In 2019-2020, a particularly bad bushfire season in Australia resulted in cattle being exposed to prolonged periods of smoke haze and reduced air quality. Bushfire smoke contains many harmful pollutants, and impacts on regions far from the fire front, with smoke haze persisting for weeks. Particulate matter (PM) is one of the major components of bushfire smoke known to have a negative impact on human health. However, little has been reported about the potential effects that bushfire smoke has on cattle exposed to smoke haze for extended periods. We explored the current literature to investigate evidence for likely effects on cattle from prolonged exposure to smoke generated from bushfires in Australia. We conducted a search for papers related to the impacts of smoke on cattle. Initial searching returned no relevant articles through either CAB Direct or PubMed databases, whilst Google Scholar provided a small number of results. The search was then expanded to look at two sub-questions the type of pollution that is found in bushfire smoke, and the reported effects of both humans and cattle being exposed to these types of pollutants. The primary mechanism for damage due to bushfire smoke is due to small airborne particulate matter (PM). Although evidence demonstrates that PM from bushfire smoke has a measurable impact on both human mortality and cardiorespiratory morbidities, there is little evidence regarding the impact of chronic bushfire smoke exposure in cattle. We hypothesize that cattle are not severely affected by chronic exposure to smoke haze, as evidenced by the lack of reports. This may be because cattle do not tend to suffer from the co-morbidities that, in the human population, seem to be made worse by smoke and pollution. Further, small changes to background mortality rates or transient morbidity may also go unreported.Equal parts of sugar beet pectin and sodium caseinate were interacted through electrostatic attraction, enzymatic crosslinking, and the Maillard reaction to prepare three oil-in-water emulsifier systems. Oil-in-water emulsions (10%) were processed via high shear overhead mixing at the natural pH of the emulsifier systems, followed by pH adjustment to pH 4.5 and pH 7. The emulsions were stable against coalescence, except for a slight increase in the mean droplet size for the enzymatic cross-liked emulsion at pH 4.5 over a 14-day storage period. This emulsion also showed the lowest absolute zeta (ζ)-potential value of near 30 mV. The Maillard interaction emulsifier system resulted in larger droplet sizes compared to the other two emulsifier systems. Small deformation oscillatory shear rheology assessment of the emulsion cream phases revealed an impact of the emulsifier system design at pH 4.5.As a consequence of intense industrialization in the last few decades, the amount of agro-industrial wastes has increasing, where new forms of valorization are crucial. In this work, five residual biomasses from Maranhão (Brazil) were investigated as supports for immobilization of lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL). The new biocatalysts BM-TLL (babaçu mesocarp) and RH-TLL (rice husk) showed immobilization efficiencies >98% and hydrolytic activities of 5.331 U g-1 and 4.608 U g-1, respectively, against 142 U g-1 by Lipozyme® TL IM. High esterification activities were also found, with 141.4 U g-1 and 396.4 U g-1 from BM-TLL and RH-TLL, respectively, against 113.5 U g-1 by TL IM. Results of porosimetry, SEM, and BET demonstrated BM and RH supports are mesoporous materials with large hydrophobic area, allowing a mixture of hydrophobic adsorption and confinement, resulting in hyperactivation of TLL. These biocatalysts were applied in the production of hexyl laurate, where RH-TLL was able to generate 94% conversion in 4 h. Desorption with Triton X-100 and NaCl confirmed that new biocatalysts were more efficient with 5 times less protein than commercial TL IM. All results demonstrated that residual biomass was able to produce robust and stable biocatalysts containing immobilized TLL with better results than commercial preparations.Factor XIII (FXIII) is a transglutaminase enzyme that catalyses the formation of ε-(γ-glutamyl)lysyl isopeptide bonds into protein substrates. The plasma form, FXIIIA2B2, has an established function in haemostasis, with fibrin being its principal substrate. A deficiency in FXIII manifests as a severe bleeding diathesis emphasising its crucial role in this pathway. The FXIII-A gene (F13A1) is expressed in cells of bone marrow and mesenchymal lineage. The cellular form, a homodimer of the A subunits denoted FXIII-A, was perceived to remain intracellular, due to the lack of a classical signal peptide for its release. It is now apparent that FXIII-A can be externalised from cells, by an as yet unknown mechanism. Thus, three pools of FXIII-A exist within the circulation plasma where it circulates in complex with the inhibitory FXIII-B subunits, and the cellular form encased within platelets and monocytes/macrophages. The abundance of this transglutaminase in different forms and locations in the vasculature reflect the complex and crucial roles of this enzyme in physiological processes. Herein, we examine the significance of these pools of FXIII-A in different settings and the evidence to date to support their function in haemostasis and wound healing. The objectives of this study were to explore the effect of time, long-term tracking, and the proportion of objectively measured physical activity (PA) from early adolescence to the mid-thirties. PA was measured as mean steps per day (SPD) with pedometers during 2000 (T1), 2003 (T2), 2005 (T3), 2010 (T4), 2016 (T5) and 2020 (T6). Data from 64 participants ( = 32 males) were analysed from their early adolescence (T1) to their mid-thirties (T6). SPD decreased in the total sample and among males and females (all, < 0.001). Males took more mean SPD than females during T1 ( = 0.002), whereas females took more mean SPD during T2 ( = 0.009) and T6 ( = 0.008). Males' mean SPD tracked between T1 and T2 ( = 0.021), T2 and T3 ( = 0.030), T3 and T4 ( = 0.015) and T4 and T5 ( = 0.003). Females' mean SPD tracked between T3 and T4 ( = 0.024) and T5 and T6 ( < 0.001). In the total sample, more mean SPD were found on weekdays compared to weekend days at T3 ( = 0.017) and T5 ( < 0.001).