Design and optimization of lensless phase-retrieval optical system with phase modulation of free-space propagation wavefront is proposed for subpixel imaging to achieve super-resolution reconstruction. Contrary to the traditional super-resolution phase-retrieval, the method in this paper requires a single observation only and uses the advanced Super-Resolution Sparse Phase Amplitude Retrieval (SR-SPAR) iterative technique which contains optimized sparsity based filters and multi-scale filters. The successful object imaging relies on modulation of the object wavefront with a random phase-mask, which generates coded diffracted intensity pattern, allowing us to extract subpixel information. The system's noise-robustness was investigated and verified. The super-resolution phase-imaging is demonstrated by simulations and physical experiments. The simulations included high quality reconstructions with super-resolution factor of 5, and acceptable at factor up to 9. By physical experiments 3 μm details were resolved, which are 2.3 times smaller than the resolution following from the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem.Channel noise is the main issue which reduces the efficiency of quantum communication. Here we present an efficient scheme for quantum key distribution against collective-rotation channel noise using polarization and transverse spatial mode of photons. Exploiting the two single-photon Bell states and two-photon hyperentangled Bell states in the polarization and the transverse spatial mode degrees of freedom (DOFs), the mutually unbiased bases can be encoded for logical qubits against the collective-rotation noise. Our scheme shows noiseless subspaces can be made up of two DOFs of two photons instead of multiple photons, which will reduce the resources required for noiseless subspaces and depress the photonic loss sensitivity. Moreover, the two single-photon Bell states and two-photon hyperentangled Bell states are symmetrical to the two photons, which means the relative order of the two photons is not required in our scheme, so the receiver only needs to measure the state of each photon, which makes our protocol easy to execute in experiment than the previous works.An absolute phase synchronization method based on phase-conjugation scheme is demonstrated. A repeatable phase difference regardless of restart operation and fiber route changing between the phase standard at local site and the recovered signal at the intermediate-access node is achieved. This indicates that absolute phase synchronization to arbitrary nodes along the fiber link is feasible. At the intermediate-access node, this phase difference is highly stable with a fluctuation of ±0.014 rad over 10000s. And this phase difference shows consistency within 2% of the full cycle under different situations such as restart operation and fiber route changing.We investigated a mid-infrared (mid-IR) dual-band absorber consisting of a continuous gold film coated with an asymmetric silicon grating. In each unit cell of the grating, there are three unequally spaced silicon strips. Numerical results reveal that the (+1, -1) planar surface plasmon polariton (SPP) waves excited by the transverse-magnetic (TM) incidence can be coupled with different Fabry-Pérot (FP) resonances and the resonant energy is dissipated to the ohmic loss. Under the normal incidence condition, the absorber provides two high-absorbance peaks at wavelengths of 3.856 µm and 4.29 µm, with the absorption bandwidths of ∼25.7 cm-1 and ∼21.5 cm-1. When changing the angle of the incidence, it is observed an interesting feature that either of the peaks does not split. The presented structure offers an approach to the design of optical components for multi-spectral control of mid-IR signals.This paper presents an InAs/InP quantum dash (QD) C-band passively mode-locked laser (MLL) with a channel spacing of 34.224 GHz. By using this QD-MLL we demonstrate an aggregate 5.376 Tbit/s PAM-4 data transmission capacity both for back-to-back (B2B) and over 25-km of standard single mode fiber (SSMF). This represents the first demonstration of QD-MLL acting as error-free operation at an aggregate data transmission capacity of 5.376 Tbit/s for some filtered individual channels. This finding highlights the viability for InAs/InP QD lasers to be used as a low-cost optical source for data center networks.The vertical distributions of optical turbulence (C n2 profiles) are a major factor in defining the capabilities of ground-based telescopes and interferometers. As site-testing campaigns are extremely expensive and instruments only provide the local atmospheric parameter, atmospheric modeling might represent an advance prediction result in astronomical sites. The key meteorological parameters and the integrated astroclimatic parameters (Fried parameter r0, seeing ɛ, isoplanatic angle θAO and wavefront coherence time τAO) related to the C n2 profiles above the Tibetan Plateau are investigated for astronomical applications by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Radiosonde measurements from a field campaign at Lhasa station above the Tibetan Plateau are used to quantify the ability of this model. The results show that the C n2 profile decreases rapidly in the surface layer, increasing with height from the boundary layer to low stratosphere, and decreases gradually in the high free atmosphere. From the whole campaign measurements above the Tibetan Plateau, the mean r0 is 8.64 cm, the mean ɛ is 1.55'', the mean θAO is 0.42'' and the mean τAO is 1.89 ms, and the comparison with the other world's leading observatory sites have been presented. In addition, such as the bias and the root-mean-squared error are used to quantify the performance of the WRF model. In spite of the model performance in reconstructing the meteorological parameters is reasonable in general, the uncertainty in quantifying the C n2 profiles and the integrated parameters are not negligible in some cases. The main results of this study tell us that the WRF model could provide a useful resource to design, monitor the performance of, and even optimize the operation of sophisticated Adaptive Optics (AO) systems.