mproving the degree of myocardial fibrosis. The study also verifies the protective effect of NpRb3 on energy metabolism and mitochondrial function by targeting the PPARα pathway. Therefore, the prepared nanodrug carrier may be a potential solution for the delivery of G-Rb3, which is a promising platform for oral treatment of myocardial fibrosis.Protein kinases belong to the largest family of enzymes controlling every aspect of cellular activity including gene expression, cell division, differentiation and metabolism. They are part of major intracellular signalling pathways. Hence, it is not surprising that they are involved in the development of major diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, dementia and, most importantly, cancer when they undergo mutations, modifications and unbalanced expression. This review will explore the possibility to draw a connection between the application of natural phytochemicals and the treatment of cancer. We have chosen to focus on the PI3K/AKT cellular signalling pathway which has been shown to be a major target by natural compounds in cell cultures and animal models.Cisplatin (Cis) is an effective cancer therapy commonly employed in many therapeutic regimens. However, treatment regimens that contain either a high dose or cumulative doses of Cis could trigger liver damage. A unique study demonstrated that captopril (Cap) protects against Cis-induced liver toxicity, but only some liver function enzymes and some antioxidant enzymes were investigated in that study. Our study aims to elucidate the protective mechanism of Cap against Cis liver toxicity. Acute liver toxicity was induced in rats by injecting a single Cis dose (7.5 mg/kg) in three groups (n = 6). Two groups were pre-treated with low (50 mg/kg) and high (100 mg/kg) Cap doses for one week before Cis injection, and the third group was injected with Cis only. The high Cap dose significantly improved liver function markers (ALT, AST, and ALP) and hepatic tissue pathology. The low Cap dose significantly improved ALP and, to a lesser extent, hepatic tissue pathology. Both Cap doses significantly decreased liver contents of MDA, IL-1β, and cleaved caspase-3; and liver protein expression of TNF-α, Bax, and caspase-3. The high Cap dose significantly increased liver contents of GSH, GPx, CAT, and SOD, and the liver protein expression of Bcl2. Moreover, only the high Cap dose significantly decreased liver IL-6 content and cytochrome C protein expression. Cap did not inhibit the antitumor impact of Cis against HCT116 cancer cells. Therefore, Cap restricts Cis-induced liver toxicity by reducing inflammation and apoptosis and augmenting the antioxidant system.In this study, effects of polystyrene microplastics (MPS) on Euglena gracilis were investigated via examination on its photosynthesis and motility, two typical properties of the protozoan. No adverse effects were observed after 4-d exposure except for decrease in motility at two high MPS concentrations (5 and 25 mg/L). After 8-d duration, MPS at 1 mg/L had no obvious effects on E. gracilis, but two higher concentrations (5 and 25 mg/L) of MPS inhibited protozoan growth, motility, and photosynthesis. The reduced protozoan photosynthetic activity was reflected by changes in Fv/Fm (the maximum photochemical yield of PSII), ΔFIP (difference between FP and FI) and PIABS (the performance index), indicative of reduced quantum yield of electron transport and enhanced energy dissipation. A dose-dependent effect of MPS on E. gracilis was found in protozoan growth, photosynthesis and motility, especially photosynthetic indices. MPS of small size (75 nm) seemed more toxic to the protozoa than large size (1000 nm). Internalization of MPS in the cells and chloroplasts was observed clearly for the first time, likely responsible for their toxicity. Analysis on photosynthetic process and motility of E. gracilis could provide more comprehensive understanding of MPS toxicity in the aquatic environment, and may potentially serve as a biomonitoring tool.Theoretical studies suggest that several mechanisms underlie human visual aesthetic experiences perceptual processing, which has small variability among individuals (shared properties) and strong correlation with image statistics (e.g. color statistics); cognitive processing, which is idiosyncratic and has weak correlation with image statistics; and emotional processing, which determines the affective part of the aesthetic experience. Furthermore, several experimental studies have reported that the visual aesthetic experience can be largely explained by only a few latent factors. However, it is unclear whether the idiosyncrasy and sensitivity to the image statistics of the latent factors from empirical studies are consistent with the multi-stage processing hypothesis from theoretical studies. In the present study, using exploratory factor analysis, we derived three latent factors of visual aesthetic experiences from participants observing landscape paintings and photographs. Then we examined the difference in the idiosyncrasy of the factors and the relationship between the factors and color statistics. We found that there were significant correlations among the color statistics and Factors 1 and 3, which had a small variance of factor scores (low idiosyncrasy), and no or weak correlation among the color statistics and Factor 2, which had a large variance of factor scores (high idiosyncrasy). Our results provide experimental evidence for the perceptual and cognitive processing of visual aesthetic experiences. Physical activity (PA) has been receiving increasing interest in recent years as an adjuvant therapy for autoimmune rheumatic disease (ARDs), but there is scarce information about the efficacy of home-based PA for patients with ARDs. To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of home-based physical activity (PA) interventions in improving health-related quality of life, functional capacity, pain, and disease activity in patients with ARDs. Searches were performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane, CINAHL database and Sport Discus. Trials were considered eligible if they included a home-based physical activity intervention. The population included adults with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, systemic sclerosis and ankylosing spondylitis), comparisons included non-physical activity control or centre-based interventions (i.e., interventions performed on a specialized exercise centre) and the outcomes were quality of life, pain, functional capacity, disease activity and inflammation.