The majority (18 of 23) of studies measuring adherence showed adherence was significantly improved in patients receiving SPCs versus FECs. Overall, 16 studies measured persistence, of which 14 showed that patients receiving SPCs had significantly improved persistence or were significantly less likely to discontinue therapy than patients receiving FECs. Systolic BP (mean difference, -3.99 [95% CI, -7.92 to -0.07]; P=0.05) and diastolic BP (-1.54 [95% CI, -2.67 to -0.41]; P=0.0076) were both significantly reduced with SPC therapy compared with FEC therapy at week 12. SPC therapy leads to improved adherence and persistence compared with FEC therapy and may lead to better BP control in patients with hypertension.The intent of this review is to critically consider the data that support the concept of programming and its implications. Birth weight and growth trajectories during childhood are associated with cardiometabolic disease in adult life. Both extremes, low and high birth weight coupled with postnatal growth increase the early presence of cardiometabolic risk factors and vascular imprinting, crucial elements of this framework. Data coming from epigenetics, proteomics, metabolomics, and microbiota added relevant information and contribute to better understanding of mechanisms as well as development of biomarkers helping to move forward to take actions. Research has reached a stage in which sufficiently robust data calls for new initiatives focused on early life. Prevention starting early in life is likely to have a very large impact on reducing disease incidence and its associated effects at the personal, economic, and social levels.This review portrays how ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring was established and recommended as the method of choice for the assessment of BP and for the rational use of antihypertensive drugs. To establish much-needed diagnostic ambulatory BP thresholds, initial statistical approaches evolved into longitudinal studies of patients and populations, which demonstrated that cardiovascular complications are more closely associated with 24-hour and nighttime BP than with office BP. Studies cross-classifying individuals based on ambulatory and office BP thresholds identified white-coat hypertension, an elevated office BP in the presence of ambulatory normotension as a low-risk condition, whereas its counterpart, masked hypertension, carries a hazard almost as high as ambulatory combined with office hypertension. What clinically matters most is the level of the 24-hour and the nighttime BP, while other BP indexes derived from 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings, on top of the 24-hour and nighttime BP level, add little to risk stratification or hypertension management. Ambulatory BP monitoring is cost-effective. Ambulatory and home BP monitoring are complimentary approaches. Their interchangeability provides great versatility in the clinical implementation of out-of-office BP measurement. We are still waiting for evidence from randomized clinical trials to prove that out-of-office BP monitoring is superior to office BP in adjusting antihypertensive drug treatment and in the prevention of cardiovascular complications. A starting research line, the development of a standardized validation protocol for wearable BP monitoring devices, might facilitate the clinical applicability of ambulatory BP monitoring.Renal denervation (RDNX) lowers mean arterial pressure (MAP) in patients with resistant hypertension. Less well studied is the effect of celiac ganglionectomy (CGX), a procedure which involves the removal of the nerves innervating the splanchnic vascular bed. We hypothesized that RDNX and CGX would both lower MAP in genetically hypertensive Schlager (BPH/2J) mice through a reduction in sympathetic tone. Telemeters were implanted into the femoral artery in mice to monitor MAP before and after RDNX (n=5), CGX (n=6), or SHAM (n=6). MAP, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate were recorded for 14 days postoperatively. The MAP response to hexamethonium (10 mg/kg, IP) was measured on control day 3 and postoperative day 10 as a measure of global neurogenic pressor activity. The efficacy of denervation was assessed by measurement of tissue norepinephrine. Control MAP was similar among the 3 groups before surgical treatments (≈130 mm Hg). On postoperative day 14, MAP was significantly lower in RDNX (-11±2 mm Hg) and CGX (-11±1 mm Hg) groups compared with their predenervation values. This was not the case in SHAM mice (-5±3 mm Hg). The depressor response to hexamethonium in the RDNX group was significantly smaller on postoperative day 10 (-10±5 mm Hg) compared with baseline control (-25±10 mm Hg). This was not the case in mice in the SHAM (day 10; -28±5 mm Hg) or CGX (day 10; -34±7 mm Hg) group. In conclusion, both renal and splanchnic nerves contribute to hypertension in BPH/2J mice, but likely through different mechanisms.Observational studies have shown an association between hypertension and atrial fibrillation (AF). Aggressive blood pressure management in patients with known AF reduces overall arrhythmia burden, but it remains unclear whether hypertension is causative for AF. To address this question, this study explored the relationship between genetic predictors of blood pressure and risk of AF. We secondarily explored the relationship between genetically proxied use of antihypertensive drugs and risk of AF. Two-sample Mendelian randomization was performed using an inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis with weighted median Mendelian randomization and Egger intercept tests performed as sensitivity analyses. Summary statistics for systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse pressure were obtained from the International Consortium of Blood Pressure and the UK Biobank discovery analysis and AF from the 2018 Atrial Fibrillation Genetics Consortium multiethnic genome-wide association studies. Increases in genetically proxied systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, or pulse pressure by 10 mm Hg were associated with increased odds of AF (systolic blood pressure odds ratio [OR], 1.17 [95% CI, 1.11-1.22]; P=1×10-11; diastolic blood pressure OR, 1.25 [95% CI, 1.16-1.35]; P=3×10-8; pulse pressure OR, 1.1 [95% CI, 1.0-1.2]; P=0.05). Decreases in systolic blood pressure by 10 mm Hg estimated by genetic proxies of antihypertensive medications showed calcium channel blockers (OR, 0.66 [95% CI, 0.57-0.76]; P=8×10-9) and β-blockers (OR, 0.61 [95% CI, 0.46-0.81]; P=6×10-4) decreased the risk of AF. Blood pressure-increasing genetic variants were associated with increased risk of AF, consistent with a causal relationship between blood pressure and AF. These data support the concept that blood pressure reduction with calcium channel blockade or β-blockade could reduce the risk of AF.