A multicomponent reaction of triazoloketones, primary amines, and 4-nitrophenyl azide was developed for the synthesis of hitherto unknown angularly fused/linear bitriazoles. The two-stage mechanism was well proven by the isolation of the intermediate. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/rbn013209.html This sequential reaction consists of Cornforth rearrangement and triazolization, which has also been demonstrated in a one-pot manner.The charge transport in single-molecule junctions depends critically on the chemical identity of the anchor groups that are used to connect the molecular wires to the electrodes. In this research, we report a new anchoring strategy, called the electrostatic anchor, formed through the efficient Coulombic interaction between the gold electrodes and the positively charged pyridinium terminal groups. Our results show that these pyridinium groups serve as efficient electrostatic anchors forming robust gold-molecule-gold junctions. We have also observed binary switching in dicationic viologen molecular junctions, demonstrating an electron injection-induced redox switching in single-molecule junctions. We attribute the difference in low- and high-conductance states to a dicationic ground state and a radical cationic metastable state, respectively. Overall, this anchoring strategy and redox-switching mechanism could constitute the basis for a new class of redox-activated single-molecule switches.A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer is a key instrument in the organic synthesis laboratory for structure determination, reaction control, and compound purity analysis. In addition to qualitative analysis, the application of NMR for quantitative analysis (qNMR) is gaining popularity. qNMR allows for simple quantification of crude product mixtures, determination of reaction yields, and purity of organic compounds. The determination of NMR yield requires the addition of an internal standard to each sample. Herein, we report a method where CDCl3 residual solvent signal is used as an internal standard for qNMR after quantification in the solvent batch. This method significantly simplifies sample preparation and allows straightforward recovery of the analyte by the simple evaporation of the NMR solvent. The accuracy of the method is comparable to qNMR with 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene as an internal standard if the herein described guidelines are followed.Trace doping is an efficient way to improve the stability of nickel-rich layered cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, but the structural origin of such improvement, rather than a simple replacement, has been rarely explored. Herein, Ga dopants have been introduced into a nickel-rich host, LiNi0.9Co0.1O2, by a combination of coprecipitation and the solid-state sintering method. Structural analyses based on high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction data and X-ray absorption spectra suggest that Ga preferentially sits in the NiO6 slabs, resulting in reduced Ni/Li cationic mixing and depressed lattice vibration. Due to the smaller dissociation energy of Ga-O bonds, some Ga3+ cations migrate first toward Li layers upon delithiation and form the GaO4 tetrahedral symmetry irreversibly during the electrochemical process, which acts as a pillar in the subsequent electrochemical processes. As a result, the doped material exhibits both improved cycling performance and rate capability under a high operating voltage (4.5 V) due to the stabilized structure in the lithiation/delithiation process. This study illustrates how a dopant enhances the electrochemical stability in views of both pristine and charged structure and suggests that a positive effect is expected from the dopant favoring the tetrahedral symmetry (e.g., Al).Application of natural products as new green agrochemicals with low average lifetime, low concentration doses, and safety is both complex and expensive due to chemical modification required to obtain desirable physicochemical properties. Transport, aqueous solubility, and bioavailability are some of the properties that have been improved using functionalized metal-organic frameworks based on zinc for the encapsulation of bioherbicides (ortho-disulfides). An in situ method has been applied to achieve encapsulation, which, in turn, led to an improvement in water solubility by more than 8 times after 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin HP-β-CD surface functionalization. High-resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HR HAADF-STEM) and integrated differential phase contrast (iDPC) imaging techniques were employed to verify the success of the encapsulation procedure and crystallinity of the sample. Inhibition studies on principal weeds that infect rice, corn, and potato crops gave results that exceed those obtained with the commercial herbicide Logran. This finding, along with a short synthesis period, i.e., 2 h at 25 °C, make the product an example of a new generation of natural-product-based herbicides with direct applications in agriculture.Sustainability endorses high quality, long-lasting goods. Durable goods, however, often require substantial amounts of energy during their production and use-phase and indirectly through complementary products and services. We quantify the global household's final energy footprints (EFs) of durable goods and the complementary goods needed to operate, service and maintain durables. We calculate the EFs of 200 goods across 44 individual countries and 5 world regions for the period of 1995-2011. In 2011, we find 68% of the total global household's EF (218 EJ) is durable-related broken down as follows 10% is due to the production of durables per se, 7% is embodied in goods complementary to durables (consumables and services) and 51% is operational energy. At the product level, the highest durable-related EFs are transport goods (148-648 MJ/cap), housing goods (40-811 MJ/cap), electric appliances (34-181 MJ/cap), and "gas stoves and furnaces" (40-100 MJ/cap). Between 1995 and 2011, the global household EF increased by 28% (48 EJ), of which 72% was added by durable-related energy. Globally, a 10% income growth corresponded to an increase in EF by 9% in durables, 11% in complementary consumables and 13% in complementary services-with even higher elasticities in the emerging economies. The average EF of the emerging economies (35 GJ/cap) is 2.5 times lower than in advanced economies (86 GJ/cap). Efficiency gains were detected in 47 out of 49 regions, but only 16 achieved net energy reductions. The large share of durable-related EF across regions (40-88%) confirms the dominance of durables in driving EFs, but the diversity of patterns suggests that policy and social factors influence durable-dependency. Demand-side solutions targeting ownership and inter-linkages between durables and complements are key to reduce global energy demand.