The concept of self and self-referential processing has a growing explanatory value in psychiatry and neuroscience, referring to the cognitive organization and perceptual differentiation of self-stimuli in health and disease. Conditions in which selfhood loses its natural coherence offer a unique opportunity for elucidating the mechanisms underlying self-disturbances. We assessed the psychoactive effects of psilocybin (230 μg/kg p.o.), a preferential 5-HT1A/2A agonist known to induce shifts in self-perception. Our placebo-controlled, double-blind, within-subject crossover experiment (n = 17) implemented a verbal self-monitoring task involving vocalizations and participant identification of real-time auditory source- (self/other) and pitch-modulating feedback. Subjective experience and task performance were analyzed, with time-point-by-time-point assumption-free multivariate randomization statistics applied to the spatiotemporal dynamics of event-related potentials. Psilocybin-modulated self-experience, interacted with source to affect task accuracy, and altered the late phase of self-stimuli encoding by abolishing the distinctiveness of self- and other-related electric field configurations during the P300 timeframe. This last effect was driven by current source density changes within the supragenual anterior cingulate and right insular cortex. The extent of the P300 effect was associated with the intensity of psilocybin-induced feelings of unity and changed meaning of percepts. Modulations of late encoding and their underlying neural generators in self-referential processing networks via 5-HT signaling may be key for understanding self-disorders. This mechanism may reflect a neural instantiation of altered self-other and relational meaning processing in a stimulus-locked time domain. The study elucidates the neuropharmacological foundation of subjectivity, with implications for therapy, underscoring the concept of connectedness.Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is a rare inflammatory dermatosis characterized by hyperkeratotic follicular papules and erythematous-desquamative plaques that tend to progressively evolve into erythroderma. Treatment is challenging given that international guidelines are not available and large-scale trials do not exist. Traditionally, many topical and systemic drugs had been used as consolidated agents; recently, biologicals are gaining increasing importance, promisingly dominating the therapeutic scenario ahead. Herein, we present a case series showing the "past" and the "future" therapeutic approaches to erythrodermic PRP, one case treated with acitretin and nb-UVB phototherapy combination, while the other with ustekinumab, performing also a throughout literature review.Despite substantial research on the brain mechanisms of L1 and L2 processing in bilinguals, it is still unknown whether language modality (i.e., visual vs. auditory) plays a role in determining whether L1 and L2 are processed similarly. Therefore, we examined the neural representational similarity in neural networks between L1 and L2 in spoken and written word processing in Korean-English-Chinese trilinguals. Participants performed both visual and auditory rhyming judgments in the three languages Korean, English, and Chinese. The results showed greater similarity among the three languages in the auditory modality than in the visual modality, suggesting more differentiated networks for written word processing in the three languages than spoken word processing. In addition, there was less similarity between spoken and written word processing in L1 than the L2s, suggesting a more specialized network for each modality in L1 than L2s. Finally, the similarity between the two L2s (i.e., Chinese and English) was greater than that between each L2 and L1 after task performance was regressed out, especially in the visual modality, suggesting that L2s are processed similarly. These findings provide important insights about spoken and written language processing in the bilingual brain. This randomized clinical trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of a blue-covarine whitening toothpaste on tooth bleaching. Seventy-five subjects with shade mean C1 or darker were randomized into three groups (n = 25) CT-conventional toothpaste, WT-whitening toothpaste, and CP10-10% carbamide peroxide. Subjects from CT and WT brushed their teeth twice/day for 2 weeks. CP10 used bleaching gel for 4 hours/night for 2 weeks. Tooth shade and CIELab parameters were measured at baseline, after the first application, 2- and 4-week. ΔE* and ΔE were calculated. Subjects' perception about tooth color appearance, tooth sensitivity (TS), and gingival irritation (GI) were also assessed. At all evaluation periods, it was not observed differences between WT and CT considering tooth shade (P > 0.7) or CIELab parameters (P > 0.3). At 2- and 4-week, ΔE* and ΔE were higher for CP10 than WT or CT (P = 0.001). WT and CT reported major dissatisfaction with tooth color appearance than CP10 (P = 0.001). At 1- and 2-week, WT experienced GI and TS similar to CT, both lower than CP10 (P < 0.01). There were no significant differences in the whitening efficacy between whitening and conventional toothpastes. Neither of the dentifrices was as effective as at-home bleaching. The silica-based toothpaste containing blue covarine evaluated in this study did not give significant tooth whitening benefits over 2 weeks of use. The silica-based toothpaste containing blue covarine evaluated in this study did not give significant tooth whitening benefits over 2 weeks of use.The oxidative coupling of tyrosine and tryptophan units is a pivotal step in the total synthesis of some peptide-derived marine and terrestrial natural products such as the diazonamides, azonazine and tryptorubin A. This review details the biosynthesis and bioinspired synthesis of natural products with such structures. Through this review, we focused on the challenges of the synthesis of these natural products and the innovative solutions adopted by synthetic chemists.This review article focuses on the principles and applications of miniaturized near-infrared (NIR) spectrometers. This technology and its applicability has advanced considerably over the last few years and revolutionized several fields of application. What is particularly remarkable is that the applications have a distinctly diverse nature, ranging from agriculture and the food sector, through to materials science, industry and environmental studies. Unlike a rather uniform design of a mature benchtop FTNIR spectrometer, miniaturized instruments employ diverse technological solutions, which have an impact on their operational characteristics. Continuous progress leads to new instruments appearing on the market. The current focus in analytical NIR spectroscopy is on the evaluation of the devices and associated methods, and to systematic characterization of their performance profiles.