The above results implied that the active molecule 13a could be studied in the future development of agricultural available antibiotics.Tausch's goatgrass (Aegilops tauschii Coss.), is a major weed species, infesting wheat (Triticum aestivum) fields in China. 2,4-D isooctyl ester is widely used for broadleaf weed control and selected as a tool to study the differences between, A. tauschii and T. aestivum. In this study, we measured the growth responses of these species to 2,4-D isooctyl ester and found that T. aestivum was more sensitive to the herbicide than A. tauschii. To clarify the reasons for this difference, we measured the leaf-mediated deposition, absorption and metabolism of 2,4-D isooctyl ester and the expression of auxin receptor transport inhibitor response (TIR1) gene in T. aestivum and A. tauschii. The results indicated that the deposition of 2,4-D isooctyl ester droplets may be lower on A. tauschii than on T. aestivum, because of the increased contact angle and greater density of trichomes on the leaves of the former. A distinct increase in 2,4-D isooctyl ester uptake was detected in T. aestivum during the entire experimental period, and the rate was 2.2-fold greater than that in A. tauschii at 6 h after treatment. Compared with A. tauschii, T. aestivum exhibited a greater accumulation of primary metabolite 2,4-D in plants, which may be responsible for the different responses of the two species. Additionally, the absolute expression level of TIR1 was clearly greater in T. aestivum than that in A. tauschii. These data will be helpful to further understand the differences between T. aestivum and A. tauschii, which may provide a unique perspective for the development and identification of new target compounds that are effective against this weed species.Fipronil is a phenylpyrazole insecticide that is widely used as a pesticide and a veterinary drug, although studies suggest that it could be toxic to mammals. The objectives of this study were to examine the pharmacokinetic profile of fipronil in mice, dogs, and cats, and to evaluate its effects on emotional and cognitive behaviors of dogs and cats using the data obtained from mice. The assessment of in vivo kinetics of fipronil was conducted in mice and dogs. We also performed behavioral tests (elevated plus-maze and Y-maze) and measured the levels of neurotransmitters in mice exposed to fipronil. In addition, the in vitro metabolism of fipronil were evaluated using liver microsomes of rats, mice, dogs, and cats. The results revealed that fipronil is distributed throughout the body (blood, brain, adipose tissue, and liver) of mice after dermal application. It was metabolized to fipronil sulfone primarily in the liver. The data on kinetics show that both fipronil and fipronil sulfone have a longer half-life in dogs and cats than in mice. The behavioral tests indicated that fipronil and fipronil sulfone could affect emotional and cognitive behaviors and alter the levels of neurotransmitters (dopamine in the striatum and serotonin in the hippocampus) in mice. Furthermore, we found that dogs and cats have a low ability to metabolize fipronil than mice and rats. However, further comprehensive studies are needed to determine whether fipronil affects the emotional and cognitive behaviors when administered to dogs and cats. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the pharmacokinetic data and verify the effects of fipronil on emotional and cognitive behaviors of dogs and cats using the data obtained from mice.The present study explores biodegradation kinetics and process optimization of plant growth retardant from triazole group paclobutrazol (PBZ; C15H20ClN3O mol. wt. 293.79 g mol-1) in a batch experiment. A gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium T7 was isolated from PBZ applied agricultural field by enrichment technique and characterized as Pseudomonas putida strain T7. Strain was tested for PBZ biodegradation and plant growth-promoting characteristics. Results revealed that strain T7 utilizes PBZ as a carbon and energy source and showing degradation up to 98.30% on the 15th day. First-order degradation kinetics and a linear model were well fitted and showing a maximum t1/2 value on 9th day. Biodegradation optimization by Box Behnken design (BBD) of Response surface methodology (RSM) showed maximum degradation at pH 7.0, 31 °C temperature, and 2 mL inoculum size (8 × 109 CFU mL-1). The bacterium was also able to solubilize Zn, K, and PO4 and produced a copious amount of IAA, HCN, and Ammonia. The biocontrol activity against plant pathogens like Fusarium oxysporum (MTCC-284), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (MTCC 2190), Pythium aphanidermatum (MTCC - 1024), Tropical race-1 (TR -1), and Tropical race - 4 (TR-4) showed the great antagonistic effect. Hence, this strain can be employed as an effective bio-agent for eco-friendly cleanup strategies and pathogen suppressive agents in paclobutrazol contaminated soil.Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), a highly conserved amidated neuropeptide, stimulates feeding in Drosophila melanogaster and Periplaneta americana, and regulates pupa-adult transition in Tribolium castaneum and Manduca sexta. In the present paper, we intended to address whether CCAP plays the dual roles in the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata. We found that the levels of Ldccap were high in the dissected samples of brain-corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complex and ventral nerve cord, midgut and hindgut in the final (fourth)-instar larvae. A pulse of 20-hydroxyecdysone triggered the expression of Ldccap in the central nervous system but decreased the transcription in the midgut. In contrast, juvenile hormone intensified the expression of Ldccap in the midgut. RNA interference (RNAi)-aided knockdown of Ldccap at the penultimate instar stage inhibited foliage consumption, reduced the contents of trehalose and chitin, and lowered the mRNA levels of two chitin biosynthesis genes (LdUAP1 and LdChSAb). Moreover, around 70% of the Ldccap RNAi larvae remained as prepupae, completely wrapped in the old larval exuviae, and finally died. The remaining RNAi beetles continually developed to severely-deformed adults most having wrinkled and smaller elytra and hindwings, and shortened legs. Therefore, CCAP plays three distinct roles, stimulating feeding in foraging larval stage, regulating ecdysis, and facilitating wing expansion and appendage elongation in a coleopteran. In addition, Ldccap can be used as a potential target gene for developing novel management strategies against this coleopteran pest.