Short-bowel syndrome is the leading cause of pediatric intestinal failure, resulting in dependency on long-term parenteral nutrition (PN). To promote enteral autonomy in neonates, a key outcome may be intestinal growth in length. The purpose of this study was to determine if intestinal lengthening persists following discontinuation of treatment with 1 of 2 GLP-2 analogues with different pharmacokinetic profiles. Neonatal short-bowel piglets were assigned to saline control (S), 7-day treatment with teduglutide (T) (0.05 mg/kg twice daily), or 7-day treatment with apraglutide (A) (5 mg/kg twice weekly). Comparisons were made between day 7 and day 14 endpoints using analysis of variance. Data included small-intestine length, weight, histology, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis of mucosal transcripts for peptide growth factors and their receptors, nutrient transporters, and tight-junction proteins. Compared with control, 7 days of GLP-2 analogue treatment induced mucosal adaptation based oen analogues with different half-lives; however, molecular mechanisms require further elucidation.Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) is a bicomponent leukotoxin produced by 3%-10% of clinical Staphylococcus aureus (SA) strains involved in the severity of hospital and community-acquired infections. Although PVL was long known as a pore-forming toxin, recent studies have challenged the formation of a pore at the plasma membrane, while its endocytosis and the exact mode of action remain to be defined. In vitro immunolabeling of human neutrophils shows that Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETosis) is triggered by the action of purified PVL, but not by Gamma hemolysin CB (HlgCB), a structurally similar SA leukotoxin. PVL causes the ejection of chromatin fibers (NETs) decorated with antibacterial peptides independently of the NADPH oxidase oxidative burst. Leukotoxin partially colocalizes with mitochondria and enhances the produ