The NUMEN (NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay) project was recently proposed with the aim to investigate the nuclear response to Double Charge Exchange reactions for all the isotopes explored by present and future studies of 0νββ decay. The expected level of radiation in the NUMEN experiment imposes severe limitations on the average lifetime of the electronic devices. During the experiments, it is expected that the electronic devices will be exposed to about 105 neutrons/cm2/s according to FLUKA simulations. This paper investigates the reliability of a System On Module (SOM) under neutron radiation. The tests were performed using thermal, epithermal, and fast neutrons produced by the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares 4.5 MW Nuclear Research Reactor. The results show that the National Instruments SOM is robust to neutron radiation for the proposed applications in the NUMEN project.This paper presents an investigation of the temperature dependence characteristics specific to cryogenic planar Multi-Layer Inductors (MLIs). This paper establishes that the inductance of a planar MLI at a specific frequency varies with temperature when the sensor is cooled down to 4.2 K while providing a detailed analysis of various possible factors that might contribute to the variation in the sensor performance, such as the thermal deformation and the variation in the properties of sensor materials, using a combination of experiments and simulations. By calculating the interlayer capacitance, we have attempted to adopt a novel approach in the investigation of the effects of thermal deformation on the sensor. In order to arrive at that, the relative permittivity of the base material (G10CR-FR4) at cryogenic temperatures was obtained through experiments. The ANSYS static structural package was used for modeling thermally induced deformations, after which the deformed capacitance and ind