Analyses of correlations between anti-Tn and the other anti-carbohydrates tested revealed divergent patterns of correlations between patients and controls, suggesting qualitative differences in addition to the quantitative difference. Furthermore, anti-Tn levels correlated with anti-S protein levels in the patients' group, suggesting that anti-Tn might contribute to the development of the specific antiviral response. Overall, this first analysis allows to hypothesize that natural anti-Tn antibodies might be protective against COVID-19.There is great interest in developing synthetic methylotrophs that harbor methane and methanol utilization pathways in heterologous hosts such as Escherichia coli for industrial bioconversion of one-carbon compounds. While there are recent reports that describe the successful engineering of synthetic methylotrophs, additional efforts are required to achieve the robust methylotrophic phenotypes required for industrial realization. Here, we address an important issue of synthetic methylotrophy in E. coli methanol toxicity. Both methanol, and its oxidation product, formaldehyde, are cytotoxic to cells. Methanol alters the fluidity and biological properties of cellular membranes while formaldehyde reacts readily with proteins and nucleic acids. Thus, efforts to enhance the methanol tolerance of synthetic methylotrophs are important. Here, adaptive laboratory evolution was performed to improve the methanol tolerance of several E. coli strains, both methylotrophic and non-methylotrophic. Serial batch passaging in r of methanol tolerance and synthetic methanol utilization is an important advancement for the field of synthetic methylotrophy.Filamentous fungi possess the capacity to produce a wide array of secondary metabolites with diverse biological activities and structures, such as lovastatin and swainsonine. With the advent of the post-genomic era, increasing amounts of cryptic or uncharacterized secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters are continually being discovered. However, owing to the longstanding lack of versatile, comparatively simple, and highly efficient genetic manipulation techniques, the broader exploration of industrially important secondary metabolites has been hampered thus far. With the emergence of CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technology, this dilemma may be alleviated, as this advanced technique has revolutionized genetic research and enabled the exploitation and discovery of new bioactive compounds from filamentous fungi. In this review, we introduce the CRISPR/Cas9 system in detail and summarize the latest applications of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in filamentous fungi. We also briefly introduce the specific applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 system and CRISPRa in the improvement of secondary metabolite contents and discovery of novel biologically active compounds in filamentous fungi, with specific examples noted. Additionally, we highlight and discuss some of the challenges and deficiencies of using the CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technology in research on the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites as well as future application of CRISPR/Cas9 strategy in filamentous fungi are highlighted and discussed.The Favara Grande is a geothermal area located on Pantelleria Island, Italy. The area is characterized high temperatures in the top layer of the soil (60°C), low pH (3-5) and hydrothermal gas emissions mainly composed of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and hydrogen (H2). These geothermal features may provide a suitable niche for the growth of chemolithotrophic thermoacidophiles, including the lanthanide-dependent methanotrophs of the phylum Verrucomicrobia. In this study, we started enrichment cultures inoculated with soil of the Favara Grande at 50 and 60°C with CH4 as energy source and medium containing sufficient lanthanides at pH 3 and 5. From these cultures, a verrucomicrobial methanotroph could be isolated via serial dilution and floating filters techniques. The genome of strain AP8 was sequenced and based on phylogenetic analysis we propose to name this new species Methylacidimicrobium thermophilum AP8. The transcriptome data at μmax (0.051 ± 0.001 h-1, doubling time ~14 h) of the new strain showed a high expression of the pmoCAB2 operon encoding the membrane-bound methane monooxygenase and of the gene xoxF1, encoding the lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenase. A second pmoCAB operon and xoxF2 gene were not expressed. The physiology of strain AP8 was further investigated and revealed an optimal growth in a pH range of 3-5 at 50°C, representing the first thermophilic strain of the genus Methylacidimicrobium. Moreover, strain AP8 had a KS(app) for methane of 8 ± 1 μM. Beside methane, a type 1b [NiFe] hydrogenase enabled hydrogen oxidation at oxygen concentrations up to 1%. Taken together, our results expand the knowledge on the characteristics and adaptations of verrucomicrobial methanotrophs in hydrothermal environments and add a new thermophilic strain to the genus Methylacidimicrobium.Extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors underpin the ability of bacteria to adapt to changing environmental conditions, a process that is particularly relevant in human pathogens that inhabit niches where human immune cells contribute to high levels of extracellular stress. Here, we have characterized the previously unstudied RpoE2 ECF sigma factor from the human respiratory pathogen H. influenzae (Hi) and its role in hypochlorite-induced stress. Exposure of H. influenzae to oxidative stress (HOCl, H2O2) increased rpoE2 gene expression, and the activity of RpoE2 was controlled by a cytoplasmic 67-aa anti-sigma factor, HrsE. RpoE2 regulated the expression of the periplasmic MsrAB peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase that, in H. influenzae, is required for HOCl resistance, thus linking RpoE2 to HOCl stress. Interestingly, a HiΔrpoE2 strain had wild-type levels of resistance to oxidative stress in vitro, but HiΔrpoE2 survival was reduced 26-fold in a mouse model of lung infection, demonstrating the relevance of this sigma factor for H. influenzae pathogenesis. The HiRpoE2 system has some similarity to the ECF sigma factors described in Streptomyces and Neisseria sp. that also control the expression of msr genes. However, HiRpoE2 regulation extended to genes encoding other periplasmic damage repair proteins, an operon containing a DoxX-like protein, and also included selected OxyR-controlled genes. Based on our results, we propose that the highly conserved HiRpoE2 sigma factor is a key regulator of H. influenzae responses to oxidative damage in the cell envelope region that controls a variety of target genes required for survival in the host.