Metaphyseal fixation with porous titanium sleeves in revision knee surgery provides mechanical support to the implant, promotes biological fixation, and has shown satisfactory short- and mid-term results. Cement is commonly used to fix the tibial tray to the epiphyseal area. The objective of this study is to determine whether cement should be used to achieve fixation of the tibial tray with the hypothesis that metaphyseal sleeves would provide enough axial and rotational stability making cementation unnecessary. Prospective study of 60 patients undergoing knee replacement surgery with metaphyseal sleeves in type 2B defects in femur and tibia. Patients were divided into two groups according to the use of cement on the tibial component. Analysis included the American Knee Society Score (KSS) knee and functional scales, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) index, the Short Form 12 (SF-12) health survey, and radiographic assessment with a maximum follow-up of 5years. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in any of the parameters assessed. Metaphyseal sleeves showed a 100% survivorship at five years of followup. There were no differences in clinical and radiographic outcomes at five years of follow-up depending on whether or not cement was used for tibial platform fixation. Cementation of the tibial tray would therefore not be required to achieve satisfactory mid-term results. Level II prospective cohort study. Therapeutic. Level II prospective cohort study. Therapeutic.Mycorrhizal fungi are critical components of terrestrial habitats and agroecosystems. Recently, Mucoromycotina fine root endophyte fungi (MucFRE) were found to engage in nutritional mutualism with Lycopodiella inundata, which belongs to one of the earliest vascular plant lineages known to associate with MucFRE. The extent to which this mutualism plays a role in resilient plant populations can only be understood by examining its occurrence rate and phenological patterns. To test for prevalence and seasonality in colonization, we examined 1305 individual L. inundata roots from 275 plants collected during spring and autumn 2019 across 11 semi-natural heathlands in Britain and the Netherlands. We quantified presence/absence of fine root endophyte (FRE) hyphae and vesicles and explored possible relationships between temperature and precipitation in the months immediately before sampling. Fine root endophyte hyphae were dominant in all of the examined heathlands, and every colonized root had FRE in both cortical cells and root hairs. However, we found significant differences in colonization between the two seasons at every site. Overall, 14% of L. inundata roots were colonized in spring (2.4% with vesicles) compared with 86% in autumn (7.6% with vesicles). Colonization levels between populations were also significantly different, correlating with temperature and precipitation, suggesting some local environments may be more conducive to root and related hyphal growth. These marked seasonal differences in host-plant colonization suggest that results about FRE from single time point collections should be carefully interpreted. Our findings are relevant to habitat restoration, species conservation plans, agricultural bio-inoculation treatments, and microbial diversity studies. The European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) identified the need to develop a competency-based core curriculum for ESSKA specialists, against which all their educational activities, resources and priorities for development could be mapped. The aim of this study was to take a research-based approach to developing a competency-based core curriculum for ESSKA specialists. A Core Curriculum Working Group, with experts representing the ESSKA Board, Sections and Committees, reviewed existing curricula and literature in their own specialist areas and developed a draft list of 285 core competencies for ESSKA specialists. All ESSKA members were asked to comment and rate the importance of these competencies, and the Working Group used these results to refine the curriculum. Four hundred-forty responses to the online survey contained meaningful data. Almost all were ESSKA members, with broad representation of the countries, ages and backgrounds of the membership. All 285 core be of interest to the wider orthopaedic and sports medicine communities. COVID-19 is a declared worldwide pandemic. In our country, due to shortage of hospitals and beds in intensive care unit, oncological and breast cancer (BC) resources are temporarily shifted to COVID-19 patients. In addition, risk of cross-infections should be considered in these frail patients. To accomplish more surgical procedures and to reduce the length of hospital stay (LOS), fast track awake BC surgery should be implemented. The aim of the study is to estimate the effects of surgical shift in our facility during the early COVID-19 outbreak. From 30th January 2020 to 30th of March 2020, 86 consecutive patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into pre-COVID-19-BC and COVID-19-BC. Clinical parameters and anamnestic data were collected and analyzed. Surgical procedures, relative complications and type of anaesthesia were reported. The effect on surgical time (ST), operative room time (ORT) and length of stay (LOS) were described and examined. No statistical difference was found in complications rate, clinical data and surgical procedures (p > 0.05). Awake breast conservative surgery (BCS) was the most frequent procedure in COVID-19-BC (p = 0.006). A statistically significant decrease in ORT and LOS was reported in COVID-19-BC (p = 0.040 and p = 0.0015 respectively), while comparable time resulted for ST (p = 0.976). Mean ORT and LOS reduction were 20.79min and 0.57 hospital bed days. In the "COVID-19 era", fast track awake breast surgery provides a reduction of ORT, LOS and potentially surgical treatment for a wider number of oncological patients. In the "COVID-19 era", fast track awake breast surgery provides a reduction of ORT, LOS and potentially surgical treatment for a wider number of oncological patients.