Proton radiotherapy (PRT) may be associated with less neurocognitive risk than photon RT (XRT) for pediatric brain tumor survivors. We compared neurocognitive and academic outcomes in long-term survivors treated with XRT versus PRT. Survivors underwent neurocognitive evaluation >1year after craniospinal (CSI) or focal PRT or XRT. Groups were compared using separate one-way analyses of covariance for the CSI and focal groups. PRT (n=58) and XRT (n=30) subgroups were similar on gender (66% male), age at RT (median=6.5years), age at follow-up (median=14.6years), and government assistance status (32%). PRT and XRT focal groups differed on follow-up interval, shunt history, and total RT dose (all p<.05), whereas PRT and XRT CSI groups differed on follow-up interval, baseline neurocognitive performance score, boost volume, and CSI dose (all p<.05). The PRT focal group outperformed the XRT focal group on inhibition/switching (p=.04). The PRT CSI group outperformed the XRT CSI group on inattention/impuity. The long-term treatment burden, duration of community living, and survival of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) after deep brain stimulation (DBS) implantation are unclear. This study aims to determine the frequency of programming, repeat hardware surgeries (of the intracranial electrode, implantable pulse generator [IPG], and extension-cable), and the timings of residential care and death in patients with PD treated with DBS. In this cross-sectional, population-based study, individual-level data were collected from the Australian government covering a 15-year period (2002-2016) on 1849 patients with PD followed from DBS implantation. The mean DBS implantation age was 62.6 years and mean follow-up 5.0 years. Mean annual programming rates were 6.9 in the first year and 2.8 in subsequent years. 51.4% of patients required repeat hardware surgery. 11.3% of patients had repeat intracranial electrode surgery (including an overall 1.1% of patients who were completely explanted). 47.6% of patients had repeware miniaturization, and improved battery efficiency. Data from a large cohort of patients with PD treated with DBS found that the median life span after surgery is ten years. Repeat hardware surgery, including of the intracranial electrodes, is common. These findings support development of technologies to reduce therapy burden such as enhanced surgical navigation, hardware miniaturization, and improved battery efficiency. Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus (CSF) is widely used as a food ingredient and a traditional Chinese medicine. In China, CSF is cultivated in many places, including Sichuan, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces. The types and chemical contents of CSF from different origins may vary greatly due to the difference in climate and environmental conditions. Therefore, comparing the chemical composition of CSF from various places is vital. To rapidly select potential characteristic compounds for differentiating CSF from different origins. Thirty-one batches of CSF samples from different regions were analysed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography with hybrid quadrupole-orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry. Thereafter, chemometric methods, including principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares discrimination analysis (OPLS-DA), were employed to find differential metabolites among the CSF samples from various origins. PCA revealed 77.9% of the total variance and divided all CSF samples into three categories corresponding to their origins. OPLS-DA displayed better discrimination of CSF from different sources, with R X, R Y, and Q of 0.801, 0.985, and 0.849, respectively. Finally, 203 differential metabolites were obtained from CSF from different origins using the variable importance in projection of the OPLS-DA model, 30 of which were identified, and five coumarin compounds were selected as marker compounds discriminating CSF from different origins. This work provides a practical strategy for classifying CSF from different origins and offers a research foundation for the quality control of CSF. This work provides a practical strategy for classifying CSF from different origins and offers a research foundation for the quality control of CSF. Although immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) myocarditis carries a high reported mortality, increasing reports of smoldering myocarditis suggest a clinical spectrum of disease. Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) remains the gold standard for diagnosis of ICI myocarditis, but different pathologic diagnostic criteria exist. The objective of this study was to classify the spectrum of ICI myocarditis and myocardial inflammation by pathology findings on EMB and correlate this with clinical outcomes. All patients who had EMB at MD Anderson Cancer Center between January 2018 and August 2019 for suspected ICI myocarditis were retrospectively reviewed. A grading system (Grades 0-2) based on the degree of inflammatory infiltrate was developed by pathologists. Cardiovascular outcomes and treatment were compared between grades of pathology. We identified 28 patients who had EMB for suspected ICI myocarditis, of which 18 were positive for myocarditis/inflammation. There were four deaths (two in Grade 2 and two in Grade 1), but only one was attributable to myocarditis. Grade 2 patients had no myocarditis-associated deaths despite having the highest troponin T values (median 2063 pg/mL). Four patients with Grade 1 myocardial inflammation continued ICI without any immunomodulation, and all were alive without adverse cardiovascular events at follow-up. We defined an EMB grading system for ICI myocarditis encompassing a spectrum of histologic findings of inflammatory infiltrates. A subset of low-grade myocardial inflammation patients were able to continue ICI without immunosuppressive therapy. Further studies are needed to identify low-risk patients who can be safely treated with ICI. We defined an EMB grading system for ICI myocarditis encompassing a spectrum of histologic findings of inflammatory infiltrates. A subset of low-grade myocardial inflammation patients were able to continue ICI without immunosuppressive therapy. Further studies are needed to identify low-risk patients who can be safely treated with ICI.