The lateral line is the primary modality fish use to create a hydrodynamic image of their environment. These images contribute to a variety of behaviors, from rheotaxis to escape responses. Here we discern the contributions of visual and lateral line modalities in hunting behavior of larvae that have developed under different photic conditions. In particular, cave animals have a hypertrophied sense of mechanosensation, and we studied the common animal model cavefish Astyanax mexicanus and its closest related surface relative. We raised larvae in a diurnal light-dark regimen and in complete darkness. We then examined the distribution of neuromasts in their lateral lines, and their hunting performance in light and dark conditions, with and without the contribution of the lateral line. We report that all larva depend on the lateral line for success in hunting and that surface fish raised in the dark have a greater dependency on the lateral line.In the current project, we examined how perceived group memberships (number, and characteristics, of), social and relational identification, and social identity leadership are associated with resilience in Royal Air Force (RAF) personnel. Based on social identity theorizing, we hypothesized positive associations between the number of groups, perceptions of their characteristics (e.g., positivity), and how they relate to each other (i.e., compatibility) and resilience (H1). We also hypothesized positive associations between both social identity leadership (H2) and resilience, and social and relational identification (H3) and resilience. Two hundred and forty-three personnel from 18 RAF bases completed an identity mapping exercise and measures of leadership, social and relational identification, and resilience. Our findings highlighted the importance of the association between positive group memberships and resilience, and social identification and resilience. Counter to our hypothesis, belonging to more groups was negatively associated with resilience, and there were non-significant relationships between three principles of social identity leadership and resilience, with embedding identity being significantly negatively associated with resilience. In support of social identity theorizing, the number of positive groups was positively associated with resilience, as was social identification. These findings indicate that, for RAF personnel, it is belonging to positive groups, both within and outside work, along with social identification, that is positively associated with resilience.Significant deviations of serum potassium and sodium levels are frequently observed in hospitalized patients and are both associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. The presence of acute or chronic renal failure facilitates the pathogenesis and complicates the clinical management. In the absence of reliable outcome data in the context of dialysis prescription, requirement of renal replacement therapy in patients with severe electrolyte disturbances constitutes a therapeutic challenge. Recommendations for intradialytic management are based on pathophysiologic reasoning and clinical observations only, and as such, heterogeneous and limited to expert opinion level. This article reviews current strategies for the management of severe hyperkalemia and hyponatremia in hemodialysis patients.Under acute stress conditions, precocious seedling development may result in the premature death of young seedlings, before they switch to autotrophic growth. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) inhibits seed germination and post-germination seedling establishment under unfavorable conditions. Various environmental signals interact with the ABA pathway to optimize these early developmental events under stress. Here, we show that light availability critically influences ABA sensitivity during early seedling development. In dark conditions, the ABA-mediated inhibition of post-germination seedling establishment is strongly enhanced. COP1, a central regulator of seedling development in the dark, is necessary for this enhanced post-germination ABA sensitivity in darkness. Despite their slower germination, cop1 seedlings establish faster than wild type in the presence of ABA in both light and dark. PHY and CRY photoreceptors that inhibit COP1 activity in light modulate ABA-mediated inhibition of seedling establishment in light. Genetically, COP1 acts downstream to ABI5, a key transcriptional regulator of ABA signaling, and does not influence the transcriptional and protein levels of ABI5 during the early post-germination stages. COP1 promotes post-germination growth arrest independent of the antagonistic interaction between ABA and cytokinin signaling pathways. COP1 facilitates the binding of ABI5 on its target promoters and the ABA-mediated upregulation of these target genes is reduced in cop1-4. Together, our results suggest that COP1 positively regulates ABA signaling to inhibit post-germination seedling establishment under stress.The class 1 ribonuclease III (RNase III) encoded by Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (CSR3) suppresses RNA silencing in plant cells and thereby counters the host antiviral response by cleaving host small interfering RNAs, which are indispensable components of the plant RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. The synergy between sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus and sweet potato feathery mottle virus can reduce crop yields by 90%. Inhibitors of CSR3 might prove efficacious to counter this viral threat, yet no screen has been carried out to identify such inhibitors. Here, we report a novel high-throughput screening (HTS) assay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for identifying inhibitors of CSR3. For monitoring CSR3 activity via HTS, we used a small interfering RNA substrate that was labelled with a FRET-compatible dye. The optimized HTS assay yielded 109 potential inhibitors of CSR3 out of 6,620 compounds tested from different small-molecule libraries. The three best inhibitor candidates were validated with a dose-response assay. In addition, a parallel screen of the selected candidates was carried out for a similar class 1 RNase III enzyme from Escherichia coli (EcR3), and this screen yielded a different set of inhibitors. Thus, our results show that the CSR3 and EcR3 enzymes were inhibited by distinct types of molecules, indicating that this HTS assay could be widely applied in drug discovery of class 1 RNase III enzymes.