The Chinese cordyceps, a parasitic Thitarodes insect-Ophiocordyceps sinensis fungus complex in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is one of the most valuable traditional Chinese medicines and health food for ameliorating conditions associated with aging and for treating fatigue, night sweats, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, respiratory, renal and liver diseases, and hyposexuality. The natural Chinese cordyceps resource is rare due to its harsh growing environment, limited geographical distribution and global climate warming. Artificial cultivation of Chinese cordyceps has been successfully established to meet its high demand in market. The present study aims to evaluate the toxicological safety of the cultivated Chinese cordyceps and provide scientific data for subsequent development and utilization of this valuable biological resource. The Chinese cordyceps was cultivated by mimicking the habitat environment in low-altitude areas and identified by morphological and microscopic characteristics. Its phytochemicald as non-toxic in one single administration at high doses by intragastric route in mice. This study provides scientific experimental basis for its safety.Although IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a common cause of glomerulonephritis in children, the absence of a method to predict disease progression limits personalized risk-based treatment decisions. The adult International IgAN Prediction Tool comprises two validated Cox survival models that predict a 50% decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) or end stage kidney disease (ESKD) using clinical risk factors and Oxford MEST histology scores. Here, we updated the Prediction Tool for use in children using a multiethnic international cohort of 1,060 children with IgAN followed into adulthood. The updated pediatric Prediction Tool had better model fit than the original adult tool with lower Akaike Information Criterion, higher R2D and similar C-statistics. However, calibration showed very poor agreement between predicted and observed risks likely due to the observed disease trajectory in children. Therefore, the Tool was updated using a secondary outcome of a 30% reduction in eGFR or ESKD, resulting in better R2D (30.3%/22.2%) and similar C-statistics (0.74/0.68) compared to the adult tool but with good calibration. The trajectory of eGFR over time in children differed from adults being highly non-linear with an increase until 18 years old followed by a linear decline similar to that of adults. A higher predicted risk was associated with a smaller increase in eGFR followed by a more rapid decline, suggesting that children at risk of a 30% decrease in eGFR will eventually experience a larger 50% decrease in eGFR when followed into adulthood. As such, these two outcomes are analogous between pediatric and adult Prediction Tools. Thus, our pediatric Prediction Tool can accurately predict the risk of a 30% decline in eGFR or ESKD in children with IgAN.The enzyme Dicer is best known for its role as an endoribonuclease in the small RNA pathway, playing a crucial role in recognizing viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and inducing down-stream cascades to mediate anti-virus immunity. In the present study, a truncated Dicer-like gene was identified from oyster Crassostrea gigas, and its open reading frame (ORF) encoded a polypeptide (designed as CgDCL) of 530 amino acids. The CgDCL contained one N-terminal DEAD domain and a C-terminal helicase domain, but lack the conserved PAZ domain, ribonuclease domain (RIBOc) and dsRNA binding domain. The mRNA transcripts of CgDCL were detected in all the examined tissues with high expression levels in lip, gills and haemocytes, which were 62.06-fold, 48.91-fold and 47.13-fold (p less then 0.05) of that in mantle, respectively. In the primarily cultured oyster haemocytes, the mRNA transcripts of CgDCL were significantly induced at 12 h after poly(IC) stimulation, which were 4.04-fold (p less then 0.05) of that in control group. The expression level of CgDCL mRNA in haemocytes was up-regulated significantly after dsRNA and recombinant interferon-like protein (rCgIFNLP) injection, which was 12.87-fold (p less then 0.01) and 3.22-fold (p less then 0.05) of that in control group, respectively. CgDCL proteins were mainly distributed in the cytoplasm of haemocytes. The recombinant CgDCL protein displayed binding activity to dsRNA and poly(IC), but no obvious dsRNA cleavage activity. These results collectively suggest that truncated CgDCL from C. gigas was able to be activated by poly(IC), dsRNA and CgIFNLP, and functioned as an intracellular recognition molecule to bind nucleic acid of virus, indicating a potential mutual cooperation between RNAi and IFN-like system in anti-virus immunity of oysters. Immunomodulants have been proposed to mitigate severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-induced cytokine storm, which drives acute respiratory distress syndrome in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We sought to determine efficacy and safety of the association of IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra plus methylprednisolone in severe COVID-19 pneumonia with hyperinflammation. A secondary analysis of prospective observational cohort studies was carried out at an Italian tertiary health care facility. COVID-19 patients consecutively hospitalized (February 25, 2020, to March 30, 2020) with hyperinflammation (ferritin ≥1000 ng/mL and/or C-reactive protein >10 mg/dL) and respiratory failure (oxygen therapy from 0.4 FiO Venturi mask to invasive mechanical ventilation) were evaluated to investigate the effect of high-dose anakinra plus methylprednisolone on survival. Patients were followed from study inclusion to day 28 or death. Crude and adjusted (sex, age, baseline PaO FiO ratio, Charlson indexlled trials including the use of either agent alone are needed to confirm these results. Treatment with anakinra plus methylprednisolone may be a valid therapeutic option in COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammation and respiratory failure, also on mechanical ventilation. Randomized controlled trials including the use of either agent alone are needed to confirm these results.