The development of monoclonal antibodies, sirtuins, and cyclopropovir may provide new treatment options. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail preconceptional cytomegalovirus (CMV) immunity does not protect the fetus from acquiring congenital CMV infection (cCMV). Nonprimary infections due to recurrence of latent infections or reinfection with new virus strains during pregnancy can result in fetal infection. Because the prevalence of cCMV increases with increasing maternal CMV seroprevalence, the vast majority of the cases of cCMV throughout the world follow nonprimary maternal infections and is more common in individuals of lower socioeconomic background. Horizontal exposures to persons shedding virus in bodily secretions (young children, sexual activity, household crowding, low income) probably increase the risk of acquisition of an exogenous nonprimary CMV infection and fetal transmission. In addition, more frequent acquisition of new antibody reactivities in transmitter mothers suggest that maternal reinfection by new viral strains could be a major source of congenital infection in such populations. However, the exact frequency of CMV nonprimary infection in seroimmune women during pregnancy and the rate of intrauterine transmission in these women are yet to be defined. Usually, the birth prevalence of cCMV is high (≥71000) in highly seropositive populations. There is increasing evidence that the frequency and severity of the clinical and laboratory abnormalities in infants with congenital CMV infection born to mothers with nonprimary CMV infection are similar to infants born after a primary maternal infection. This is particularly true for sensorineural hearing loss, which contributes to one third of all early-onset hearing loss in seropositive populations. This brief overview will discuss the need for more research to better clarify the natural history of cCMV in highly seropositive populations, which, in almost all populations, remains incompletely defined. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail cytomegaloviruses (CMVs) are species-specific, the study of nonhuman CMVs in animal models can help to inform and direct research aimed at developing a human CMV (HCMV) vaccine. Because the driving force behind the development of HCMV vaccines is to prevent congenital infection, the animal model in question must be one in which vertical transmission of virus occurs to the fetus. Fortunately, two such animal models-the rhesus macaque CMV and guinea pig CMV-are characterized by congenital infection. Hence, each model can be evaluated in "proof-of-concept" studies of preconception vaccination aimed at blocking transplacental transmission. This review focuses on similarities and differences in the respective model systems, and it discusses key insights from each model germane to the study of HCMV vaccines. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is a leading cause of hearing loss and neurological disabilities in children, with the disease burden and disabilities due to cCMV greater than many other well recognized childhood conditions. A minority of infants with cCMV will have symptoms at birth. Infants with symptomatic cCMV are at higher risk for sequelae than those born without symptoms. The majority of infants with cCMV are asymptomatic at birth, but 10%-15% will develop hearing loss. Although clinical symptoms can help predict which infants will have sensorineural hearing loss, among asymptomatic cCMV there are currently no predictors of adverse outcome. The identification of a biomarker to identify those at highest risk of sequelae is highly desirable to target interventions to those who could potentially benefit. Because there is increasing rationale for establishing both targeted and universal screening programs for cCMV in the United States and worldwide, this is an urgent priority. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection remains an important cause of neurodevelopmental sequelae in infants infected in utero. Unique to the natural history of perinatal HCMV infections is the occurrence of congenital HCMV infections (cCMV) in women with existing immunity to HCMV, infections that have been designated as nonprimary maternal infection. In maternal populations with a high HCMV seroprevalence, cCMV that follows nonprimary maternal infections accounts for 75%-90% of all cases of cCMV infections as well as a large proportion of infected infants with neurodevelopmental sequelae. Although considerable effort has been directed toward understanding immune correlates that can modify maternal infections and intrauterine transmission, the source of virus leading to nonprimary maternal infections and intrauterine transmission is not well defined. Previous paradigms that included reactivation of latent virus as the source of infection in immune women have been challenged by studies demonstrating acquisition and transmission of antigenically distinct viruses, a finding suggesting that reinfection through exposure to an exogenous virus is responsible for some cases of nonprimary maternal infection. Additional understanding of the source(s) of virus that leads to nonprimary maternal infection will be of considerable value in the development and testing of interventions such as vaccines designed to limit the incidence of cCMV in populations with high HCMV seroprevalence. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail