immunotherapy for the tailored treatment of each individual patient's tumor. suppression of neoantigen-specific CD8+ T cells which was responsible for the lack of tumor rejection. IL-17 blockade together with anti-PD-1 mAb therapy eradicated these YTN16 tumors. Thus, the deep immunological phenotyping can guide immunotherapy for the tailored treatment of each individual patient's tumor. Immune checkpoint inhibitors that target the programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) receptor induce a response in only a subgroup of patients with metastatic melanoma. Previous research suggests that transforming growth factor beta signaling and a collagen-rich peritumoral stroma (tumor fibrosis), may negatively interfere with the interaction between T cells and tumor cells and thereby contribute to resistance mechanisms by immune-exclusion, while increased tumor infiltration of M1-like macrophages enhances T cell activity. Hence, the current study aimed to assess the relationship between blood-based markers of collagen or vimentin turnover (reflecting M1 macrophage activity) and clinical outcome in patients with metastatic melanoma after PD-1 inhibition. Patients with metastatic melanoma who were treated with anti-PD-1 monotherapy between May 2016 and March 2019 were included in a prospective observational study. N-terminal pro-peptide of type III collagen (PRO-C3) cross-linked N-terminal pro-peptides ofomponents to predict immunotherapy response. Skin cancers are known for their strong immunogenicity, which may contribute to a high treatment efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI). However, a considerable proportion of patients with skin cancer is immuno-compromised by concomitant diseases. Due to their previous exclusion from clinical trials, the ICI treatment efficacy is poorly investigated in these patients. The present study analyzed the ICI treatment outcome in advanced patients with skin cancer with a concomitant hematological malignancy. This retrospective multicenter study included patients who were treated with ICI for locally advanced or metastatic melanoma (MM), cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), or Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), and had a previous diagnosis of a hematological malignancy irrespective of disease activity or need of therapy at ICI treatment start. Comparator patient cohorts without concomitant hematological malignancy were extracted from the prospective multicenter skin cancer registry ADOREG. Treatment outcomrts without hematological malignancy (n=392) revealed no relevant differences in ICI therapy outcome for MM and MCC, but a significantly reduced PFS for cSCC (p=0.002). ICI therapy showed efficacy in advanced patients with skin cancer with a concomitant hematological malignancy. Compared with patients without hematological malignancy, the observed ICI therapy outcome was impaired in cSCC, but not in MM or MCC patients. ICI therapy showed efficacy in advanced patients with skin cancer with a concomitant hematological malignancy. Compared with patients without hematological malignancy, the observed ICI therapy outcome was impaired in cSCC, but not in MM or MCC patients. Despite striking successes, immunotherapies aimed at increasing cancer-specific T cell responses are unsuccessful in most patients with cancer. Inactivating regulatory T cells (Treg) by inhibiting the PI3Kδ signaling enzyme has shown promise in preclinical models of tumor immunity and is currently being tested in early phase clinical trials in solid tumors. Mice bearing 4T1 mammary tumors were orally administered a PI3Kδ inhibitor (PI-3065) daily and tumor growth, survival and T cell infiltrate were analyzed in the tumor microenvironment. A second treatment schedule comprised PI3Kδ inhibitor with anti-LAG3 antibodies administered sequentially 10 days later. As observed in human immunotherapy trials with other agents, immunomodulation by PI3Kδ-blockade led to 4T1 tumor regressor and non-regressor mice. Tumor infiltrating T cells in regressors were metabolically fitter than those in non-regressors, with significant enrichments of antigen-specific CD8 T cells, T cell factor 1 (TCF1) T cells and CD69 linical studies. These data indicate that LAG3 is a key bottleneck to successful PI3Kδ-targeted immunotherapy and provide a rationale for combining PI3Kδ/LAG3 blockade in future clinical studies. To compare intraocular lens (IOL) calculation methods not requiring refraction data prior to myopic laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and radial keratotomy (RK). In post-LASIK eyes, the methods not requiring prior refraction data were Hagis-L; Shammas; Barrett True-K no-history; Wang-Koch-Maloney; 'average', 'minimum' and 'maximum' IOL power on the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS) IOL calculator. Double-K method and Barrett True-K no-history, 'average', 'minimum' and 'maximum' IOL power on ASCRS IOL calculator were evaluated in post-RK eyes. The predicted IOL power was calculated with each method using the manifest postoperative refraction. Arithmetic and absolute IOL prediction errors (PE) (implanted-predicted IOL powers), variances in arithmetic IOL PE and percentage of eyes within ±0.50 and ±1.00 D of refractive PE were calculated. Arithmetic or absolute IOL PE were not significantly different between the methods in post-LASIK and post-RK eyes. In post-LASIK ey D in post-RK eyes. We analysed the ability of B-scan ultrasound, ocular electrophysiology testing and videoendoscopic examination for predicting visual prognosis in Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis (KPro-1) candidates. Indirect anatomical and electrophysiological findings and results from direct endoscopic evaluations were correlated with postoperative functional data. In this prospective and interventional study, we included 13 individuals who had previously been indicated for Kpro-1 surgery. All subjects underwent preoperative screening, including ophthalmic evaluation, B-scan ultrasound, electrophysiological testing, and perioperative intraocular videoendoscopic evaluation (VE). B-scan ultrasound, electrophysiological testing, and VE evaluation results were categorised as favourable or unfavourable predictors of postoperative functional results according to predefined criteria. The predictability values of B-scan ultrasound, electrophysiological testing, and VE prognostication were calculated based on the visual acuity level achieved.