The repair of spinal cord injury (SCI) highly relies on microenvironment remodeling and facilitating the recruitment and neuronal differentiation of endogenous stem/progenitor cells. Decellularized tissue matrices (DTMs) have shown their unique and beneficial characteristics in promoting neural tissue regeneration, especially those derived from the nervous system. Herein, we present a comparative analysis of a DTM hydrogel derived from spinal cord (DSCM-gel) and a decellularized matrix hydrogel derived from peripheral nerves (DNM-gel). The tissue-specificity of DSCM-gel was evaluated both in vitro, using neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) culture, and in vivo, using various materials and biological analyses, including transcriptome and proteomics. It was found that DSCM-gel retained an extracellular matrix-like nanofibrous structure but exhibited higher porosity than DNM-gel, which potentiated NSPCs viability, proliferation, and migration in the early stage of 3D culturing, followed by facilitation of the NSPCs differentiation into neurons. Transcriptome analysis indicated that DSCM-gel regulates NSPCs behavior by modulating integrin α2, α9, and β1 expression profiles along with AKT/ERK related signaling pathways. Proteomics analyses suggest that DSCM specific extracellular matrix proteins, such as the tenascin family (TNC) and some soluble growth factor (FGF2) may contribute to these regulations. Furthermore, in vivo assessments confirmed that DSCM-gel provides a suitable microenvironment for endogenous stem/progenitor cell recruitment and axonal regeneration for bridging the lesion site after a completely transected SCI. Thus, this systematic study provides key insights useful for the development of the tissue-specific DTM biomaterials for translational microenvironment replacement therapies and tissue repair.Glioblastoma (GBM) is considered to be the most aggressive primary brain tumor with an extremely bad prognosis. Recurrence after treatment is a major problem with a survival rate for one year ranging about 39.7%. Ideal outcomes are still difficult to be achieved despite the recent treatment combinations. The ultimate capacity to regrow after resection is considered to be related to the availability of self-regenerating populations of stem cells. We made a literature review interpreting how calcium channels and calcium-regulated proteins mechanistically elaborate glioblastoma virulence in different ways. Calcium channels, and calcium-regulated proteins have shown diverse interconnected roles in shaping different aspects of GBM biology as indicated in some experimental studies. The beneficial prospective of those roles granting GBM different aggressive potentials pose variable applications in targeted therapy whether it is experimental or clinical trials.The Yesso scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay), is one of the most important bivalve species in the Japanese and Chinese mariculture industry. In recent years, however, high incidences of scallop shell deformity and mortality have occurred with increasing frequency, but timing of onset and underlying causes are often unclear. Here, we proposed a promising δ18Oshell-based method for constraining the onset of shell deformity and mortality of P. yessoensis. Following six months of intermediate suspension culture in Funka Bay, Northern Japan, shells from healthy, deformed and dead scallops were randomly sampled. High-resolution seawater temperature time-series computed from healthy scallop shell δ18O profiles were precisely and temporally aligned to the instrumental temperature curve, thus allowing δ18Oshell-derived temperature time-series from deformed and dead scallops to be contextualized and allowing timing of scallop deformity and death to be retrieved. Irrespective of scallop shell length, onsets of deformity were anchored in February, and since then deformed scallops grew slowly in comparison to healthy individuals. Without exception, however, dead scallops had already ceased their shell building and died before February, indicating different underlying causes of scallop deformity and mortality. Perhaps most promisingly, considering that shells do not have any isotopic turn-over and once formed, temperature information is locked in. Thus, this approach holds great promise for identifying time anchor points (onsets of deformity and death) in archived scallops collected over different time scales, especially during massive mortality events.Wastewater-based drug monitoring is a complementary tool that has been used worldwide in recent years, and many cities have periodically reported monitoring results. However, this study is the first to analyze drugs in wastewater in a single city with a high population during four periods simultaneously from 14 treatment plants. The aim was to estimate the consumption of conventional illicit drugs [amphetamine (AMP), methamphetamine (METH), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), cannabis, cocaine, and heroin], tobacco, and alcohol in 2019 for quarterly periods in Istanbul city, which has a population of almost 20 million, to aid in implementing evidence-based measures. Additionally, the seasonal variations among the 14 wastewater treatment plants and their weekday/weekend comparison of drug use patterns and consumption per substance were examined. Solid phase extraction was followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and a previously validated method was enhanced by adding new parameters (morphine, cotinine, and ethyl sulfate), and satisfactory results were obtained. In this study, alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis had the highest estimated per capita consumption with mean values of 29655.3 mL/1000 inh/day, 5507.6 mg/1000 inh/day and 3607.0 mg/1000 inh/day, respectively. These results were followed by heroin and cocaine consumption with mean values of 557.0 and 200.9 mg/1000 inh/day, respectively, whereas AMP-type stimulants had the lowest values among the targeted substances. METH and cannabis were also highly consumed drugs when compared with the results of other metropolitan cities, whereas heroin consumption was remarkably high owing to Turkey's location on a possible heroin trafficking route. Because Istanbul is the business center of the country and has the potential to attract tourists in all four seasons, meaningful seasonal consumption differences were not observed for all substances.