved the weight of muscle and fat content. Based on discriminant analysis it is possible to identify the rearing systems, when all variables where used, or the level of concentrate supplementation when variables of weight were used. Carcasses of animals on grass-only diets were different and easier to discriminate. The use of concentrate supplementation on rearing lambs improves the quality of carcass traits. The period of finishing can be shorted with supplementation of 3 % of body weigh in Aruana and Marandu grass. The discriminant analysis can identify the differences between rearing systems based on all carcass traits. This analysis can be used to develop carcass traceability systems.Drip loss, pH value, and color are among the important traits that determine meat quality. Contrary to pH and color, the method associated with drip loss is not yet standardized, and literature data are difficult to compare. Besides, to our knowledge, there is no research comparing drip loss methods and their relation with pH and color in mutton. This study aimed to assess drip loss measurements in mutton taken by different methods (EZ and bag - BM) and their relationship with pH values and color. Mutton samples (Musculus longissimus thoracis et lumborum) originating from 20 ewes of Istrian sheep were used to examine the effect of the method on drip loss after 24 h (EZ 24 vs. BM 24 ) and 48 h (EZ 48 vs. BM 48 ). Furthermore, correlations between drip loss, pH value, and color were analyzed. The statistical analysis was conducted in R programming environment by using different packages. Within the EZ method there was no significant difference ( p > 0.05 ) between ventral and dorsal sample cores used for the assessment of EZ drip loss.