113th nucleotide was C (cytosine) in the sequence of our isolate, while the existence of G (guanine) in the sequence numbered KJ413251.1 GenBank revealed the difference between the two sequences. In this study the molecular characterization of lucimycin gene derived from L.sericata larvae were determined for the first time in Turkey, it is assumed that this molecule which has an antifungal property, can be used in the studies that will be carried out in the future, especially in microorganisms causing cutaneous infections. The study is important since the isolate is registered as a biological asset of Turkey in GenBank and also being the second study in the world.Klebsiella pneumoniae is the cause of complicated and difficult-to-treat nosocomial infections such as sepsis, urinary tract infection, catheter related infections, pneumonia and surgical site infections in intensive care units. The biggest problem in infections with K.pneumoniae is that treatment options are limited due to multiple antibiotic resistance and consequently the increased morbidity and mortality. The widespread and improper use of carbapenems can lead to epidemics that are difficult to control, especially in intensive care units because of the acquired resistance to this group of antibiotics. Outbreaks and sporadic cases caused by carbapenem resistant K.pneumoniae (CRKP) species have been reported all over the world in recent years with increased frequency. The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors related to carbepenem resistance and mortality caused by K.pneumoniae infections in a university hospital anesthesia intensive care unit. The study was conducted between January 1st, 2016 (CI)= 2.027-180.133; p= 0.010] and aminoglycoside (OR= 12.189; 95% CI= 1.256-118.334; p= 0.031) was an independent risk factor in terms of CRCP among the patients with K.pneumoniae infection. The 28-day mortality rates were 71.9% in the CRKP group (23/32) and 37.5% in the CSKP group (21/56). Presence of CRKP in terms of 28-day mortality (OR= 5.146; 95% CI= 1.839-14.398; p= 0.002) was an independent risk factor. The data obtained in this study will guide for conducting effective and continuous surveillance studies and implementing rational antibiotic programs to prevent the increase in CRKP.Clostridioides difficile, a gram-positive, anaerobic, spore forming bacillus known as Clostridium difficile according to the previous taxonomy, is the most important agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. C.difficile infections have become a major health problem for many countries. The rate of antimicrobial resistant C.difficile isolates is rapidly increasing all around the world. Yet there is limited data on this subject in our country. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of C.difficile strains isolated from stool samples in Marmara University Pendik Training and Research Hospital Microbiology Laboratory. A total of 93 toxigenic C.difficile, defined by serological and molecular techniques, were included in this study. Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of isolates were determined by using agar dilution method according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI; M11-A7). The following antimicrobials commonly used for the treatment of C.difficileIC90 values of tigecycline, erythromycin linezolid, doxycycline were 0.125-0.25 mg/L, 1-2 mg/L, 2-2 mg/L, 0.062- 0.125 mg/L, respectively. This study shows the current antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of C.difficile isolates in our hospital and will also be the reference data for clinical laboratories in our country where anaerobic culture and susceptibility tests are not performed in routine practice. In conclusion, two main antimicrobial agents commonly used in the treatment of C.difficile infections, metronidazole and vancomycin, seem to be effective. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/MLN-2238.html However, high resistance rates against to the certain tested antimicrobials highlight the need for further surveillance to monitor the emergence of resistance.Medical laboratory personnel may be exposed to various hazards, especially biological and chemical, during their routine activities. In this multicenter study, which could reflect the nation wide results, it was aimed to determine the safety and biosecurity practices of the employee working in medical microbiology laboratories and to reveal the current situation. A total of 1072 personnel working in the Medical Microbiology Laboratory of 23 hospitals (14 medical faculty hospitals, seven ministry of health training and research hospitals and two state hospitals) from different provinces were provided with a questionnaire consisting of 33 questions inquiring about the rules, opinions, attitudes and behaviors regarding safety and biosafety practices. Statistical analyses were made with institutions, age groups, gender, educational background, working time and occupational groups in terms of exposure to biological and chemical hazards. It was determined that approximately 50% personnel of the university/ training change the behavior. The community pharmacy is one setting that plays a crucial role in patient safety. To develop tailored patient safety improvement programs in this setting, it is essential to know the perspectives of the pharmacies' staffs on patient safety. Thus, in this study, we assessed patient-safety culture in the community pharmacy setting in Saudi Arabia. Between January and August of 2019, we conducted a cross-sectional study among staff working in the community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia. Data on patient safety culture were collected using the Pharmacy Survey on Patient Safety Culture (PSOPSC). Analyses were performed with descriptive statistics (frequency/percentages), Fisher's Exact test, Chi-square analysis, and multivariable ordinal logistic regression with proportional odds model analysis. PSOPSC data from 805 community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia were received (response rate 78%). The overall average positive response rate for the 11 dimensions of the PSOPSC survey was 60.2%, with a range from 34.8% in the dimension of Staffing, Work Pressure, and Pace to 76.4% in the dimension of Teamwork. Most participants responded positively, as in total, 504 (62.6%) of the participants rated their pharmacy as 'excellent' or 'very good' on patient safety. Gender and work experience in a pharmacy were important predictors of the overall patient safety grade. The study revealed that all dimensions are scope for further improvement, and critical consideration ought to be given to the areas of weakness, for the most part in the dimension of Staffing, Work Pressure, and Pace. The study revealed that all dimensions are scope for further improvement, and critical consideration ought to be given to the areas of weakness, for the most part in the dimension of Staffing, Work Pressure, and Pace.