Most patients initially received monotherapy (55.4%), of which ACE inhibitors (43.8%) or beta-blockers (32.4%) were the leading drug classes, while 21.7% of patients received no drug therapy during the first year. The treatment strategies of low and high-risk patients resembled each other - high-risk patients also received mostly monotherapy during the first year after diagnosis (53.4%), while 13.7% remained without drug therapy. Combination therapy was the most frequent treatment strategy one year after hypertension diagnosis (40.6%) and in the long term (68.4%).Conclusion Initial treatment strategies may not always be stratified according to cardiovascular risk. The majority of patients with hypertension receives initial monotherapy independent of their individual risk. However, combination therapy represents the major form of therapy in the long-term.Aim Right hemisphere strokes are associated with neuro-behavioural impairments including hemi-inattention, impulsiveness and anosognosia, which can impede stroke recovery and adversely affect carer health. This study explored the impact of associated impairments on carer strain and depression through a mixed methods approach.Method Fifty-one carer-survivor dyads were recruited from inpatient rehabilitation units and followed-up for 6 months. Validated measures assessed survivors' physical and cognitive function and carers' strain and depression levels. Survey methods captured qualitative experiences of the caring role. Data collection occurred at baseline, discharge, 6 weeks post-discharge and 6 months. Multilevel-modelling and thematic data analysis, were employed.Results Carer strain median scores were within normal ranges of the Caregiver Strain Index scale. Carer strain was positively linked to carer depression, number of carers' concerns reported and survivors' anosognosia levels. Carer strain was negatively linked to the survivors' functional and cognitive abili