Conclusion Compared with research on the general US population, a general lack of knowledge of osteopathic medicine exists within NYC's Chinese immigrant community. Although this difference may be ascribed to linguistics and ethnosociological factors, greater outreach and education is needed in urban minority communities to make immigrants aware of all healthcare resources available during the current shortage of US primary care physicians. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Objective To explore the perception of medical students from a private medical college in Perak, Malaysia, on primary care practice and induce the factors influencing their perception and willingness to consider primary care as a career pathway. Design Qualitative study using focus group discussions. Participants' responses were audio recorded, transcribed, grouped under various domains and listed out and analysed. Setting A private medical college in Perak state, Malaysia. Participants Forty-six medical students from years 2 to 5 were included. Eight focus groups were formed with two focus groups from each academic year (six students each in seven groups and four students in one group). Students were informed through their respective student leader of each year and received a participant information sheet and an informed consent form which were completed and returned if they decided to participate in the focus group discussions. Results The participants had different levels of understanding of primary care dthe prejudice against primary care as a career pathway. Suggestions included introducing early exposure to fun and challenging primary care postings in the medical curriculum and producing well trained, skilled and enthusiastic role models. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Introduction The significant causes of mortality among individuals with sickle cell anaemia (SCA) such as acute chest syndrome and cerebrovascular disease are related to vascular occlusion. Polymorphisms of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene in persons with sickle cell anaemia have been suggested as a potential risk for vaso-occlusive events, with the C677T and A1298C polymorphisms being the commonest. This study therefore aimed to establish the pattern of MTHFR C677T and A1298C gene mutations among adults with HbSS phenotype attending the Haematology Clinic in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital Lagos, Nigeria. Methods A cross-sectional study was done among SCA patients attending the Haematology Clinic of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), using age and sex matched HbAA controls. DNA extraction and gene analysis were done. The selective amplification of a particular segment of the DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was done and subsequent digestion of the amplified MTHFR gene into its various fragments. Results The overall prevalence of the C677T mutation among participants was 19.3% (37 of 192), while the prevalence of A1298C was 15% (29 of 192). Conclusion The prevalence of MTHFR C677T was higher than A1298C mutations among sickle cell anaemia subjects. © Oluwaseun Olabisi Adelekan et al.Introduction Anemia is a global problem affecting 41.8% of pregnant women. Iron deficiency is the leading cause during pregnancy. Its prevalence among Cameroonian pregnant women was estimated at 50.9% in 2004. Few studies have evaluated women's adherence to iron supplementation prescribed during pregnancy. We carried this study in order to evaluate the rate of adherence to iron supplementation and its determinants during pregnancy. Methods The study was cross-sectional descriptive, on postpartum women at the Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital of Yaoundé during three months. Adherence was measured using the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8). The total score was classified as low, moderate and high adherence. Results For a total of 304 recruited women, 16.4% were highly compliant, 27.6% moderately compliant, while 56% were low compliant with iron supplementation during pregnancy. The reasons for non-adherence were side effects (19.7%), forgetting (70.1%) and inaccessibility of iron supplements (20.1%). Up to 85 (or 28%) women found it boring to take medication daily. Women with no side effects were about thrice most likely to adhere to the iron supplementation than those with side effects OR = 3.73 [2.43-5.71]; P = 0.04. Women aged 25 years and above were more likely to be non-compliant to iron supplementation than those youngers OR = 0.40 [0.31-0.88]; P = 0.02. Conclusion To improve adherence to antenatal iron supplementation, it is important to increase communication for behavior change and counseling before or during antenatal care. Forgetting being the main reason for non-adherence, women should keep their iron in a place of easy access. © Florent Ymele Fouelifack et al.Purpose of Review This article aimed to review animal models of antifungals and identifies human literature to assess if the extrapolation of results is reliable. Recent Findings Animal studies have helped identify AUC/MIC targets for new drugs and formulations such as isavuconazole and delayed release posaconazole that have translated to successful outcomes in humans. Models have also been influential in the identification of possible combination therapies for the treatment of aspergillosis, such as voriconazole and echinocandins. However, challenges are endured with animal models when it comes to replicating the pharmacokinetics of humans which has been exemplified with the newest itraconazole formulation. Additionally, animal models have displayed a survival benefit with the use of iron chelators and amphotericin for mucormycosis which was not demonstrated in humans. Summary Animal models have been a staple in the development and optimization of antifungal agents. They afford the ability to investigate uncommon diseases, such as invasive fungal infections, that would otherwise take years and many resources to complete. Although there are many benefits of animal models there are also shortcomings. This is why the reliability of extrapolating data from animal models to humans is often scrutinized.