Here, we report the complete genome sequence of the AK-0 strain, which has a 3,969,429 bp circular chromosome with 3808 genes and a G+C content of 46.5%. The genome sequence of AK-0 provides a greater understanding of the Bacillus species, which displays biocontrol activity via secondary metabolites. The genome has eight potential secondary metabolite biosynthetic clusters, among which, ituD and bacD genes were expressed at a greater level than other genes. This work provides a better understanding of the strain AK-0, as an effective biocontrol agent (BCA) against phytopathogens, including bitter rot in apple.Air pollution is a global environmental problem, and its effects on human behavior, psychology, and health have been well studied. However, very few studies were done on if and how air pollution affects animal behavior, for example, social conflict. Many physiological and psychological evidences suggest a possible positive relationship between air pollution and animal social conflict, thus we established a multiple linear regression model using a captive monkey group to explore if monkeys behave more aggressively in polluted air. Our results confirmed that daily social fighting behaviors occurred more when air is polluted. Temperature has a nonlinear effect on monkey social conflict, with a fighting peak at 25-29 °C. To our knowledge, this is the first report that animal social conflict, like humans, is also affected by air pollution and temperature.Quantitative measurement of lung perfusion is a promising tool to evaluate lung pathophysiology as well as to assess disease severity and monitor treatment. However, this novel technique has not been adopted clinically due to various technical and physiological challenges; and it is still in the early developmental phase where the correlation between lung pathophysiology and perfusion maps is being explored. The purpose of this research work is to quantify the impact of pulmonary artery occlusion on lung perfusion indices using lung dynamic perfusion CT (DPCT). We performed Lung DPCT in ten anesthetized, mechanically ventilated juvenile pigs (18.6-20.2 kg) with a range of reversible pulmonary artery occlusions (0%, 40-59%, 60-79%, 80-99%, and 100%) created with a balloon catheter. For each arterial occlusion, DPCT data was analyzed using first-pass kinetics to derive blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV) and mean transit time (MTT) perfusion maps. Two radiologists qualitatively assessed perfusion maps for the pr findings demonstrate that lung DPCT enables quantification and stratification of pulmonary artery occlusion into three categories mild, moderate and severe. Severe (occlusion ≥ 80%) alters all perfusion indices; mild (occlusion  less then  55%) has no detectable effect. Moderate (occlusion 55-80%) impacts BF and MTT but BV is preserved.Acinetobacter baumannii is a highly antibiotic resistant Gram-negative bacterium that causes life-threatening infections in humans with a very high mortality rate. A. baumannii is an extracellular pathogen with poorly understood virulence mechanisms. Here we report that A. baumannii employs the release of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) containing the outer membrane protein A (OmpAAb) to promote bacterial pathogenesis and dissemination. OMVs containing OmpAAb are taken up by mammalian cells where they activate the host GTPase dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1). OmpAAb mediated activation of DRP1 enhances its accumulation on mitochondria that causes mitochondrial fragmentation, elevation in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and cell death. Loss of DRP1 rescues these phenotypes. Our data show that OmpAAb is sufficient to induce mitochondrial fragmentation and cytotoxicity since its expression in E. coli transfers its pathogenic properties to E. coli. A. baumannii infection in mice also induces mitochondrial damage in alveolar macrophages in an OmpAAb dependent manner. We finally show that OmpAAb is also required for systemic dissemination in the mouse lung infection model. In this study we uncover the mechanism of OmpAAb as a virulence factor in A. baumannii infections and further establish the host cell factor required for its pathogenic effects.Bedload transport modelling in rivers takes into account the size and density of pebbles to estimate particle mobility, but does not formally consider particle shape. To address this issue and to compare the relative roles of the density and shape of particles, we performed original sediment transport experiments in an annular flume using molded artificial pebbles equipped with a radio frequency identification tracking system. The particles were designed with four distinct shapes and four different densities while having the same volume, and their speeds and distances traveled under constant hydraulic conditions were analyzed. The results show that particle shape has more influence than particle density on the resting time between particle displacement and the mean traveling distance. For all densities investigated, the particle shape systematically induced differences in travel distance that were strongly correlated (R2 = 0.94) with the Sneed and Folks shape index. Such shape influences, although often mentioned, are here quantified for the first time, demonstrating why and how they can be included in bedload transport models.Adverse experience in early life can affect the formation of neuronal circuits during postnatal development and exert long-lasting influences on neural functions that can lead to the development of a variety of psychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Many studies have demonstrated that daily repeated maternal separation, an animal model of early-life stress, can induce impairments in emotional behaviours and cognitive function during adolescence and adulthood. However, the behavioural phenotypes of maternally separated mice under long-term group-housing conditions are largely unknown. In this study, we applied our newly developed assay system to investigate the effects of maternal separation on behaviours under group-housing conditions during four days of continuous observations. Using our system, we found that repeated maternal separation resulted in inappropriate social distance from cagemates, altered approach preferences to others, and induced a lower rank in the time spent on the running wheel under group-housing conditions in adult male mice.