Variation in interfacial free energies seems to explain the change in contact angle adequately in presence of an electric field. The wettability of cellulose surface can be tuned by the application of an external electric field. The application of electric field influences the interfacial free energy difference at the cellulose-water interface. The spreading coefficient increases with the electric field directed parallel to the cellulose-water interface while it decreases in the perpendicular electric field. Variation in interfacial free energies seems to explain the change in contact angle adequately in presence of an electric field. The wettability of cellulose surface can be tuned by the application of an external electric field.Liquid food containers commonly suffer from inevitable contamination and even biofilm formation due to the adhesion of food residuals or saliva, which requires detergents to clean. Although previously reported superhydrophobic and omniphobic coatings can resist the adhesion of liquids, the requirements of specific nanostructures or infused lubricants limit their applications in food containers. Here, by grafting smooth glass containers with "liquid like" polydimethylsiloxane brushes, we developed a unique approach for preparing a slippery coating that could exhibit highly robust repellency to various liquid foods. The coating was highly transparent and did not induce a significant alteration of the smooth surface. The "liquid like" coating could effectively prevent the adhesion of various liquid foods and inhibit the formation of bacterial biofilms, without the use of detergents for cleaning. Moreover, this coating could resist mechanical damage from friction, and displayed high biocompatibility with biological cells. The slipperiness, smoothness, robustness and biocompatibility of the "liquid like" coating was highly beneficial to practical applications as self-cleaning glass container, which has been challenging to achieve by conventional superhydrophobic or omniphobic coatings. Our study introduced a versatile strategy to functionalize biocompatible surfaces for food containers which reduced the contamination of residues and the use of detergents, and may be beneficial to human and environmental health. Individuals with features of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are highly sensitive to social rejection. Working memory (WM) may play a critical role in processing emotional interpersonal information in BPD. Yet, little is known about how emotional WM operations are related to sensitivity to rejection cues and BPD features. Therefore, this study examined relationships among emotional WM operations, rejection sensitivity, and BPD features. Participants with BPD features (n=39 with non-suicidal self-injury history; n=47 without non-suicidal self-injury history) and healthy participants (n=46) completed an emotional two-back task before and after a social exclusion induction (the Cyberball game). Results showed that participants with BPD features were slower at discarding faces expressing anger and pain from WM compared to healthy individuals before the social exclusion induction. Participants with BPD features and a history of self-injury were also slower at entering happy faces into WM compared to the other participants. Moreover, across participants, slower WM discarding of angry and pain faces was associated with higher levels of rejection sensitivity. Finally, no group differences emerged with respect to WM entering and discarding operations for emotional faces in response to social exclusion. This study was conducted in a sample of undergraduate students and did not consider comorbidity with other forms of psychopathology. These findings cast light on how emotional WM difficulties may be involved in how individuals with BPD process emotional interpersonal information. These findings cast light on how emotional WM difficulties may be involved in how individuals with BPD process emotional interpersonal information.The internal thoracic artery (ITA) is the principal choice for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) due to its mechanical compatibility, histological composition, anti-thrombogenic lumen, and single anastomotic junction. Originating at the subclavian artery, traversing the thoracic cavity, and terminating at the superior epigastric and musculophrenic bifurcation, bilateral ITAs follow a protracted circuitous pathway. The physiological hemodynamics, anatomical configuration, and perivascular changes that occur throughout this length influence the tissue's microstructure and gross mechanical properties. Since histomechanics play a major role in premature graft failure we used inflation-extension testing to quantify the regional material and biaxial mechanical properties at four distinct locations along the left (L) and right (R) ITA and fit the results to a structurally-motivated constitutive model. Our comparative analysis of 44 vessel segments revealed a significant increase in the amount of collagen but not smooth muscle and a significant decrease in elastin and elastic lamellae present with distance from the heart. A subsequent decrease in the total deformation energy and isotropic contribution to the strain energy was present in the LITA but not RITA. Circumferential stress and compliance generally decreased along the length of the LITA while axial stress increased in the RITA. When comparing RITAs to LITAs, some morphological and histological differences were found in proximal sections while distal sections revealed differences predominantly in compliance and axial stress. Overall, this information can be used to better guide graft selection, graft preparation, and xenograft-based tissue-engineering strategies for CABG.Verst-Maldaun Language Assessment (VMLA) is a new intraoperative neuropsychological test (NT) within our local culture, e.g., native Portuguese speaking Brazilians. It aims to fill the specific need of an objective and dynamic approach for assessing the language network during awake craniotomies. The test includes object naming (ON) and semantic functions. This paper describes the process of validation, allowing for other centers to create their own language assessment. The validation process included 248 volunteers and the results were associated with age, gender and educational level (EL). The factor with the greatest impact was EL, followed by age. Intraoperative image learning by repetition is unlikely, since it is composed of 388 items and 70 combinations. The test will be available for free use under http// (beginning in February 2021).