Anterior segment dysgenesis is often associated with cornea diseases, cataracts, and glaucoma. In the anterior segment, the ciliary body (CB) containing inner and outer ciliary epithelia (ICE and OCE) secretes aqueous humor that maintains intraocular pressure (IOP). However, CB development and function remain poorly understood. Here, this study shows that NOTCH signaling in the CB maintains the vitreous, IOP, and eye structures by regulating CB morphogenesis, aqueous humor secretion, and vitreous protein expression. Notch2 and Notch3 function via RBPJ in the CB to control ICE-OCE adhesion, CB morphogenesis, aqueous humor secretion, and protein expression, thus maintaining IOP and eye structures. Mechanistically, NOTCH signaling transcriptionally controls Nectin1 expression in the OCE to promote cell adhesion for driving CB morphogenesis and to directly stabilize Cx43 for controlling aqueous humor secretion. Finally, NOTCH signaling directly controls vitreous protein secretion in the ICE. Therefore, this study provides important insight into CB functions and involvement in eye diseases.Intrathymic development of committed progenitor (pro)-T cells from multipotent hematopoietic precursors offers an opportunity to dissect the molecular circuitry establishing cell identity in response to environmental signals. This transition encompasses programmed shutoff of stem/progenitor genes, upregulation of T cell specification genes, proliferation, and ultimately commitment. To explain these features in light of reported cis-acting chromatin effects and experimental kinetic data, we develop a three-level dynamic model of commitment based upon regulation of the commitment-linked gene Bcl11b. The levels are (1) a core gene regulatory network (GRN) architecture from transcription factor (TF) perturbation data, (2) a stochastically controlled chromatin-state gate, and (3) a single-cell proliferation model validated by experimental clonal growth and commitment kinetic assays. Using RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) measurements of genes encoding key TFs and measured bulk population dynamics, this single-cell model predicts state-switching kinetics validated by measured clonal proliferation and commitment times. The resulting multi-scale model provides a mechanistic framework for dissecting commitment dynamics.Radiation sensitive 52 (RAD52) is an important factor for double-strand break repair (DSBR). However, deficiency in vertebrate/mammalian Rad52 has no apparent phenotype. The underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here, we report that RAD52 deficiency increased cell survival after camptothecin (CPT) treatment. CPT generates single-strand breaks (SSBs) that further convert to double-strand breaks (DSBs) if they are not repaired. RAD52 inhibits SSB repair (SSBR) through strong single-strand DNA (ssDNA) and/or poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) binding affinity to reduce DNA-damage-promoted X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing 1 (XRCC1)/ligase IIIα (LIG3α) co-localization. The inhibitory effects of RAD52 on SSBR neutralize the role of RAD52 in DSBR, suggesting that RAD52 may maintain a balance between cell survival and genomic integrity. Furthermore, we demonstrate that blocking RAD52 oligomerization that disrupts RAD52's DSBR, while retaining its ssDNA binding capacity that is required for RAD52's inhibitory effects on SSBR, sensitizes cells to different DNA-damaging agents. This discovery provides guidance for developing efficient RAD52 inhibitors in cancer therapy.Animal nervous systems remodel following stress. Although global stress-dependent changes are well documented, contributions of individual neuron remodeling events to animal behavior modification are challenging to study. In response to environmental insults, C. elegans become stress-resistant dauers. Dauer entry induces amphid sensory organ remodeling in which bilateral AMsh glial cells expand and fuse, allowing embedded AWC chemosensory neurons to extend sensory receptive endings. We show that amphid remodeling correlates with accelerated dauer exit upon exposure to favorable conditions and identify a G protein-coupled receptor, REMO-1, driving AMsh glia fusion, AWC neuron remodeling, and dauer exit. REMO-1 is expressed in and localizes to AMsh glia tips, is dispensable for other remodeling events, and promotes stress-induced expression of the remodeling receptor tyrosine kinase VER-1. Our results demonstrate how single-neuron structural changes affect animal behavior, identify key glial roles in stress-induced nervous system plasticity, and demonstrate that remodeling primes animals to respond to favorable conditions.Macrophage-mediated inflammation is critical in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Here, we describe that, with high-fat, high-sucrose-diet feeding, mature TIM4pos Kupffer cells (KCs) decrease in number, while monocyte-derived Tim4neg macrophages accumulate. In concert, monocyte-derived infiltrating macrophages enter the liver and consist of a transitional subset that expresses Cx3cr1/Ccr2 and a second subset characterized by expression of Trem2, Cd63, Cd9, and Gpmnb; markers ascribed to lipid-associated macrophages (LAMs). The Cx3cr1/Ccr2-expressing macrophages, referred to as C-LAMs, localize to macrophage aggregates and hepatic crown-like structures (hCLSs) in the steatotic liver. In C-motif chemokine receptor 2 (Ccr2)-deficient mice, C-LAMs fail to appear in the liver, and this prevents hCLS formation, reduces LAM numbers, and increases liver fibrosis. Taken together, our data reveal dynamic changes in liver macrophage subsets during the pathogenesis of NASH and link these shifts to pathologic tissue remodeling.Nucleosomes form heterogeneous groups in vivo, named clutches. Clutches are smaller and less dense in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) compared to neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Using coarse-grained modeling of the pluripotency Pou5f1 gene, we show that the genome-wide clutch differences between ESCs and NPCs can be reproduced at a single gene locus. Larger clutch formation in NPCs is associated with changes in the compaction and internucleosome contact probability of the Pou5f1 fiber. Using single-molecule tracking (SMT), we further show that the core histone protein H2B is dynamic, and its local mobility relates to the structural features of the chromatin fiber. H2B is less stable and explores larger areas in ESCs compared to NPCs. The amount of linker histone H1 critically affects local H2B dynamics. Our results have important implications for how nucleosome organization and H2B dynamics contribute to regulate gene activity and cell identity.