As part of the search for anti-trypanosomal agents, this work presents the production of sixteen derivatives. All of them were obtained from two natural diterpenes, one with kaurane skeleton (ent-kaurenoic acid) and other with a pimarane skeleton (ent-pimaradienoic acid). Then, the eighteen compounds were assayed against epimastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi, with the derivatives showing increase of activity in relation to their precursors. Moreover, the most active derivative presented an IC50 less then 12.5 µM (estimated 0.8 µM), lower than Benznidazole (IC50 = 9.8 µM), used as control. The esterification of acid diterpenes showed to be an interesting way in the search for anti-trypanosomal agents.Reticular erythematous mucinosis (REM) was first described 50 years ago, but only around 100 case reports in English have been published. Its relation with other inflammatory skin disorders is still being debated. We report a case of REM, including the clinical and histopathological findings. Also, a systematic review of 94 English-language reported cases is provided. The described criteria for clinical and histopathological diagnosis are highlighted in order to REM can be confidently diagnosed.From the leaves of Ricinus communis Linn., one new alkaloid, named ricicomin A (1) together with three known ones, ricinine (2), N-demethylricinine (3) and 4-[2-formyl-5-(methoxymethyl)-1H-pyrrol-1-yl]butanoic acid (4) were justified by repeated chromatographic methods. Their structures were determined by comprehensive IR, HR-ESI-MS and NMR analyses. Compound 4 was identified for the first time from the genus Ricinus. DFT-NMR chemical shift calculations and subsequent DP4+ probability methods were applied to confirm the chemical structure of 1. Compounds 1-3 did not display cytotoxic effect against three human cancer cell lines (MCF-7, HepG2 and HeLa) using SRB assay.If heterosexual male victims had been more active in the #MeToo movement, how might they have been judged? Although the #MeToo movement has been regarded as an historic milestone for women who were victimized by men in positions of power, participation in the movement by male victims has been noticeably absent. Research indicates that victims may avoid disclosure if they anticipate negative social reactions, and male victims may attract greater levels of victim blaming than female victims, particularly if their perpetrator was female. The current study investigated attributions of victim blame against a fictional heterosexual male in a between-subjects vignette design. Perpetrator gender and their social influence were manipulated in a sample of 208 college students. Results did not support the hypothesized main effects of perpetrator gender or social influence. Greater blame attributions were made against victims of a male perpetrator compared to one of an unspecified gender. Male participants attributed greater blame than females, and the relationship between shame proneness and blame was moderated by participant gender, males experiencing higher levels of shame engaged in less victim blame. Blame increased when participants believed the court case to be more distressing than the victimizing act. Results support the male rape myth framework, which posits that beliefs about a male victim's experience of his own violation, particularly whether he experienced distress or pleasure, are related to gendered norms of masculinity, which include normative traits of toughness, dominance, and high sexual performance. Implications on the role of gender as a barrier to disclosure by male victims are discussed.Cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction (MI), is the leading cause of death in the western world. Following MI, a large number of cardiomyocytes are lost and inflammatory cells such as monocytes and macrophages migrate into the damaged region to remove dead cells and tissue. These inflammatory cells secrete growth factors to induce degradation of the extracellular matrix in the myocardium and recruit cardiac fibroblasts. However, the contribution of specific macrophage subsets on cardiac cell function and survival in the steady state as well as in the diseased state is not well known. There is an increasing demand for in vitro cardiac disease models to bridge the critical missing link in the existing experimental methods. In this review, studies using in vitro models to examine the interaction between macrophages and cardiac cells, including cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts, are summarized to better understand the complex inflammatory cascade post-MI. The current challenges and the future directions of in vitro cardiac models are also discussed. Detailed and more mechanistic insights into macrophages and cardiac cell interactions during the multiphase repair process could potentially revolutionize the development of treatments and diagnostic alternatives. Impact statement The inflammatory cascade postmyocardial infarction (MI) is very complex. In vitro cardiac disease model studies bridge the critical missing link in the existing experimental methods and provide insights, including multicellular interaction post-MI. Detailed and more mechanistic insights into macrophages and cardiac cell interactions during the multiphase repair process could potentially revolutionize in developing treatments and diagnostic alternatives.This study examines experiences of acquaintance stalking victims (n = 389), recruited from a community sample, by victim and stalker gender and explores factors associated with three measures of fear (fear of harm, perceived capability of stalker to harm, and fear of significant life impact). There were five main findings from this study (a) although research suggests ex-partner stalkers are the most threatening, assaultive, and harassing stalkers, particularly for women, this study shows that a significant number of acquaintance stalking victims experience high levels of fear, threats, life interference, and assault; (b) women had higher stalking-related fear levels and a greater belief that their stalker was capable of harming them regardless of stalker gender, while men stalked by females were least concerned about harm; (c) close to one-quarter of victims had one unknown background factor and one-third indicated not knowing about two or more background factors suggesting variation in the level of victim knowledge about acquaintance stalkers; (d) the number of threats, stalker history of violence to others, the belief that the stalker does not care about severe consequences, and a greater number of unknown stalker background factors were associated with higher stalking-related fear levels and an increased perception that the stalker was capable of harm; and, (e) higher concern about a significant life impact from the stalking was associated with forced confrontations, believing the stalker wanted revenge, victim vulnerability, proxy stalking, and technology facilitated stalking.