Lipid rafts are heterogeneous membrane domains enriched in cholesterol, sphingolipids, and gangliosides that serve as sorting platforms to compartmentalize and modulate signaling pathways. Death receptors and downstream signaling molecules have been reported to be recruited into these raft domains during the triggering of apoptosis. Here, we provide two protocols that support the presence of Fas/CD95 in lipid rafts during apoptosis, involving lipid raft isolation and confocal microscopy techniques. A detailed protocol is provided for the isolation of lipid rafts, by taking advantage of their resistance to Triton X-100 solubilization at 4 °C, followed by subsequent sucrose gradient centrifugation and analysis of the protein composition of the different gradient fractions by Western blotting. In addition, we also provide a detailed protocol for the visualization of the coclustering of Fas/CD95 death receptor and lipid rafts, as assessed by using anti-Fas/CD95 antibodies and fluorescent dye-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit that binds to ganglioside GM1, a main component of lipid rafts, by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. These protocols can be extended to any protein of interest to be analyzed for its association to lipid rafts.The traditional methods to study lipid rafts and their association with membrane proteins are based mainly on the isolation of a detergent-resistant membrane by biochemical fractionation. However, the use of detergents may induce lipid segregation and/or redistribution of membrane proteins during the process of sample preparation. Here, we describe a detergent-free method to study the glycolipid and growth factor receptor interaction and their association with lipid rafts. This method combines the biochemical and immunoblotting tools with confocal microscopic imaging, which allows for evaluation and verification of the membrane protein interaction and association with the lipid rafts components in a multifaceted manner.This chapter will discuss methods for analyses of the rates of sphingomyelin synthesis and turnover associated with lipid rafts or plasma membrane. These methods involve the use of fluorescently (NBD-C6-ceramide or NBD-C6-Sphingomyelin)) or radioactively labeled substrates ([3H-methyl]-phosphatidylcholine, [3H-acyl]-ceramide, [14C-methyl]-sphingomyelin) to quantify in vitro the activity of the sphingomyelin synthase (SMS) (also known as phosphatidylcholineceramide phosphocholine transferase), acid sphingomyelinase (the endosomal/lysosomal (L-SMase) and the secretory (S-SMase) forms) and neutral sphingomyelinase-2 (nSMase-2). These methods allow to quantify changes in the activity of enzymes that affect the SM-to-ceramide ratio on the plasma membrane, and consequently, the lipid rafts biophysical properties, dynamics, and raft-associated receptor clustering and signaling events. Specific attention is paid to challenges caused by the fact that SMS and nSMase-2 are integral/membrane bound proteins and how to avoid the use of detergent that suppress their specific activities.Lipid rafts (LRs) represent cellular microdomains enriched in sphingolipids and cholesterol which may fuse to form platforms in which signaling molecules can be organized and regulated (Simons and Ikonen, Nature 387569-572, 1997; Pike, Biochem J 378281-292, 2004; Grassme et al., J Immunol 168 300-307, 2002; Cheng et al., J Exp Med 1901549-1550, 1999; Kilkus et al., J Neurosci Res 72(1) 62-75, 2003). In a proposed Model 1 (Cheng et al., J Exp Med 1901549-1550, 1999) the LR has a well-ordered central core composed mainly of cholesterol and sphingolipids that is surrounded by a zone of decreasing lipid order. Detergents such as Triton X-100 can solubilize the core (and a significant amount of phosphoglyceride), but the LRs will be insoluble at 4 °C and be enriched in a well-characterized set of biomarkers. Model 2 proposes that the LRs are homogeneous, but there is selectivity in the lipids (and proteins) extracted by the 1% Triton X-100. Model 3 proposes LRs with distinct lipid compositions are highly structured and can be destroyed by binding molecules such as beta-methylcyclodextrin or filipin. These may be Caveolin in some cell types but not in brain. Since it is unlikely that two LR preparations will be exactly the same this review will concentrate on LRs defined as "small (50 nm) membranous particles which are insoluble in 1% Triton X-100 at 4 °C and have a low buoyant density (Simons and Ikonen, Nature 387569-572, 1997; Pike, Biochem J 378281-292, 2004; Grassme et al., J Immunol 168 300-307, 2002; Cheng et al., J Exp Med 1901549-1550, 1999; Kilkus et al., J Neurosci Res 72(1)62-75, 2003; Testai et al., J Neurochem 89636-644, 2004). We will present a generic method for isolating LRs for both lipidomic, proteomic, and cellular signaling analysis [1-6].Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are secreted by eukaryotic cells and serve as carriers for a variety of cell signaling factors, including RNAs, proteins, and lipids. We described a unique population of EVs, the membrane of which is highly enriched with the sphingolipid ceramide. We suggested that ceramide in the EV membrane is organized in ceramide-rich platforms (CRPs), a type of lipid raft that mediates interaction of ceramide with ceramide-associated proteins (CAPs). Here, we describe methods using anti-ceramide antibody to isolate ceramide-enriched EVs and detect exosomes after uptake into recipient cells. In addition, we discuss methods for EV analysis using nanoparticle tracking and mass spectrometry. The methods can be extended to the isolation of other types of EVs and "mobile rafts" transported by EVs from donor to recipient cells using antibodies against lipids specific for these EVs.Biomimetic lipid bilayer systems are a useful tool for modeling specific properties of cellular membranes in order to answer key questions about their structure and functions. This approach has prompted scientists from all over the world to create more and more sophisticated model systems in order to decipher the complex lateral and transverse organization of cellular plasma membranes. Among a variety of existing biomembrane domains, lipid rafts are defined as small, dynamic, and ordered assemblies of lipids and proteins, enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids. Lipid rafts appear to be involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) by affecting the aggregation of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide at neuronal membranes thereby forming toxic oligomeric species. In this review, we summarize the laboratory methods which allow to study the interaction of Aβ with lipid rafts. We describe step by step protocols to form giant (GUVs) and large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) containing raft-mimicking domains surrounded by membrane nonraft regions.