Cervicofacial actinomycosis remains a rare pathogenic finding in the paediatric population. Diagnosis is challenging, as findings are often non-specific and Actinomyces species are generally difficult to culture. Treatment is a prolonged course of antibiotics, either intravenous and oral, often combined with a surgical procedure to remove the lesion. This patient had non-specific intermittent left mandibular pain for 8 months that was eventually attributed to an Actinomyces odontolyticus infection in the mandible. Diagnosis required incisional biopsy, and treatment involved 12 months of oral antibiotics.An 8-year-old boy with a history of multiple neonatal laparotomies, including congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair and an open fundoplication, presented acutely with severe abdominal pain, distension, vomiting and shock. A large abnormal opacity in the left upper quadrant was visible on a plain abdominal radiograph. The patient was taken to the theatre for emergency laparotomy and was found to have a massively distended stomach, the fundus and body of which were necrotic. A subtotal gastrectomy was performed, sparing the viable tissue. The patient went on to make a full recovery. Acute massive gastric dilatation (AMGD) is a rare condition characterised by severe gastric distension. Gastric ischaemia results when intragastric pressure exceeds venous pressure, obstructing venous outflow. It is important to recognise AMGD as a severe complication of fundoplication due to closed-loop gastric obstruction. It should prompt consideration of an early laparotomy in cases where the diagnosis is suspected.Although solitary plasmacytomas may occasionally present as collar bone swellings or fractures, multiple myeloma involving clavicle is extremely rare. Ten to forty per cent of multiple myeloma cases are asymptomatic and are incidental diagnoses. Our case report describes an entirely benign presentation like chronic