These impacts were not observed for the video condition suggesting that for this study, watching a video of a training session was not an effective tool for getting people involved in conservation. Future research is needed to better understand this important topic, but we now have further evidence of the importance of in-person zoo experiences.Response to comments on Cui Q-Q et al "Hippocampal CD 39/ENTPD 1 promotes mouse depression-like behavior through hydrolyzing extracellular ATP".In this paper, a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry (MS) (MALDI-FTICR-MS) imaging method was developed to rapid and in situ detect the spatial distribution of lysophospholipids (LPLs) in zebrafish. The combination of MALDI with ultrahigh-resolution FTICR-MS achieves the MS imaging of LPLs with a mass resolution up to 50 000, which allows accurate identification and clear spatial visualization of LPLs in complex biological tissues. A series of lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs) was detected using positive ion detection mode, and their concentration differences and spatial distributions were clearly visualized in different parts of zebrafish tissue. The method is rapid, simple, and efficient, being a desirable way to understand the spatial distribution of LPLs in biosome.We developed a highly efficient and low-cost organic solvents-resistant microfluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD) coupled with paper spray mass spectrometry (PS-MS) for quantitative determination of C18 -ceramide as a prognostic biomarker for several diseases. Several models of μPAD patterns have been examined to select the most resistant and efficient microchannel barriers, which can provide continuous spray at ionization zone and prevent "coffee ring" effect. Moreover, the developed μPAD has enabled the analysis of low concentration of C18 -ceramide because of the maximum supply of deposited analyte through microchannel. The MS results confirmed the formation of doubly and singly charged metal ion complexes between ceramide and different metal ions. Notably, the complexation that occurs between lithium ions and C18 -ceramide showed a high relative abundance compared with other formed complexes. Taking into account the relative abundance of complex [Cer + Li]+ at 572.8 m/z, it can be considered as a stable ion and therefore be used for the analysis of C18 -ceramide at low concentrations. Complexation of C18 -ceramide and lithium confirmed with quantum chemical calculations. The proposed method represents good linearity with a regression coefficient of 0.9956 for the analysis of C18 -ceramide and reaches a limit of detection to 0.84 nM. It has been adapted successfully for practical application in human serum samples with high recovery values in range of 92%-105%. The developed μPAD-MS technique provides clear advantages by reducing the experimental steps and simplifying the operation process and enables to identify subnanomolar concentration of C18 -ceramide in human serum samples.Topology influences the properties and applications of polymers. Consequently, considerable efforts have been made to control topological structures. In this work, we have developed a photoorganocatalyzed divergent synthetic approach based on reversible-deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) that enables the preparation of both linear and branched fluoropolymers of low dispersity (Ð), a tunable degree of branching and high chain-end fidelity by exposure to LED light irradiation under metal-free conditions. This method promotes the generation of complicated structures (e.g., necklace-like and mop-like fluoropolymers) via chain-extension photo-RDRP, and provides a novel and versatile platform to access fluoropolymer electrolytes with high Li-ion transference number and good ionic conductivity, which should create improved opportunities for advanced material engineering. To present the results of the first human spinal cord in vivo MRI scans at 9.4T. A human brain coil was used to image the human spinal cord at 9.4T. All anatomical images were acquired with a T *-weighted gradient-echo sequence. A comparison of the influence of four different B shimming routines on the image quality was performed. Intrinsic signal-to-noise-ratio maps were determined using a pseudo-multiple replica approach. Measurements with different echo times were compared and processed to one multiecho data image combination image. Based on the multiecho acquisitions, T *-relaxation time maps were calculated. Algorithmic spinal cord detection and gray matter/white matter segmentation were tested. An echo time between 9 and 13.8 ms compromised best between gray matter/white matter contrast and image quality. A maximum in-plane resolution of 0.15 × 0.15 mm was achieved for anatomical images. These images offered excellent image quality and made small structures of the spinal cord visible. The scanner vendor implemented B shimming routine performed best during this work. Intrinsic signal-to-noise-ratio values of between 6600 and 8060 at the upper cervical spinal cord were achieved. Detection and segmentation worked reliably. An average T *-time of 24.88 ms ± 6.68 ms for gray matter and 19.37 ms ± 8.66 ms for white matter was calculated. The proposed human brain coil can be used to image the spinal cord. The maximum in-plane resolution in this work was higher compared with the 7T results from the literature. The 9.4T acquisitions made the small structures of the spinal cord clearly visible. The proposed human brain coil can be used to image the spinal cord. The maximum in-plane resolution in this work was higher compared with the 7T results from the literature. The 9.4T acquisitions made the small structures of the spinal cord clearly visible.Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by recurrent inflammation, and is increasingly being recognized as a systemic inflammatory disorder, which is associated with cardiovascular events, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Recent findings have suggested a greater risk of hypertension, particularly difficult-to-control hypertension, in patients with severe psoriasis. Additionally, abnormal activation of immune cells with overexpression of pathogenic cytokines in psoriasis, leading to immune cascade, oxidative injury and collagen deposition in arteries, may further contribute to vascular stiffening and hypertension. However, studies have demonstrated beneficial effects of antipsoriatic drugs on blood pressure and the cardiovascular system, including immunosuppressants and biological reagents targeting tumour necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-17A and the IL-12/23 p40 subunit. This review summarizes the mechanisms underlying the impact of systemic inflammation on skin and arteries, and assesses the epidemiological and clinical links between psoriasis and hypertension.