Potential benefits of treatment for PSH may result from the three main goals eliminating predisposing causes, mitigating excessive sympathetic outflow, and supportive therapy. However, individual pathophysiological differences, therapeutic responses and outcomes, and precision medicine approaches to PSH management are varied and inconsistent between studies. Further, many potential therapeutic drugs might suppress manifestations of PSH in the process of TBI treatment. The purpose of this review is to present current and comprehensive studies of the identification of PSH after TBI in the early stage and provide a framework for symptomatic management of TBI patients with PSH. Copyright © 2020 Zheng, Lei, Yang, Huang and Zhang.The affective bond between an infant and its caregiver, the so-called mother-infant tie, was analyzed by various reputable psychologists (e.g., Ainsworth, Clark, Erikson, Anna Freud, Harlow, Klein, Spitz, and Winnicott) but both the basic tenets of the bond and the importance of the trauma of maternal deprivation for personality disorders in adults were introduced by Bowlby. Although Bowlby was a trained psychoanalyst, he rejected central cornerstones of Freudian theory (esp. drive theory) and used concepts promulgated by renowned ethologists (Tinbergen and Lorenz) to establish his framework of "instinctive behavior" that has been developed further into the concept of "attachment theory" under the influence of Mary Ainsworth. However, since any precise experimental facts were lacking when Bowlby formulated his ideas on the concept of instinctive behavior, the whole framework is a descriptive, category-driven approach (like the ones of Freudian drives). In order to connect the mother-infant tie - as propoundedhholz.Heterosexist and racist discrimination may adversely impact neurobiological processes implicated in the physical and psychosocial well-being of sexually diverse Latinx people. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/l-alpha-phosphatidylcholine.html Yet, little is known about how experiences of both heterosexist and racist discrimination are associated with adrenocortical and psychological functioning in groups of people with multiply marginalized social group identities. Through the application of the intersectionality, minority stress, and allostatic load frameworks, it was hypothesized that experiences of heterosexist and racist discrimination would be associated with disruptions to diurnal salivary cortisol patterns and challenges to identity integration. A group of sexually diverse (self-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer) Latinx emerging adults (N = 51; ages 18-29, M = 24.06 years; SD = 2.73) provided saliva samples and completed a series of questionnaires during a four-day testing protocol. Heterosexist and racist discrimination were both positively associated with challenges to identity integration. Challenges to identity integration, in turn, were associated with lower intercepts of diurnal cortisol slopes, and heterosexist and racist discrimination were indirectly associated with lower cortisol intercepts via challenges to identity integration. These findings suggest that experiences of heterosexist and racist discrimination may interconnect by challenging sexual and ethnic/racial identity integration and disrupting adaptive adrenocortical regulation among sexually diverse Latinx emerging adults. Copyright © 2020 Parra and Hastings.Spoken word recognition involves a perceptual tradeoff between the reliance on the incoming acoustic signal and knowledge about likely sound categories and their co-occurrences as words. This study examined how adult second language (L2) learners navigate between acoustic-based and knowledge-based spoken word recognition when listening to highly variable, multi-talker truncated speech, and whether this perceptual tradeoff changes as L2 listeners gradually become more proficient in their L2 after multiple months of structured classroom learning. First language (L1) Mandarin Chinese listeners and L1 English-L2 Mandarin adult listeners took part in a gating experiment. The L2 listeners were tested twice - once at the start of their intermediate/advanced L2 language class and again 2 months later. L1 listeners were only tested once. Participants were asked to identify syllable-tone words that varied in syllable token frequency (high/low according to a spoken word corpus) and syllable-conditioned tonal probabilityeared to be conditioned by the nature of the acoustic signal. Single-talker speech did not result in the same pattern of probability-based tone processing, suggesting that knowledge-based processing of L2 speech may only occur under certain acoustic conditions, such as multi-talker speech. Copyright © 2020 Wiener and Lee.[This corrects the article DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00805.]. Copyright © 2020 Tomlin, Völlm, Furtado, Egan and Bartlett.Objectives This study aimed to examine whether the CACNA1C gene rs11832738 polymorphism and major depressive disorder (MDD) have an interactive effect on the untreated regional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) and to determine whether regional ALFF mediates the association between CACNA1C rs11832738 and MDD. Methods A total of 116 patients with MDD and 66 normal controls (NCs) were recruited. The MDD and NC groups were further divided into two groups according to genotype carriers of the G allele (G-carrier group, GG/GA genotypes; MDD, n = 61; NC, n = 26) and AA homozygous group (MDD, n = 55; NC, n = 40). MDD was diagnosed based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Depression severity was assessed using the Hamilton Depression Scale-24 (HAMD-24) at baseline and follow-up (after 2 and 8 weeks of treatment). All subjects underwent functional MRI (fMRI) scans at baseline, and the ALFF was calculated to reflect spontaneous brain activity. The interactions betwuence depression severity in MDD patients by moderating spontaneous MFG_R activity. Copyright © 2020 Liu, Hou, Yin, Xie, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang and Yuan.Background Bipolar disorder is a disabling disease characterized by the recurrence of mood episodes. Successful strategies for the acute treatment of bipolar depression are still a matter of controversy. Total sleep deprivation (TSD) has shown acute antidepressant effect; however, the prompt relapse of depressive symptoms after sleep recovery has been reported. Taking this into consideration, we aimed to address a twofold research question what are the acute effects of adding TSD to pharmacological treatment and what are the acute and chronic effects of adding medications to TSD. Methods MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and ClinicalTrials.gov databases were searched for clinical trials assessing bipolar depression and TSD. Two independent reviewers selected and classified 90 abstracts. The outcomes we assessed were change in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) or Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), sustained long-term response rate, treatment-emergent mania or hypomania, and tolerability (using dropout rates as a proxy).