Reference ranges for each biomarker are provided for individuals with mild, moderate, and severe OSA and for non-OSA recordings. Linear regression analysis between biomarkers and the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) showed a high correlation, which reached [Formula see text]. The resulting python OBM toolbox, denoted "pobm", was contributed to the open software PhysioZoo ( ). Studying the variability of the continuous oxygen saturation time series using pbom may provide information on the underlying physiological control systems and enhance our understanding of the manifestations and etiology of diseases, with emphasis on respiratory diseases.Aberrant soluble oligomers formed by the amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) are major pathogenic agents in the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. A variety of biomolecules can influence the formation of these oligomers in the brain, although their mechanisms of action are still largely unknown. Here, we studied the effects on Aβ aggregation of DOPAL, a reactive catecholaldehyde intermediate of dopamine metabolism. We found that DOPAL is able to stabilize Aβ oligomeric species, including dimers and trimers, that exert toxic effects on human neuroblastoma cells, in particular increasing cytosolic calcium levels and promoting the generation of reactive oxygen species. These results reveal an interplay between Aβ aggregation and key biochemical processes regulating cellular homeostasis in the brain.Inner hair cell (IHC) ribbon synapses are the first synapse in the auditory system and can be degenerated by noise and aging, thereby leading to hidden hearing loss (HHL) and other hearing disorders. However, the mechanism underlying this cochlear synaptopathy remains unclear. Here, we report that elevation of extracellular K+, which is a consequence of noise exposure, could cause IHC ribbon synapse degeneration and swelling. Like intensity dependence in noise-induced cochlear synaptopathy, the K+-induced degeneration was dose-dependent, and could be attenuated by BK channel blockers. However, application of glutamate receptor (GluR) agonists caused ribbon swelling but not degeneration. In addition, consistent with synaptopathy in HHL, both K+ and noise exposure only caused IHC but not outer hair cell ribbon synapse degeneration. These data reveal that K+ excitotoxicity can degenerate IHC ribbon synapses in HHL, and suggest that BK channel may be a potential target for prevention and treatment of HHL.PIM1 is a serine/threonine kinase that promotes and maintains prostate tumorigenesis. While PIM1 protein levels are elevated in prostate cancer relative to local disease, the mechanisms by which PIM1 contributes to oncogenesis have not been fully elucidated. Here, we performed a direct, unbiased chemical genetic screen to identify PIM1 substrates in prostate cancer cells. The PIM1 substrates we identified were involved in a variety of oncogenic processes, and included N-Myc Downstream-Regulated Gene 1 (NDRG1), which has reported roles in suppressing cancer cell invasion and metastasis. NDRG1 is phosphorylated by PIM1 at serine 330 (pS330), and the level of NDRG1 pS330 is associated higher grade prostate tumors. We have shown that PIM1 phosphorylation of NDRG1 at S330 reduced its stability, nuclear localization, and interaction with AR, resulting in enhanced cell migration and invasion.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies and leading causes of cancer-related deaths globally. Despite significant advances in therapy, the molecular mechanisms underlying HCC development and progression remain unclear. Here, we aimed to explore the potential role of PDLIM2 in the development and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of HCC via a possible modulation of β-catenin. We first confirmed that PDLIM2 was downregulated in HCC tissues and cells and found lower PDLIM2 expression was associated with worse prognosis in HCC patients. Loss- and gain- of function experiments were performed to evaluate the roles of PDLIM2 and β-catenin in HCC cell proliferation, migration, invasion, EMT, and colony formation. EMT was determined based on the levels of E-cadherin, zonula occludens-1, N-cadherin, and vimentin expression. In vivo, the roles of PDLIM2 and β-catenin in HCC were investigated by using a nude mouse xenograft model. It should be noted that PDLIM2 led to the inhibition of β-catenin activity and its downstream gene expression. Importantly, ectopic PDLIM2 expression inhibited the proliferation, migration, invasion, and EMT of HCC cells by reducing β-catenin expression both in vitro and in vivo, thereby suppressing the occurrence and progression of HCC. Taken together, our results demonstrated that overexpressed PDLIM2 exerts a tumor-suppressive role in HCC by regulating β-catenin. This study suggests that the PDLIM2 may be a promising target for the treatment of HCC.The association between human papillomavirus (HPV) integration and relevant genomic changes in uterine cervical adenocarcinoma is poorly understood. This study is to depict the genomic mutational landscape in a cohort of 20 patients. HPV+ and HPV- groups were defined as patients with and without HPV integration in the host genome. The genetic changes between these two groups were described and compared by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and whole-exome sequencing (WES). WGS identified 2916 copy number variations and 743 structural variations. WES identified 6113 somatic mutations, with a mutational burden of 2.4 mutations/Mb. Six genes were predicted as driver genes PIK3CA, KRAS, TRAPPC12, NDN, GOLGA6L4 and BAIAP3. PIK3CA, NDN, GOLGA6L4, and BAIAP3 were recognized as significantly mutated genes (SMGs). HPV was detected in 95% (19/20) of patients with cervical adenocarcinoma, 7 of whom (36.8%) had HPV integration (HPV+ group). In total, 1036 genes with somatic mutations were confirmed in the HPV+ group, while 289 genes with somatic mutations were confirmed in the group without HPV integration (HPV- group); only 2.1% were shared between the two groups. In the HPV+ group, GOLGA6L4 and BAIAP3 were confirmed as SMGs, while PIK3CA, NDN, KRAS, FUT1, and GOLGA6L64 were identified in the HPV- group. ZDHHC3, PKD1P1, and TGIF2 showed copy number amplifications after HPV integration. In addition, the HPV+ group had significantly more neoantigens. HPV integration rather than HPV infection results in different genomic changes in cervical adenocarcinoma.