A combination of powerful computing units provides enough processing power to deploy artificial intelligence and deep learning-based solutions on-board the robot without the need to send any sensitive data to cloud services, guaranteeing compliance with privacy requirements. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lio was rapidly adjusted to perform additional functionality like disinfection and remote elevated body temperature detection. It complies with ISO13482 - Safety requirements for personal care robots, meaning it can be directly tested and deployed in care facilities.As students do not qualify as essential health care workers, medical education faced severe disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic including initial suspension of all in-person lectures and on-site rotations. Our Pathology Department was among the first at Northwestern to offer a completely virtual rotation with the goals of (1) providing a comprehensive introduction to the practice of anatomic and clinical pathology, (2) emphasizing uninterrupted and continued excellence in education, and (3) minimizing exposure risk during the pandemic. The innovative 2-week curriculum incorporated diverse teaching modalities including live and recorded lectures; live and recorded video demonstrations; interactive small group discussions; interactive virtual sign-outs; and written and multimedia assignments, quizzes, and projects. The virtual elective ran from March to July 2020 with 52 total participating medical students. On post-rotation evaluations, students rated the pathology virtual elective 4.7/5.0 compared to other virtual rotations and 4.0/5.0 compared to all rotations (including in-person and virtual). Furthermore, continual improvements were made to the established framework based on rotation feedback such that curriculum content was more abundant and more favorably rated by the last cohort when compared to the first. Finally, although students identified interest in over 10 different medical specialties, all participants expressed increased interest in choosing pathology as a specialty and better understanding of pathology's role in patient care. We hope our detailed description of creating and evaluating a completely virtual elective rotation serves as a model for other departments to improve pathology education and visibility.The outbreak of Covid-19 has changed education, including the mechanism of delivery of gross pathology laboratories. Herein, we describe how we revised our preclinical gross pathology lab to a flipped model to fit with COVID-19 regulations. A series of short, session objective-driven videos are made available online. Students are expected to watch the videos before coming to the hands-on lab. Groups of 2 students enter the gross lab on a timed basis and rotate through a series of stations. At each station, students examine gross pathology specimens while answering questions designed to apply the clinical correlation of pathophysiology and heighten observational skills. One or 2 pathologists are available throughout the lab session to address the questions from the students. The design of this laboratory exercise maintains appropriate distancing and hygiene in the time of COVID-19. The laboratory rooms are mapped to set up an appropriate number of timed stations. Flow-through of the rooms is unidirectional. Comparing with the traditional show-and-tell of teaching gross pathology, the renovated flipped model is genuinely student-centered and focuses on active learning. Holding the specimen in their hands, students learn from discovery as they are completely engaged by exploring the specimen and deriving answers themselves. The flipped learning gross pathology method has been very well received and evaluated highly by both faculty and students.On May 11, 2020, the Association of American Medical Colleges released recommendations discouraging in-person activities for away rotations and mandating virtual-only residency recruitment interviews. This paper focuses on how residency programs have attempted to adjust to this vastly different application cycle by using social media to reach their applicants. A total of 138 programs were identified through the Electronic Residency Application Services. The presence of Departmental/Residency program Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as well as web pages offering virtual opportunities was recorded for each program on October 30, 2020. A total of 132 social media accounts were found; the majority of which were on Twitter, while fewer were on Instagram and Facebook. All 138 pathology residency programs had websites. Sixteen (11.5%) of those advertised virtual open houses and 2 (1.4%) advertised virtual subinternships; social media were more often used for advertisement of these virtual experiences. A total of 58 open house opportunities were advertised on Twitter, 21 on Instagram, and 20 on Facebook. Innovative virtual subinternships ranging from 2 to 4 weeks were developed, but only represented 6% of the usual 126 away rotations available. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ms-275.html Pathology programs across the country utilized websites and social media as a method of communication to interact with applicants as part of the #Path2Path in 2020 and to provide virtual opportunities in preparation for a drastically different recruitment cycle. Since the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic there has been widespread concern regarding the possible delay in the diagnosis/treatment of cancer patients. We aimed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of patients with digestive cancer. This was a retrospective study including patients with an inaugural digestive cancer diagnosis discussed for the first time at our center during the weekly digestive oncology reunion (DOR) meeting. The study group was enlisted from March to August 2020, and a control group was sourced from the equivalent period of 2018. Patients with a previous digestive cancer diagnosis/discussion in the DOR were excluded. The following data were collected demographics, referral origin, tumor staging, first DOR discussion timing, treatment, and outcome. A total of 235 patients were included 107 in the study group (65.4% male, mean age 71.59 years); 128 in the control group (54.7% male, mean age 68.16 years). The mean number of clinical discussions per week was higher in 2018 (13.