Medication management among older adults continues to be a challenge, and innovative electronic medication adherence products have been developed to address this need. The aim of this study is to examine user experience with electronic medication adherence products, with particular emphasis on features, usefulness, and preferences. Older adults, caregivers, and health care providers tested the usability of 22 electronic medication adherence products. After testing 5 products, participants were invited to participate in a one-on-one interview to investigate their perceptions and experiences with the features, usefulness, and preference for electronic medication adherence products tested. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using exploratory inductive coding to generate themes. The first 13 interviews were independently coded by 2 researchers. The percentage agreement and Cohen kappa after analyzing those interviews were 79% and 0.79, respectively. A single researcher analyzed th adequate storage capacity. Electronic medication adherence products have the potential to enable independent medication management in older adults. The choice of a particular product should be made after considering individual preferences for product features, affordability, and the sentiment of the users. Older adults, caregivers, and health care providers prefer electronic medication adherence products that are simple to set up and use, are portable, have easy-to-access medication compartments, are secure, and have adequate storage capacity. Identifying and extracting family history information (FHI) from clinical reports are significant for recognizing disease susceptibility. However, FHI is usually described in a narrative manner within patients' electronic health records, which requires the application of natural language processing technologies to automatically extract such information to provide more comprehensive patient-centered information to physicians. This study aimed to overcome the 2 main challenges observed in previous research focusing on FHI extraction. One is the requirement to develop postprocessing rules to infer the member and side information of family mentions. The other is to efficiently utilize intrasentence and intersentence information to assist FHI extraction. We formulated the task as a sequential labeling problem and propose an enhanced relation-side scheme that encodes the required family member properties to not only eliminate the need for postprocessing rules but also relieve the insufficient training instancneural network model to learn and interpret the implicit relationship and side information of the recognized family members across sentences without relying on heuristic rules. We presented an attention-based neural network along with an enhanced tag scheme that enables the neural network model to learn and interpret the implicit relationship and side information of the recognized family members across sentences without relying on heuristic rules. Technology-assisted self-management programs are increasingly recommended to patients with long-term conditions such as diabetes. However, there are a number of personal and external factors that affect patients' abilities to engage with and effectively utilize such programs. A randomized controlled trial of a multi-modal online program for diabetes self-management (BetaMe/Melon) was conducted in a primary care setting, and a process evaluation was completed at the end of the study period. This process evaluation aimed to examine the utilization patterns of BetaMe/Melon, identify which components participants found most (and least) useful, and identify areas of future improvement. Process evaluation data were collected for intervention arm participants from 3 sources (1) the mobile/web platform (to identify key usage patterns over the 16-week core program), (2) an online questionnaire completed during the final study assessment, and (3) interviews conducted with a subset of participants following the st17000549325; https// The comparative efficacy of balloon-based techniques to prepare severely calcified coronary lesions before stenting remains poorly studied. We sought to compare stent expansion following preparation of severely calcified coronary lesions with either super high-pressure balloon or scoring balloon. In this randomized, open-label trial 74 patients with severely calcified coronary lesions were enrolled at 5 centers in Germany and Switzerland. After unsuccessful lesion preparation with standard non-compliant balloon (<30% reduction of baseline diameter stenosis), participants were randomized to pre-dilation with either super high-pressure balloon or scoring balloon before drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation. The primary endpoint of the study was stent expansion index as assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT). The key secondary endpoints included angiographic, strategy and procedural success. OCT data after DES implantation was available for 70 patients (94.6%). Lesion preparation with super hinsion on intravascular imaging and a signal toward improved angiographic performance.From July 2021 eLife will only review manuscripts already published as preprints, and will focus its editorial process on producing public reviews to be posted alongside the preprints.AAA+ proteases perform regulated protein degradation in all kingdoms of life and consist of a hexameric AAA+ unfoldase/translocase in complex with a self-compartmentalized peptidase. Based on asymmetric features of cryo-EM structures and a sequential hand-over-hand model of substrate translocation, recent publications have proposed that the AAA+ unfoldases ClpA and ClpX rotate with respect to their partner peptidase ClpP to allow function. Here, we test this model by covalently crosslinking ClpA to ClpP to prevent rotation. We find that crosslinked ClpAP complexes unfold, translocate, and degrade protein substrates in vitro, albeit modestly slower than uncrosslinked enzyme controls. Rotation of ClpA with respect to ClpP is therefore not required for ClpAP protease activity, although some flexibility in how the AAA+ ring docks with ClpP may be necessary for optimal function.