This paper examines the predictability of COVID-19 worldwide lethality considering 43 countries. Based on the values inherent to Permutation entropy ( H s ) and Fisher information measure ( F s ), we apply the Shannon-Fisher causality plane (SFCP), which allows us to quantify the disorder an evaluate randomness present in the time series of daily death cases related to COVID-19 in each country. We also use Hs and Fs to rank the COVID-19 lethality in these countries based on the complexity hierarchy. Our results suggest that the most proactive countries implemented measures such as facemasks, social distancing, quarantine, massive population testing, and hygienic (sanitary) orientations to limit the impacts of COVID-19, which implied lower entropy (higher predictability) to the COVID-19 lethality. In contrast, the most reactive countries implementing these measures depicted higher entropy (lower predictability) to the COVID-19 lethality. Given this, our findings shed light that these preventive measures are efficient to combat the COVID-19 lethality.A mathematical model was developed to evaluate and compare the effects and intensity of the coronavirus disease 2019 prevention and control measures in Chinese provinces. The time course of the disease with government intervention was described using a dynamic model. The estimated government intervention parameters and area difference between with and without intervention were considered as the intervention intensity and effect, respectively. The model of the disease time course without government intervention predicted that by April 30, 2020, about 3.08% of the population would have been diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 in China. Guangdong Province averted the most cases. Comprehensive intervention measures, in which social distancing measures may have played a greater role than isolation measures, resulted in reduced infection cases. Shanghai had the highest intervention intensity. In the context of the global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, the prevention and control experience of some key areas in China (such as Shanghai and Guangdong) can provide references for outbreak control in many countries.Estimation of the undocumented cases of COVID-19 is critical for understanding the epidemic potential of the disease and informing pandemic response. The COVID-19 pandemic originated from a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that was formerly identified in 2003. The contagiousness, dynamics of the pathogen, and mobility of the general population incurred the occurrence of underestimation of infection (i.e., the unidentified cases and the gap with the identified cases) that was potentially substantial in magnitude, which was supposed to connect with subsequent cyclical outbreaks in practice. We employed a Susceptible-Infected-Removed-Contained (SIR-C) mathematical model to infer critical epidemiological characteristics associated with COVID-19, then asymptotically simulated the peak sizes and peak dates of the identified and unidentified cases, the underestimation, and the dynamics of the gap. The simulation outcomes indicattions, calibration of DOI from 8 days to 18 days would increase the unidentified peak size by nearly 56% and the peak date by almost 18 days.In this paper, we propose a continuous-time stochastic intensity model, namely, two-phase dynamic contagion process (2P-DCP), for modelling the epidemic contagion of COVID-19 and investigating the lockdown effect based on the dynamic contagion model introduced by Dassios and Zhao [24]. It allows randomness to the infectivity of individuals rather than a constant reproduction number as assumed by standard models. Key epidemiological quantities, such as the distribution of final epidemic size and expected epidemic duration, are derived and estimated based on real data for various regions and countries. The associated time lag of the effect of intervention in each country or region is estimated. Our results are consistent with the incubation time of COVID-19 found by recent medical study. We demonstrate that our model could potentially be a valuable tool in the modeling of COVID-19. More importantly, the proposed model of 2P-DCP could also be used as an important tool in epidemiological modelling as this type of contagion models with very simple structures is adequate to describe the evolution of regional epidemic and worldwide pandemic.This current work studies a new mathematical model for SARS-CoV-2. We show how immigration, protection, death rate, exposure, cure rate and interaction of infected people with healthy people affect the population. Our model is SIR model, which has three classes including susceptible, infected and recovered respectively. Here, we find the basic reproduction number and local stability through jacobean matrix. Lyapunvo function theory is used to calculate the global stability for the problem under investigation. Also a nonstandard finite difference sachem (NSFDS) is used to simulate the results.Digital contact tracing provides an expeditious and comprehensive way to collect and analyze data on people's proximity, location, movement, and health status. However, this technique raises concerns about data privacy and its overall effectiveness. This paper contributes to this debate as it provides a systematic review of digital contact tracing studies between January 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021. Following the PRISMA protocol for systematic reviews and the CHEERS statement for quality assessment, 580 papers were initially screened, and 19 papers were included in a qualitative synthesis. We add to the current literature in three ways. First, we evaluate whether digital contact tracing can mitigate COVID-19 by either reducing the effective reproductive number or the infected cases. Second, we study whether digital is more effective than manual contact tracing. Third, we analyze how proximity/location awareness technologies affect data privacy and population participation. We also discuss proximity/location accuracy problems arising when these technologies are applied in different built environments (i.e., home, transport, mall, park). This review provides a strong rationale for using digital contact tracing under specific requirements. Outcomes may inform current digital contact tracing implementation efforts worldwide regarding the potential benefits, technical limitations, and trade-offs between effectiveness and privacy.